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The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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let's see calling fish sea kittens to scare children away from eating fish, comparing eating chicken to the jewish holocaust I could go on and on, they are fringe believers they just don't say one thing once in awhile they do it constantly.


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I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time... thank you... seriously.

That's bumper sticker material.

Reminds me of a cartoon... it was of a kid who had a tiger as a friend... the name is on the tip of the tongue but I just can't think of it.

There was one episode where there are a bunch of gun wielding deer standing in a classroom with dead kids all over the place with the deer proudly standing over their quest.

The humor was along the lines of the Far Side by Garry Larson.

Rhyno47 said:
Im pretty sure I could kill anything with a big enough metal bat. ...and maybe a sidearm.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Calvin and hobbes most likely the funniest cartoon ever IMHO


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THAT'S IT... Thanks.

When Larson left they picked up the slack. Do you remember the panel I'm talking about? I have it saved... somewhere.

dmmj said:
Calvin and hobbes most likely the funniest cartoon ever IMHO


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TylerStewart said:
There has been abused animals in the past (not so much anymore),

Seriously? Have you ever worked in animal rescue?

Here's 10 different stories about abused animals, just from plugging "animal abuse" into google news.

On a lager scale, Ringling Brothers were just busted (again) for abusing a baby elephant, Mcdonald's meat manufacturers still kill their chickens by first paralyzing them with electric shock, and then slitting their throats, still fully conscious and aware of pain (an incredibly outdated method, fyi) a company called "Wild Creations" which supplies african dwarf frogs to "EcoAquarium" and "Frog-O-Sphere" was busted earlier this month for keeping frogs in conditions so horrible they were a hazard to human health.

This is what I learned from about 5 minutes of research. If you want to hear more, I will gladly find it for you.

Also, I love the hypocrisy going on with all the off-topic posts. If I mentioned calvin and hobbes in an "anti-sulcata" thread, you dudes would be up in arms. Ridiculous.


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Let's take it back to the stone age... sticks and stones.

It would be so much cheaper just to cut the chickens neck and bleed it.

There are abuses but there is also reasonable response. You can't make blanket statements.

Your 'research' is what causes this atmosphere. You are reading material out of context. You're eating what they feed you.

Kayti said:
TylerStewart said:
There has been abused animals in the past (not so much anymore),

Seriously? Have you ever worked in animal rescue?

Here's 10 different stories about abused animals, just from plugging "animal abuse" into google news.

On a lager scale, Ringling Brothers were just busted (again) for abusing a baby elephant, Mcdonald's meat manufacturers still kill their chickens by first paralyzing them with electric shock, and then slitting their throats, still fully conscious and aware of pain (an incredibly outdated method, fyi) a company called "Wild Creations" which supplies african dwarf frogs to "EcoAquarium" and "Frog-O-Sphere" was busted earlier this month for keeping frogs in conditions so horrible they were a hazard to human health.

This is what I learned from about 5 minutes of research. If you want to hear more, I will gladly find it for you.

Also, I love the hypocrisy going on with all the off-topic posts. If I mentioned calvin and hobbes in an "anti-sulcata" thread, you dudes would be up in arms. Ridiculous.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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-EJ said:
THAT'S IT... Thanks.

When Larson left they picked up the slack. Do you remember the panel I'm talking about? I have it saved... somewhere.

dmmj said:
Calvin and hobbes most likely the funniest cartoon ever IMHO

I own every calvin and hobbes book ever writtern and yes I remember it he did several about deer's thining the herd of people so we would not overpopulate.


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Kayti said:
TylerStewart said:
There has been abused animals in the past (not so much anymore),

Seriously? Have you ever worked in animal rescue?

Here's 10 different stories about abused animals, just from plugging "animal abuse" into google news.

On a lager scale, Ringling Brothers were just busted (again) for abusing a baby elephant, Mcdonald's meat manufacturers still kill their chickens by first paralyzing them with electric shock, and then slitting their throats, still fully conscious and aware of pain (an incredibly outdated method, fyi) a company called "Wild Creations" which supplies african dwarf frogs to "EcoAquarium" and "Frog-O-Sphere" was busted earlier this month for keeping frogs in conditions so horrible they were a hazard to human health.

This is what I learned from about 5 minutes of research. If you want to hear more, I will gladly find it for you.

Also, I love the hypocrisy going on with all the off-topic posts. If I mentioned calvin and hobbes in an "anti-sulcata" thread, you dudes would be up in arms. Ridiculous.

I was referring to a commercial standpoint - where monkeys brains were being tested, etc. It's not happening much anymore (besides probably in other countries). Comparing that to animals in a shelter is different (which is non-commercial abuse).

Like EJ said, you're reading and believing what's being fed in your search. It's easy to find anything you want to hear by doing a search for it specifically. There is "all sorts of proof" that man walked on the moon. There is also "all sorts of proof" that he didn't. It just depends what you're searching for.

Your hypocrisy statement is again out of context. This was humorous smalltalk about a comic. Yours was ranting about a debate that was going on in a neighboring thread.

Yvonne G

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When you enter info into a search engine, your results are going to be skewed towards the bias you've entered in the search engine. For instance if I enter "Animal Abuse on the Rise" then all the answers come back that verify that yes, its on the rise. Or I could enter "animal Abuse on the Decline," and then most of the answers come back skewed towards that request.

The internet is a wonderful thing and makes it so very easy to do research, but you have to be reasonable and understand that you get out of it what you put into it.


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Well I am done here. Animal abuse is a very serious issue to me. I do feel bad that so many people are so misinformed about PETA. It's also unfortunate that some people believe the extremist's, who say that they represent PETA while doing their dirty deeds, where in reality they only represent themselves. And again.....there is good and bad in EVERY organization. I chose to look at the good they are matter when it was done.


