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The member formerly known as captain awesome
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ALF liked to eat cats


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PETA targets cases of abuse and unnecessary animal deaths (e.g. fur), they aren't going to go after the Portland Zoo or anything that is doing a good job or rehabing animals.


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DoctorCosmonaut said:
t_mclellan said:

I asked for non-biased news papers/reports, not from sites that sole purpose is bad mouthing PETA (I don't want to read some website called PETA Kills Animals). That is like trying to learn about evolution from a Christian Anti-Evolution website... See the conflict? Try showing me something from the BBC or CNN or the State Department or the FBI and then maybe I'll take that those bs articles for something.

Hows this?

The San Francisco Chronicle.
Search full archive for - Two PETA Employees Arrested in N.C.

Copy of AP article on a rant forum, with photos of those arrested.

Fox news.,2933,159861,00.html


AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association)

Fur Institute of Canada (Recognized by the Canadian Government.)[hr]
Here is a good one also.


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Mar 19, 2009
PETA is against this:

And PETA is against me keeping animals as pets (including my torts) or for my little farm.

So I am strongly against PETA.

Like unions, they did some good things in their early years, but have outgrown there usefullness and are just doing what they can to exist, keep or build upon what power they have, and prey on those who think first with their emotions instead of their brains.

They also admit to using the shock value in their campaigns to get attention. They remain neutral on any human related issues - war, genocide, abortion, etc etc, but claim to be against "speciesism" - meaning they put humans on equal grounds with all animals... Clearly then their neutral stance on human issues vs radical stance on non-human issues is obsurdly hypocritical.

And to take that further, they draw comparisons to the civil rights movement of blacks in America and more disgusting - to the human slave trade and they have a campaign drawing direct comparisons to the Jewish Holocaust.

Their contininued blatant targeting of young school children with their aggressive, shocking, disturbing campaigns are below the belt.

Example: (from
"Your Daddy Kills Animals!"[119] showed a cartoon father gutting a fish, and stated: "Since your daddy is teaching you the wrong lessons about right and wrong, you should teach him fishing is killing. Until your daddy learns it's not fun to kill, keep your doggies and kitties away from him. He's so hooked on killing defenseless animals, they could be next." Another pamphlet, addressing the wearing of fur, was headlined "Your Mommy Kills Animals",[120] and featured a cartoon of a mother slicing a knife into a rabbit's stomach. This comic was the inspiration for the naming of a 2007 documentary film about PETA entitled Your Mommy Kills Animals.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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Any org. that puts people on the same level as animals should be considered dangerous at the very least.


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terryo said:
You obviously agree with me that animals can be confined or kept for our purposes (you have cats, dogs, birds, and Dale). I don't see a big difference between you and I keeping animals, and a zoo doing it- except that the zoo animals benefit more people than our pets do.

I am not against Zoo's that provide the right environment for their animals, but I have never seen a dog, or a cat in a zoo. Most animals in the zoo belong in the wild, not in cages. They are there for the sole purpose of our entertainment.

I see you skipped the mention of Candy's Cockatiel and Cherryhead.

You can make a lot of arguments pro and con zoos- I would suggest that be a different debate, but I would suggest that the opportunity to interact with animals is an important part of teaching people the importance of animals.

PETA info- the Wikipedia article on PETA seems decently balanced, but I cannot say I have studied it in depth.


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t_mclellan said:
DoctorCosmonaut said:
t_mclellan said:

I asked for non-biased news papers/reports, not from sites that sole purpose is bad mouthing PETA (I don't want to read some website called PETA Kills Animals). That is like trying to learn about evolution from a Christian Anti-Evolution website... See the conflict? Try showing me something from the BBC or CNN or the State Department or the FBI and then maybe I'll take that those bs articles for something.

Hows this?

The San Francisco Chronicle.
Search full archive for - Two PETA Employees Arrested in N.C.

Copy of AP article on a rant forum, with photos of those arrested.

Fox news.,2933,159861,00.html


AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association)

Fur Institute of Canada (Recognized by the Canadian Government.)[hr]
Here is a good one also.

That talks about two volunteers that went rogue (not about PETA exactly). And you just posted the same news story over and over again just from different venues. I still feel like you are trying to make a lot more out of not much.

I decided to bow out of this argument... takes too much time and energy and I often feels it useless. Good luck everyone else! lol


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I got a giggle out of this... he did, didn't he. That's actually the pet I need... but wait... was ALF a person or animal... If he was considered a person... that would be slavery...

I'm the one who said we should keep it earth bound.

dmmj said:
ALF liked to eat cats

Ironically... the idea of a pet is to teach humanity... without taking out a human.

There are a few books on this topic...


