Oregon Greetings c:


Active Member
Jun 14, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Corvallis, Oregon
Hello all! Thought I should make a formal introduction since I plan to be here a while haha

My name is Irene, I'm a second-year PhD student attending OSU in the Water Resources Science program along with my new hatchling friend, Kepler. He's an eastern hermann's tortoise and quite the active explorer, taking after his space-telescope namesake already at just under 2 inches. He arrived healthy and happy with the support of Randy at TortStork, who has been fantastic in all communication and correspondence. With some help on here I've been able to ensure he's been set up with good conditions, and hope to keep it that way, possibly also referring others to the same help I received c:

Glad to make your acquaintance!!


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Yvonne G

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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Hi Irene, and welcome to the Forum! You live in the same city as another "queen," @maggie3fan is the queen of slides in her Chevvy IROC!


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2020
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he is absolutely stunning. How old is he?
Did it take a few months for you to receive your baby?
Your dream job sounds fascinating. Would love to know the story as to what made you want to work with our water supply. Is someone else in the family a doctor?

I am waiting for a western hermann's to arrive any day now :)


Active Member
Jun 14, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Corvallis, Oregon
he is absolutely stunning. How old is he?
Did it take a few months for you to receive your baby?
Your dream job sounds fascinating. Would love to know the story as to what made you want to work with our water supply. Is someone else in the family a doctor?

I am waiting for a western hermann's to arrive any day now :)
I'm not exactly sure his age exactly, just that he's a hatchling and around 2 inches. I think they're 'born' around 1.5 inches long? So probably had a chance to grow for at least a couple months. I had been researching getting a hermann for 2-3 years so I had an eye out for available ones from multiple sources. After first contacting TortStork and talking things through, he arrived in only around a week overall with overnight shipping c:

Thank you so much! Not in my family, but I knew in undergrad that I wanted to do something related to directly improving real world conditions. I have a bachelor's in chemistry, while working on it I was in a lab developing materials that can be used to purify water or even collect water from the air in dry climates (metal-organic frameworks). I modeled a ton of aqueous compounds using a computer to determine their solubility in water too, and worked in the Sustainability Center on campus connecting people with conservation efforts and stuff like that. Lots of different things all coming together sort of I suppose hahaha

I'll keep an eye out for when yours arrives, photos and all! I was thinking about finding a tortoise of the western variety for a long time, but in the end I really like eastern coloration, especially as they age c: It's all so exciting, even with the nervousness about doing as well as possible as their caretaker haha


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
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Hey...@RatQueen_Irene... I live 3 miles north of the hospital...I keep special needs turtles and tortoises. Feel free to pm me if you ever need help with your baby...
however...if you have been tail-gated and honked at by a red Camaro...it wasn't me...lol
and I'll be in the 9th street Bi-mart at 9...come on down!!!!

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