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Animal cruelty is a very serious issue with me as well. When did supporting a radical group become a requirement to show ones compassion for animals?
Many on those who are "uninformed" are in actuality past members of PETA who have finally discovered the extreme nature of this group.
As far as believing the extremists who claim to represent them, it really isn't too far of a stretch considering the founder and president of PETA is on record several times supporting terrorist acts.
I feel bad for those who blindly follow a pied piper who tells them what they want to hear particulary when the truth is so easily discovered.
I'll bow out now as well.

terryo said:
Well I am done here. Animal abuse is a very serious issue to me. I do feel bad that so many people are so misinformed about PETA. It's also unfortunate that some people believe the extremist's, who say that they represent PETA while doing their dirty deeds, where in reality they only represent themselves. And again.....there is good and bad in EVERY organization. I chose to look at the good they are matter when it was done.


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Kayti said:
TylerStewart said:
There has been abused animals in the past (not so much anymore),

Seriously? Have you ever worked in animal rescue?

Here's 10 different stories about abused animals, just from plugging "animal abuse" into google news.

On a lager scale, Ringling Brothers were just busted (again) for abusing a baby elephant, Mcdonald's meat manufacturers still kill their chickens by first paralyzing them with electric shock, and then slitting their throats, still fully conscious and aware of pain (an incredibly outdated method, fyi) a company called "Wild Creations" which supplies african dwarf frogs to "EcoAquarium" and "Frog-O-Sphere" was busted earlier this month for keeping frogs in conditions so horrible they were a hazard to human health.

This is what I learned from about 5 minutes of research. If you want to hear more, I will gladly find it for you.

Also, I love the hypocrisy going on with all the off-topic posts. If I mentioned calvin and hobbes in an "anti-sulcata" thread, you dudes would be up in arms. Ridiculous.

Isn't that the truth about going off topic. I'm surprised it wasn't moved to another thread.

I see you skipped the mention of Candy's Cockatiel and Cherryhead.

Actually Madkins I rescued these from the street(one was in pretty bad shape when my boys found him) and if I could I would gladly set them free, but if I did that it would be instant death to them. They could not survive outside on their own. And all of my cats are rescued I don't even care that much for cats, but I could not let them go hungry.


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Mar 19, 2009
terryo said:
Well I am done here. Animal abuse is a very serious issue to me. I do feel bad that so many people are so misinformed about PETA. It's also unfortunate that some people believe the extremist's, who say that they represent PETA while doing their dirty deeds, where in reality they only represent themselves. And again.....there is good and bad in EVERY organization. I chose to look at the good they are matter when it was done.

Well, it is too bad you didn't answer my questions. I would sure like to know where you stand on their campaigs I noted. And the fact that PETA money has been traced to ALF and other terrorist organizations and individuals.

There are other organizations that do great things for animals that aren't so wacko and dangerous. Why not support one of them instead?


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Chad, I don't hand out pamphlets, bomb testing facilities, throw paint at people wearing fur coats, carry signs in front of circuses, and certainly don't exploit small children for my beliefs. I give $15. a year and receive a newsletter in the mail, which makes me a member of the PETA. I do not condone a lot of the things that the PETA has been made responsible for. As I said there are good and bad in every organization. I also don't believe half of what I most articles are someone's opinion, other than fact. I belong to many other organizations besides the PETA.
I have taught my children at a very young age about the realities of the world. My children have refused to chop up frogs in school....piglets in college etc., in the name of science, and many other things, according to their own judgement. I have done things in the name of "rescue" that you might consider radical, when I was younger.
I don't know what else to say, except that when I see pictures like this:
and know that these people are trying to stop this, then I think my $15 is well worth it.
Should they apply terrorist tactics to accomplish this? We may have a difference of opinions on that one, as I have never been one to sit around and do nothing when I see cruelty in any form.


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Mar 19, 2009
terryo said:
Chad, I don't hand out pamphlets, bomb testing facilities, throw paint at people wearing fur coats, carry signs in front of circuses, and certainly don't exploit small children for my beliefs.

What's the difference between doing it and paying others to do it?

I'm surprised you still won't directly answer the questions. I listed specific factual PETA campaigns:

Do you approve of them or not? By your statements, I'm having to conclude that you do.

And if so, next time I post pics of my kids and I fishing or enjoying our little farm and various pets - please be honest and let me know how evil you really think I am instead of giving a dishonest compliment. Now if I have this wrong, I appologize. Just really trying to understand where you are coming from. And I am with you on helping animals and protecting them from abuse. But I also have no problem eating meat, hunting, fishing, killing pest animlas like insects and rats, going to the zoo, and so forth.


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chadk said:
And the fact that PETA money has been traced to ALF and other terrorist organizations and individuals.

Where did you hear that?

I would like to add that I find it so weird that some of you care so much about their reptiles, but does not care if an aniamal is abused or about animal cruelty.
I do not understand that about the human race (I am not talking about anyone in particular, I said the human race) they think that they own everything, everything in the sea, in the sky, on earth and even in the space!


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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I find it a little funny tht someone can support financially an Org. and then say I don't of course agree with some of their policies but I give my X dollars a month/year to them. I think it would be the same as contributing to an org. that blows up abortion clinicns, or an org. that burns down ski resorts and SUV dealerships, but saying Well I don't blow the place/burn them up but I do give money to that org. And you can care about animals and not belong to PETA.


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dmmj said:
And you can care about animals and not belong to PETA.

Of course you can, I was not talking about people who does not belong to PETA, I was talking about the way some people talk here.
Here, we have the SPCA, and they do wonderful things for animals, they save dogs from puppymils, they save abused animals, they fight against the foie gras... A world like the one we live today needs organisation like that.
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