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Dec 4, 2009
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Guys I truly appreciate the attempts at levity but I think it detracts from trying to gently guide people to information they may not be aware of.
By simply doing a little research it is quite easy to see that there is an agenda that most well meaning animals lovers are simply not aware of.
To those who were sidetracked by the off topic talk I encourage you to please read some of Ingrid NewKirks' statements regarding pet ownership and her support of the ALF (ANIMAL LIBERATION FRONT).

As a comparison I an an avid gun owner yet I am educated enough in the NRA's politics that I understand they are completely irrational and use misleading propoganda to spread their message. The same applies to groups such as PETA, HSUS, ALF, etc.
Please folks take time to thoroughly investigate exactly what it is you are lending your support to.


10 Year Member!
Jun 22, 2008
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Gilchrist Co., Florida
DoctorCosmonaut said:
t_mclellan said:
DoctorCosmonaut said:
t_mclellan said:

I asked for non-biased news papers/reports, not from sites that sole purpose is bad mouthing PETA (I don't want to read some website called PETA Kills Animals). That is like trying to learn about evolution from a Christian Anti-Evolution website... See the conflict? Try showing me something from the BBC or CNN or the State Department or the FBI and then maybe I'll take that those bs articles for something.

Hows this?

The San Francisco Chronicle.
Search full archive for - Two PETA Employees Arrested in N.C.

Copy of AP article on a rant forum, with photos of those arrested.

Fox news.,2933,159861,00.html


AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association)

Fur Institute of Canada (Recognized by the Canadian Government.)[hr]
Here is a good one also.

That talks about two volunteers that went rogue (not about PETA exactly). And you just posted the same news story over and over again just from different venues. I still feel like you are trying to make a lot more out of not much.

I decided to bow out of this argument... takes too much time and energy and I often feels it useless. Good luck everyone else! lol

I deliberately RE-posted those from actual "NEWS" sites as requested. I also showed the exact same links that were from "Official" sites.
Now I must agree that this is very time consuming I posted what was requested because someone else didn't feel like looking for it them selves!
If any one wants to look into this feel free I'll even give you a clue, search for;
Animal+activist+charged. You will get plenty of info from around the world!
Go to the home sites of, PETA / HSUS / ELF / ALF & read what is there!
All of these organizations are involved with one another "EXEPT" the HSUS.
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is ONLY a Lobbying organization.
They have no visible ties to the other organizations. They do however further the activists agenda by lobbying for bills in Washington. They also deliberately mislead the public as to what "DONATION" money goes for.

FOX 13 Utah (current),0,3641752.story

NY Daily News. (current)


I suppose I should have said that the majority of "Animal activists are TERRORIST organizations & PETA SUPORTS THEM ALL!
That's the jist of what I was saying. If someone doesn't believe that simple truth.
Prove that its wrong! These are people that do not care about, You or your children / Home / Property! The only care about forcing everyone to submit to there ideas of "Right & Wrong"
Now I'm done!
I think!


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The main planks of PETA are (from their website):
1. Animals Are Not Ours to Eat
2. Animals Are Not Ours to Wear
3. Animals Are Not Ours to Experiment On
4. Animals Are Not Ours to Use for Entertainment
5. Animals Are Not Ours to Abuse in Any Way

I really don't understand these points in many ways. For one thing, the whole idea of animals having rights without some form of attendant responsibilities seems odd. Where did the rights come from?

1. It is OK for animals to eat animals, but not for us?

The way I see that is, every animal has the guts to kill and eat its own food, I dont know about other countries but here in the UK not many of us will kill for our own food. People preferr it to be killed for them! I am a vegetarian and my quote is ''if you can physically kill it. Then you eat it''
(not trying to make any1 veggie BTW):D

2. Would relate to #1. If we can eat them, we can certainly use every part of them to avoid waste. I disagree with the idea of fur farms, but have no problem with using inedible materials of food animals.

Now yes I do agree to this, although i am veggie, I am thankful to slaughter houses etc use all well most of the animal and do not waste any so that does please me

3. Some of the board members of PETA are diabetic or have other conditions that the cures for involve animals in the testing or production. They are on record as feeling that this policy does not apply to them for some reason or another. While I am not fond of the type of testing, I want to be DANG sure that a medicine that my wife or children use is safe and effective on humans. (Cleaners, cosmetics, etc. being tested this way really should stop and be made with safer ingredients in the first place.)

For me I dont believe in animal testing, I do think it is horrid so I do not wear animal tested products or use products with animal in them.

If I am honest you guys. that was my opinion (in green) I have never heard of these charities/organisations or what ever they are so I cant judge!

