Pretend chat 2

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Mar 18, 2010
Kerryann said:
Today was a busy but fun day. I need to learn a little of mikeys not being so nice.

Do you mean that you need to be tougher on people?

I found out that for the second time this summer my MIL has taken the 12 and 13 year old out and about, without checking with me or hubby. I called her and reminded her that we've already asked her once to check with us first...I'm sooooooo over her. 20 yrs, I can't be patient and understanding anymore. Hubby was grateful that I called her so he didn't have to do it!

Thank you for the congrats, it's all him! I was never an athlete :)


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pugsandkids said:
Kerryann said:
Today was a busy but fun day. I need to learn a little of mikeys not being so nice.

Do you mean that you need to be tougher on people?

I found out that for the second time this summer my MIL has taken the 12 and 13 year old out and about, without checking with me or hubby. I called her and reminded her that we've already asked her once to check with us first...I'm sooooooo over her. 20 yrs, I can't be patient and understanding anymore. Hubby was grateful that I called her so he didn't have to do it!

Thank you for the congrats, it's all him! I was never an athlete :)

Yes, I need to not be so polite and nice all of the time. I need to be ale to just say what it is when it's bad without trying to make it sound nice all of the time. :shy:


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Why are cable companies so awful to deal with? Seriously.. they up the charges and random fees out the arse and then charge you if you cancel. I don't want to cancel but I don't want to pay $30 more than I did a month ago for the same crap. How is this even legal? I've dealt with their tech support online, phone, and next week I'm going in in person to either switch out my modem to the "cheaper one" or to cram it where the sun don't shine.


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RosieRedfoot said:
Why are cable companies so awful to deal with? Seriously.. they up the charges and random fees out the arse and then charge you if you cancel. I don't want to cancel but I don't want to pay $30 more than I did a month ago for the same crap. How is this even legal? I've dealt with their tech support online, phone, and next week I'm going in in person to either switch out my modem to the "cheaper one" or to cram it where the sun don't shine.

The Kerryann with you!


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First get your house loan approved, buy your house, then cancel cable if you want. If they charge you for canceling, don't pay it. What are they gonna do? Ruin your credit? They really can't. Who cares after you got your home! Really, your credit score only really matters when you are purchasing a house. Even cars today don't require you to have perfect credit anymore. You still get the same loan with the same % rate, no matter what your credit is. Everything else is pretty much the same thing. If you have a steady job, make a salary that supports your standard of living, and pay all credit cards on time, they don't care.


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I had a particularly craptacular day myself. :D
I could be unhappy but I have just gotten to the point where I have to say what I am thinking so I don't hold it inside. :D
I came home and Mikey was shirtless, sweaty, in his dress pants, they were wet all on the front and wearing crocks. I wasn't sure what was happening. :p Then I came in the house and cici had broken into the pantry because Mike forgot to lock the pantry and she had gotten out a bag of birdseed and spread it around the house. It was actually kind of funny because she didn't get anything yumy. So I started yelling at her and making her come to me. I had the hardest time not laughing when I was trying to discipline her.
My life is splendid really. Lots of funny stuff. :)


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Nov 18, 2011
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Morning all. So this “assignment" I've taken on requires me to be on site 5days a week. I've made some headway in repairing things. The production employees have excepted me well with a little gentle push in the right direction. They've been given many false promises over the last 3 yrs, so I'm doing some damage control pointing out to them that once they get to know me they will see that I'm not ashamed of anything I've done in the past, and I'm not afraid of anything I see in my future.
Today, I get to take on the CEO, representing an employee that has real issues that could result in 3 separate lawsuits to be brought against the company. The employee has asked that I be present with him when he brings this meeting up, and I feel it's my obligation to support him. The CEO will not want to hear what I've got to say in this case and I'm sure I will have to steer things back to the issue at hand and requiring all to maintain an adult composure and not to take things emotionally, and I hope that all involved will hear that and not embarrass themselves. I need to go, but have a great Friday all. Miss you all.


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I'd respond but I'm feeling the sleep exhaustion from working more hours than sleeping in the past week. Hope everyone has a safe and good Labor day weekend. Funny how a day turns into a weekend. I work this weekend though, so no vacations for me.


