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If PETA had actually been traced to funding ELF or ALF, they would have been in serious doodoo from the FBI and other authorities. ALF is a registered terrorist group, funding it is illegal and would result in the closing of PETA.... So you are saying you have done a better job than the FBI and cracked the case and finally tied them to terrorism? You are one hell of a detective! ... cough cough


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DoctorCosmonaut said:
If PETA had actually been traced to funding ELF or ALF, they would have been in serious doodoo from the FBI and other authorities. ALF is a registered terrorist group, funding it is illegal and would result in the closing of PETA.... So you are saying you have done a better job than the FBI and cracked the case and finally tied them to terrorism? You are one hell of a detective! ... cough cough

I agree with you 100%!!!! That is exactly what I think. Good point Jordan!


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I do not know the website We can't believe all that we see on the internet.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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They actually gave links to peta and their funding but if you don't want to believe then nothing I post will change peoples minds, research and then decide for yourselves, I just posted one of many I found. People always ask for "proof" and lnks and then say I don't believe your links.


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chadk said:
terryo said:
Chad, I don't hand out pamphlets, bomb testing facilities, throw paint at people wearing fur coats, carry signs in front of circuses, and certainly don't exploit small children for my beliefs.

What's the difference between doing it and paying others to do it?

I'm surprised you still won't directly answer the questions. I listed specific factual PETA campaigns:

Do you approve of them or not? By your statements, I'm having to conclude that you do.

And if so, next time I post pics of my kids and I fishing or enjoying our little farm and various pets - please be honest and let me know how evil you really think I am instead of giving a dishonest compliment. Now if I have this wrong, I appologize. Just really trying to understand where you are coming from. And I am with you on helping animals and protecting them from abuse. But I also have no problem eating meat, hunting, fishing, killing pest animlas like insects and rats, going to the zoo, and so forth.

Chad, I did not answer your post, because it upset me that you felt you had to put pictures of you children into this debate. It is supposed to be a friendly debate. I would not post pictures of the things my children do in the name of their conscience, for others to comment on. You felt the need to and that is your business. I didn't want to comment on it. As for the silly pictures of comic books.....have you ever heard the word propaganda? It has been used in almost every war, election, etc. Another ridiculous thing to me, so I didn't comment on that either. As for the boycott article....I don't read newspaper articles that only tell one side, and fabricate things.
If I make a post on your beautiful pictures and children....I mean it or I don't post. If you rather I didn't comment on them any more I wont.
I am not asking anyone to support PETA....and I will say it again...IMHO...they do more good than they do bad. If there is a way that they can help the poor defenseless elephants, testing animals, etc....I will support them with my $15. I have contributed to many charitable organizations in the a point where some Christmas's were almost non existent in my home. I am also not a person who likes to argue. I have fostered many animals in the past that have suffered abuse, and kept the one's that couldn't be adopted. I have also shed many tears for the one's that it was too late to help. My belief's about hunting, guns, killing of any animals, are mine alone and I do not force them on anyone.
I don't think I will ever participate in another debate seems that people's true colors come out when we stand up for our beliefs.....and that is good for some....too hurtful for me.


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I'm sorry Terry. I really don't want to argue and certainly don't want to hurt your feelings. Honestly. And I respect that you don't want to force your views on anyone. Yet that is exactly what PETA does as they relentlessy attack my rights (to fish, hunt, eat what I want, own pets that I want, etc etc) and my children with their sick and twisted flyers making me out to be a puppy killer. They do everything in their power to force their twisted morality on everyone else. So yes, I do take that personally and I like to help others who would support PETA know the true depravity of that terrorist organization.


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Chad even with the flyers it's not going to influence my decision to like or dislike PETA. One reason is that I raise my children and they're going to come into contact with all kinds of things that I don't agree with. I think this might upset you more because it's more about you and what you do (fishing, hunting and so on). It's the same with the cigarette adds that are put out there to kids does that make them smoke more or is it because their own parents do it? Who knows? The flyers are not all wrong because you stated that they put on them that people kill fish and also kills rabbits to wear...well they do and how do they kill them? Probably by suffocating the fish and slicing the rabbit with a knife just as you said PETA says. Now I know I'll get flack on this from you, but what have I said that you didn't state as PETA's fact? The way I feel about certain adds is that I will have to explain it to my kids the best way I know how and hope that they do the right thing, that's all. But to call an organization bad because you are taking the adds or flyers personally is not going to give me the facts behind them. Now I've got to admit there's a lot of reading that people have posted on here that I'm going to get to (right now I'm way too busy) and then I hopefully will get a better understanding of PETA.


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dmmj said:
They actually gave links to peta and their funding but if you don't want to believe then nothing I post will change peoples minds, research and then decide for yourselves, I just posted one of many I found. People always ask for "proof" and lnks and then say I don't believe your links.

