Pretend chat 2

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Don't take life so seriously, none of us get out alive.

Hope everyone had a good weekend though!


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Aug 23, 2012
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That's so true Kim. I think most of us worked our butts off in the yard or mowing lawns and what have you. I started building a pool for my babies. I put in PVC pipes for drainage, but I'm whipped.


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I went worm drowning. Today didn't do much except hang with Karen. Pretty much better than worm drowning.


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Cowboy, you never told me what you thought of my pool project. Did you see the pics?
Cowboy_Ken said:
I went worm drowning. Today didn't do much except hang with Karen. Pretty much better than worm drowning.


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I saw the pictures, but for me I enjoyed what I call the “red-neckery" of it. The idea of going to a home improvement center and coming up with an entirely new use for something I applaud. This is how I live my life. Kudos to you!

I saw the pictures, but for me I enjoyed what I call the “red-neckery" of it. The idea of going to a home improvement center and coming up with an entirely new use for something I applaud. This is how I live my life. Kudos to you!


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The beauty of it is that it works perfectly. I haven't done the
morcite (cool deck) yet because I have to cement it first, but it's gonna look pretty good when it's completed. Thanks for your kind words. That's a compliment coming from you.
Cowboy_Ken said:
I saw the pictures, but for me I enjoyed what I call the “red-neckery" of it. The idea of going to a home improvement center and coming up with an entirely new use for something I applaud. This is how I live my life. Kudos to you!

I saw the pictures, but for me I enjoyed what I call the “red-neckery" of it. The idea of going to a home improvement center and coming up with an entirely new use for something I applaud. This is how I live my life. Kudos to you!



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Nov 18, 2011
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Yvonne G said:
I hear ya, girl friend! You'll notice that I'm inside and not out there braving the wind and weather to mess with tortoises, plants and yard. I finally got the back yard mowed. YEA!! I did that Friday.

So far today I've watched one episode of season five of Wagon Train, and finished off a book I started yesterday, Miss Seeton Draws a Line. Not real fond of this series. Its sort of stupid. But I'm relegated to re-reading books because I have no money to buy new ones.

Have you read, “Lonesome Dove" or “Jitterbug Perfume"? Entertainment.

I love figuring out what to do with what's at hand. And then I'm like, “how can I make this faster and offer it for sell?"!

And Sibi, I was complimenting you.


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That's what I said you did when I thanked you, right? I'm still up because I have 10 loads of clothing I'm doing. I was too busy or too sick this week to do it then. Now, after an exhaustive day working on the walls of the outside enclosure, I'm doing my chores. This takes me ba k to when my kids were babies. I use to leave all the housework until the babies were tucked away asleep in the crib to do my wash.


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*sick* lol it's this spell check thing, and the fact that my fingers are too fat for this keyboard. So, when I vo off typing, it may not hit the c or n or the m. Basicly, the whole bottom row of the keyboard. I'm constantly going ba k and corre ting either the spell check or filling in the letters. Sometimes I don't always cat h it, thus you get "so k."

You see what I mean?
Cowboy_Ken said:
You were too so k? Please explain…


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Your explanation was even better! I'm sorry you were sick. I'm watching local news about a 16 yr old blind girl that runs track with her friend who holds he hand. They're best buds and it works. Maybe I'm a sucker, but those stores get me.


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No, you're not a sucker, it shows you are sensitive and empathetic. Those are great qualities to have. Most men don't relate to people like that until it's someone they love.


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Hell Sibi, I drink cans of soda when I drive. Empties get tossed in the back seat. We've got an 87 yr old man that works the local rural roads collecting cans and bottles for the 5¢ they are worth. I save those cans for him. I pull over when I see him walking, he asks about Karen and the kids, I ask about his wife, we cuss politics and we're both happy to see each other. It's all selfish. He for cans, me to feel I'm helping. But really, I'm not the hard a$$ I ineffectually try to portray myself to be.

That's a country song I like, by the way, why can't we all just get along…neck? And see how good getting along might be.


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I love getting along...neck. Lol The problem is if I get along...neck, I end up with shorter legs:p
Cowboy_Ken said:
Hell Sibi, I drink cans of soda when I drive. Empties get tossed in the back seat. We've got an 87 yr old man that works the local rural roads collecting cans and bottles for the 5¢ they are worth. I save those cans for him. I pull over when I see him walking, he asks about Karen and the kids, I ask about his wife, we cuss politics and we're both happy to see each other. It's all selfish. He for cans, me to feel I'm helping. But really, I'm not the hard a$$ I ineffectually try to portray myself to be.

That's a country song I like, by the way, why can't we all just get along…neck? And see how good getting along might be.



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Nov 18, 2011
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Lol. Sibi, that's funny.

I just had a reality check; Mick Jagger is…wait for it…69 yrs old. I think that's good on many levels.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Well, you started it:p I finished a few loads. I think I'm done for tonight. I'll speak to you manana.

But before I go, are you for real? He's 69? My goodness, where did the time go?

Cowboy_Ken said:
Lol. Sibi, that's funny.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Well the promised rain never came, instead we're having unseasonal heat. From porch hit 96.8 and our normal average for right now is mid-60's.
I so should have used sunscreen while fishing yesterday. My arms are now sporting a cooked cranberry red. The other guys each had some, but I made some derogatory remark about their manhood and passed.

Payback is a pain isn't it? :D

Kerryann said:
Good morning. My calves are so sore eek

Good morning back! Isn't it just a bit nice to have a pain when you know the reason for it is something good?

Sibi are your feet better again?

Yvonne G

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Cowboy_Ken said:
Have you read, “Lonesome Dove" or “Jitterbug Perfume"? Entertainment.

Before I realized there was a book, I saw the promos for Lonesome Dove on TV. I'm not a Kenny Rogers fan, and didn't watch the show. So Kenny Rogers turned me off from getting the book. But I love westerns, so maybe I should give it a try.

Never heard of Jitterbug Perfume. I'll have to look into it.
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