Kym xx


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I think Alf gets a pass from PETA, since I think technically he's considered an animal, so eating an animal is ok. At least that seems to be the justification anyways. Not like man is here to have (and has) dominion over the plants, the animals, the earth, or anything....

There's nothing PETA would love more than to have us all give up the ability of keeping pets. They're not going to admit that out loud - they know better. But it's certainly in the long term agenda.

Leave it to Wiki to suggest that PETA is "balanced," or whatever term was used.

I have a cousin that is a member of PETA. She never admits it, but we caught her in a photo with a PETA shirt on. She's been made fun of ever since.


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There's nothing PETA would love more than to have us all give up the ability of keeping pets. They're not going to admit that out loud - they know better. But it's certainly in the long term agenda.
That statement is absolutely .....

So you're saying that every time a Senator, President,......or any other political figure does something that would be considered bad, and is in the paper (rags) that means we are to discredit the government and all politicians? Or.....every time a priest, rabbi shown in a bad light, we should discredit that particular religion? And on and on and on..........
In every organization there are good people and bad people, people who are over zealous in their attempt to get their point across. People who do wrong things in the name of blah, blah, blah.......I don't read the NY Times any more, nor the Daily News any more....I don't watch the news on channel 7 either....I like people who report all they news, not just what they want us to read or see. Show me some articles saying the good that PETA has done.....
Anyone could pick out a few newspaper articles that they like for others to read.
There's really not too much more to debate about this as far as I'm concerned. The bottom line is that there are good and bad in every organization. I read your, now read mine.......


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Thanks to PETA’s long campaign to push PETCO to take more responsibility for the animals in its care, the company agreed to stop selling large birds in all its stores

Oh geez, they're going after sulcatas again LOL!

I don't disagree that there's good and bad in every company or organization. Always has been and always will be. There has been abused animals in the past (not so much anymore), and to a large degree, the abuse of those animals has benefitted humans in huge ways. Not that I'm ok with it either, but it wasn't done "for fun."

PETA still campaigns with the use of photos of abused animals from 20 years ago, giving the impression that it's happening every day in every city. It's misleading, but it works in their campaign, so they keep doing it. It's just like the photos of the siezed tortoise shipments from the 70's and 80's that are still used to show how bad shipping conditions are during importation. Sure there were a few bad batches, mispacked shipments, but things have changed for the most part (due to losses in transit and law enforcement - not because PETA was there to save the day). Nobody shows the well packed recent shipments.

Plus, you know they're crazy when they threw a fit about the president swatting a fly. They harassed my buddy fishing in Florida a few months back for using live bait while fishing.


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I can't wait to read this Terry. Thanks for posting it. I believe like you do there are good and bad in everything. :)


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Mar 19, 2009
terryo said:
So you're saying that every time a Senator, President,......or any other political figure does something that would be considered bad, and is in the paper (rags) that means we are to discredit the government and all politicians?

This isn't about a few bad apples. We are talking about the foundational agenda of the organization. Do you support the campaign targeting young children that I posted above? The one warning my kids that I'll probably kill their pet kitty or puppy next? Somebody puts a flyer like that in my kid's hands, that dumbass terrorist is going for a ride in an ambulance!

Do you like their campaign that says that YOU are just like the Nazi's and YOU are just like a slave owner?

This is just the tip of the iceburg. The point being, it isn't fringe elements in the group we are discussing, but the core agenda and beliefs of those in charge!

And they do have direct financial support and verbal support of violent terrorists. Are you happy that some of YOUR contributions to PETA could have gone toward terrorism?


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Kymiie said:
The way I see that is, every animal has the guts to kill and eat its own food, I dont know about other countries but here in the UK not many of us will kill for our own food. People preferr it to be killed for them! I am a vegetarian and my quote is ''if you can physically kill it. Then you eat it''

Kym xx

Dang. Now all the scavengers and other consumers in nature have to go hungry. :(


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Makes me think... how many Vegan tigers do you know?????

Actually... this discussion sets us apart from all others... the ability to reason.

When's the last time you saw a Lion or Tiger sitting around the camp fire... " Should we eat it... I don't know... that is kinda mean... you gotta figure it has feelings also... what do you think... hell I'm hungry... but... I kinda do feel sorry for it... but it's already dead..." well... you get the idea.

Madkins007 said:
Kymiie said:
The way I see that is, every animal has the guts to kill and eat its own food, I dont know about other countries but here in the UK not many of us will kill for our own food. People preferr it to be killed for them! I am a vegetarian and my quote is ''if you can physically kill it. Then you eat it''

Kym xx

Dang. Now all the scavengers and other consumers in nature have to go hungry. :(


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Im pretty sure I could kill anything with a big enough metal bat. ...and maybe a sidearm.
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