Do not take it personal, but there is a lot of lies on the internet so I do not believe everything I see.


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Mar 19, 2009
Candy said:
The flyers are not all wrong because you stated that they put on them that people kill fish and also kills rabbits to wear...well they do and how do they kill them? Probably by suffocating the fish and slicing the rabbit with a knife just as you said PETA says. Now I know I'll get flack on this from you, but what have I said that you didn't state as PETA's fact

Thanks Candy - appreciate your openess.

Please see the link to the flyers in question. And YES they are 100% wrong, sick, twisted, and ignorant.

First off, please note they say that kids need to be careful as Daddy may kill your puppy or kitten next!!! Do you call THAT a factual statement????? Sheesh...

My kids are well aware of how I kill animals for food or other reasons. No secrets there. Just honesty.

As for the "how" of killing fish or rabbits or other animals... Again, WAY off base. No, I don't suffocate fish! No, I don't slash the belly of a rabbit! I do clean, fast, humane kills. No pain, just a quick 'lights out'. And no, I don't get some sick satisfaction from it or look like a deranged psycho while doing it.


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I'm just wondering how that fish was killed in that picture that you posted earlier? I thought you said that you fished? I know how people fish my father used to fish. I remember going with him as a little girl (one time only) It upset me so bad that I wanted to throw them back into the water because I saw them suffering. I mean they do jump around in the bucket because they can't breathe right? I mean if there's no water then how do you figure that they are not suffering Chad? Explain that to me. I'm sorry I know that I don't feel the same way as you do and that's O.K. I'm not asking you to. I'm just saying that part of what PETA is saying is right. If people kill to wear fur coats it's wrong just plain wrong. Now fishing or hunting because you are hungry and feeding your family is not what I'm talking about, but if your hunting or fishing for plain pleasure I don't agree.


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Chad, this is the kid's site on PETA. The comic books that you speak of and posted here are just propaganda used to discredit them.... NOT put out by PETA. All through the years there were many propaganda pamphlets distributed, discrediting one party or the president or the other...Many of these pamphlets were said to be put out by the people they were discrediting, but they were not. PETA does many things that are radical with a total disrespect for authority. I am not condoning this, but in doing so, have made lots of headway in saving lives. Still not saying they are right....but...There are over zealous radicals in every organization, and in every generation.
As a side note.....When times were tough, and there were many, my children and I would fish for our supper....then we would bury the remains in our veg. garden.....I always tried to teach them to give back when they received. I am not against fishing for food. I did teach my children that to kill anything for one's pleasure was wrong. I am not pushing these belief's on anyone....they are just mine.


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Mar 19, 2009
Candy said:
I'm just wondering how that fish was killed in that picture that you posted earlier? I thought you said that you fished? I know how people fish my father used to fish. I remember going with him as a little girl (one time only) It upset me so bad that I wanted to throw them back into the water because I saw them suffering. I mean they do jump around in the bucket because they can't breathe right? I mean if there's no water then how do you figure that they are not suffering Chad? Explain that to me. I'm sorry I know that I don't feel the same way as you do and that's O.K. I'm not asking you to. I'm just saying that part of what PETA is saying is right. If people kill to wear fur coats it's wrong just plain wrong. Now fishing or hunting because you are hungry and feeding your family is not what I'm talking about, but if your hunting or fishing for plain pleasure I don't agree.

Again, I do quick clean kills. Fish are killed quickly. A whack in the back of the head and "lights out". Yes, some guys put them in buckets and they eventually die. But now days, most guys don't - mainly because it is not good for the meat quality...

And look at the rabbit example - they make it seem like we slice open live rabbits... Geez...

Again, look at the link please. Do you really think it is fine to make kids see their parents as derranged murderers ready to kill their pet kittens??

And that is really small apples compared to other propaganda they use (comparing to jewish holocaust or human slavery). They admit to doing it for shock value. They are the lunatics, not the 99% of the world's population that has no problem with animals for food and other uses.

I just heard their is a company that is getting close to a cancer cure. They are currently in the stages of testing on rats. It is a painless procedure using radio waves. But PETA would love to put a stop to that.

terryo said:
The comic books that you speak of and posted here are just propaganda used to discredit them.... NOT put out by PETA.

Again you are sorely mistaken. Please do a little more research before making such claims. is a MAJOR PETA campaign. Major. The cartoon I linked is directly from that site which is directly from PETA's main site.