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RosieRedfoot said:
I'd respond but I'm feeling the sleep exhaustion from working more hours than sleeping in the past week.

To level up, you have to work twice as many hours as you sleep in a week.


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Aww...I feel for you. I know the feeling of exhaustion. I don't even work and I feel exhausted.

RosieRedfoot said:
I'd respond but I'm feeling the sleep exhaustion from working more hours than sleeping in the past week. Hope everyone has a safe and good Labor day weekend. Funny how a day turns into a weekend. I work this weekend though, so no vacations for me.

Kim, if you do that, we'll have to bury you :p
jaizei said:
RosieRedfoot said:
I'd respond but I'm feeling the sleep exhaustion from working more hours than sleeping in the past week.

To level up, you have to work twice as many hours as you sleep in a week.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Morning all. So this “assignment" I've taken on requires me to be on site 5days a week. I've made some headway in repairing things. The production employees have excepted me well with a little gentle push in the right direction. They've been given many false promises over the last 3 yrs, so I'm doing some damage control pointing out to them that once they get to know me they will see that I'm not ashamed of anything I've done in the past, and I'm not afraid of anything I see in my future.
Today, I get to take on the CEO, representing an employee that has real issues that could result in 3 separate lawsuits to be brought against the company. The employee has asked that I be present with him when he brings this meeting up, and I feel it's my obligation to support him. The CEO will not want to hear what I've got to say in this case and I'm sure I will have to steer things back to the issue at hand and requiring all to maintain an adult composure and not to take things emotionally, and I hope that all involved will hear that and not embarrass themselves. I need to go, but have a great Friday all. Miss you all.

That sounds like a great job. :D
My day actually went really well.


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Thursday night is the start of Rosh Hashana and I am making honey cakes this weekend. Right now I am making a chocolate honey cake. Mikey is about to bounce out of his seat.
I am going to make honey cupcakes so I can take them to my employees this week.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Ah...the high holy days. Does Mickey do temple for that night? I would buy the cakes rather than make them. I love kosher foods during holidays.


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Mar 18, 2010
Ken how'd it go?! It sounds interesting.

It's Friday night, I'm cooking breakfast for dinner and trying to motivate my rear into doing laundry. Just. Can't. Face. It.

Labor Day plans everyone?


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Dec 31, 2011
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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
Ah...the high holy days. Does Mickey do temple for that night? I would buy the cakes rather than make them. I love kosher foods during holidays.

I don't know, it depends on when or of he can get out of work.
I can send you the honey cake recipe Sibi. I have a traditional one and my modified ones. Mike likes my recipes better.
I also have a kugel recipe too that is healthy and delicious.

pugsandkids said:
Ken how'd it go?! It sounds interesting.

It's Friday night, I'm cooking breakfast for dinner and trying to motivate my rear into doing laundry. Just. Can't. Face. It.

Labor Day plans everyone?

I made stuffed peppers. I mace a lentil cauliflower mix earlier this week so I stuffed the peppers with that mix, a voted tomato from my own plant, fake ground beef, an organic taco seasoning blend, and rice pepper jack cheese. I baked it in a homemade enchilada sauce in a bread pan with brown rice and mixed organic veggies.
This weekend we have a big local event called walk 4 friendship. Tomorrow we are going up to pick up some stuff Mike won me on auction. 18 hibiscus flowers and 18 pink cone flowers. Then we are also going to the state fair. I want to get some kayaking too.

What is everyone else doing?


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Nov 18, 2011
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So my meeting never came to pass. The employee let me know first thing this morning that he was ok with things, and I have to just smile an nod. I'm all for backing the employees, but I can't back a horse that's gonna get tired mid race. My Ken-ness says to insure the employees are treated proper and with respect and at the same time protect the company from themselves. The VP of the company told me he wished I had the business loan cash banking experience so that he could tell the board to make me the CEO and drop kick the current one that is causing all the problems.
My weekend plans involve watching college football, GO OREGON DUCKS!!
And redoing heated night boxes.
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