And here is another taken DIRECTLY from their site:

terryo said:
As a side note.....When times were tough, and there were many, my children and I would fish for our supper....then we would bury the remains in our veg. garden.....I always tried to teach them to give back when they received. I am not against fishing for food. I did teach my children that to kill anything for one's pleasure was wrong. I am not pushing these belief's on anyone

Yet PETA does just that. Pushes their morality on others in an aggressive in your face way. They would not allow people like you and your kids, in tough time, or any times, to fish or hunt for food. Again, there are so many legit orgs out there people can support that do not have the radical agenda and disgusting campaigns, and illegal activities associated with PETA.


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I think that somethings up there maybe fakes

What happened to us all bowing out? lol


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Show me where this (comic posted) comes from their site....

"Still not saying they are right....but...There are over zealous radicals in every organization, and in every generation." For some reason you seem to be disregarding what I said in my post.
I really don't care what the PETA thinks about what I do with my life....and you shouldn't I said in so many other posts.....I support the good that they do. That's it!!!
Have a vey Merry Christmas too Chad.


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I went looking for it as well and could not find it. What I did find is even more ridiculous.
Sea kittens? As an adult can you not look at that and see how ridiculous this appears and how it virually forces a large percentage of people to view them as "kooks"?
Secondly, they have the audacity to try to use scripture for their own means. Unfortunately they must not have had the old testament handy because they fail to point out that animal sacrifice was quite prolific (even in the new testament but they must have skipped that part).

I hope you have the same jovial attitude about them not caring about what you do with your life if they ever succeed in outlawing your pets.
Since they have been exposed to foreign pathogens they are not suitable for release so unfortunately they must be euthanized. Its whats best for the animal.

Merry Christmas to all and here's hoping you don't receive any leather goods as gifts. :D
terryo said:
Show me where this (comic posted) comes from their site....

"Still not saying they are right....but...There are over zealous radicals in every organization, and in every generation." For some reason you seem to be disregarding what I said in my post.
I really don't care what the PETA thinks about what I do with my life....and you shouldn't I said in so many other posts.....I support the good that they do. That's it!!!
Have a vey Merry Christmas too Chad.


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Mar 19, 2009
terryo said:
Show me where this (comic posted) comes from their site....

Are you saying you don't think the anti-fur or anti-fishing campaigns are PETA campaigns? Search the main PETA site by putting "fishing hurts" in the search box. They have a seperate site dedicated to the major campaign. Then from that site you get to the comic. See the link I posted to the comics and you'll see they are the from the same site.


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Again, I do quick clean kills. Fish are killed quickly. A whack in the back of the head and "lights out". Yes, some guys put them in buckets and they eventually die. But now days, most guys don't - mainly because it is not good for the meat quality...

And look at the rabbit example - they make it seem like we slice open live rabbits... Geez...

Again, look at the link please. Do you really think it is fine to make kids see their parents as derranged murderers ready to kill their pet kittens??

And that is really small apples compared to other propaganda they use (comparing to jewish holocaust or human slavery). They admit to doing it for shock value. They are the lunatics, not the 99% of the world's population that has no problem with animals for food and other uses.

I just heard their is a company that is getting close to a cancer cure. They are currently in the stages of testing on rats. It is a painless procedure using radio waves. But PETA would love to put a stop to that.

I'm sorry Chad do you not use a fishing pole to catch the fish first? And by the way does that fishing pole have a hook on the end of it? And when you catch the fish is it usually trying to get away in pain none the less (oh I know your next comment will be that fish don't feel pain)? I mean have you ever hooked yourself? And the rabbit thing I'm laughing at, are you kidding me? Are you actually trying to say that there's a good painless procedure now to kill rabbits so we can wear them or use them as purses? I don't think so. My father used to shoot them and I'm pretty sure this hasn't changed much. Again PETA can show my kids whatever and my kids would probably come to me and ask about it and if it were true I guess I would have to admit to it. The cancer thing really got to me though, are you serious? Do you really think Chad that they are close to a cure? Talk about propaganda. I'm sure you could post this information for me to read right? If your talking about your cancer society coming up with a cure I don't believe it. If your talking about other kinds of doctors (who frequently get in trouble by your FDA for their research and their progress in cancer studies) then I might agree with you. As of right now I have read nothing that states any progress on most kinds of cancer in fact they don't tell you the truth about most cancer statistics anyway so you'd bettered be up on your own reading and research and not rely on what your told. Did you know that there are only about 3 kinds of cancer that will respond positively to chemo, but do you think that your oncologists will tell you anything differently if you're sitting in front of them? No they won't. And think if this is true (which it is) then how are they close to a cure. They have made only a very small percent inprovement in cancer research in 35 to 45 years. Please post this cure that you're talking about I'd be very interested in reading it.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Anyone remember when PETA wanted dreamworks to change their logo because of the boy "cruelly" fishing?


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wouldn't surprise me at all...

dmmj said:
Anyone remember when PETA wanted dreamworks to change their logo because of the boy "cruelly" fishing?
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