Pretend chat 2

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Jul 15, 2012
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I got my "insurance and coverage" packet. 0% coverage for everything because I only work 35 hours max a week. I see they want to fine the uninsured starting in March 2014. Just glad I'm covered by my father for a while longer and don't have any serious illness. Not going to get into politics, but I don't see obamacare helping anyone I know of personally.

I think my brother is coming to spend all of December with us as a personal favor to build a fence and help redo floors, paint, etc. Yay free labor lol.

Good thing it doesn't freeze or snow here so can build fences when it's 50 degrees and not 100!


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Aug 23, 2012
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I know that if a person is working, even part time, the employer has to provide health insurance to all employees or they will be fined, not the worker, unless the worker refuses to pay premiums for that insurance. In your case, you will welcome health insurance even if you have to pay premiums for it. I also think that if premiums are too costly, you may be able to get assistance from the government. Right now, though, there are some groups, organizations, and companies that will treat specific diseases for free and if surgery is needed, it's also free only for those who are uninsured. I may have to get online to search where i saw that.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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RosieRedfoot said:
Not going to get into politics, but I don't see obamacare helping anyone I know of personally.

Actually BEFORE Obama, you might have already lost the insurance you have now. I know thanks to him my children were able to stay on parent insurances for several years longer then before him. To me, even if nothing ever comes of the rest of the program, for that one part I am very grateful.

SenjiSandy said:
Aw geeeeez....the C word. Makes me so sad.
I have been battling cervical cancer for 3 years. No health insurance...definitely makes it a challenge.
But, I keep it at bay, and I have Planned Parenthood to thank. Lots of free or heavily discounted care. Live a healthy and positive lifestyle (tortoises do help!!), and things are going well for now.

Oregon Tortoise Rescue

Another great program folks want to see stopped (Planned Parenthood):( Are they working as your patient advocate also with helping you to find cancer sponsorship (on the medical front)? Sounds like you are fighting a good fight, let's us hope that soon you will defeat it. *hugs*


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Mar 18, 2010
Cancer is awful, patient advocates do so much good!

Stolen vehicle was found, it was one of hubby's work trucks. Mostly cleaned out of tools and material. Strangely they took off the air filter and threw it in the back, stole ABS fittings, left copper, didn't take a skill saw, but changed the radio to a Christian channel and chain smoked, throwing butts all over the cab.

Right after I posted, hubby woke up, not quite ready to party, but willing! Had a great time with my sis and BIL.
Love my Ducks!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Has been a busy afternoon here, my ex was delivering a bed for my neighbor, so he brought me some large ripe 'maters (pssst don't tell him I have ones of my own, he gets such a pleasure out of sharing his with me). My youngest son had shown up with him (son had come from college to collect his new cell phone from me). So my son started to dig some holes for me (my knee makes it hard for me to dig holes). He got the two holes done for the trees and had gotten two and a half of the rose holes done, when he broke the shovel. :rolleyes: He does that quite often. So hopefully he will be back next weekend to dig more holes. Not an hour after they left, one of my daughters showed up and took me out to supper (Pizza Hut) and some mother/daughter type talking. Has been a fun rainy type day! :D

Sounds like some of the rest of you had mixed fun days too.


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So my marginated Henry had a spider in his cage. I had been asking Mikey to rehome it so finally today he did that. My mom sent home some huge hibiscus flowers and leaves for the torts and I brought home some squash flowers and clovers from my inlaws. They had a good night. :D


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Aug 23, 2012
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Oh no! What are you gonna do?
Kerryann said:
I am so glad to be home. We are taking our car hauler back to my moms. Mike lost the hitch key.

Mikey rehomed the spider? Or the marginated? I hope the former.
Kerryann said:
So my marginated Henry had a spider in his cage. I had been asking Mikey to rehome it so finally today he did that. My mom sent home some huge hibiscus flowers and leaves for the torts and I brought home some squash flowers and clovers from my inlaws. They had a good night. :D


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
Oh no! What are you gonna do?
Kerryann said:
I am so glad to be home. We are taking our car hauler back to my moms. Mike lost the hitch key.

Mike bought a new hitch lock. He found the keys in the road by my moms team over and destroyed.
On another note he's on my list right now and it's not a list of people I'm happy with :(


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Aug 23, 2012
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Jacqui, it sounds like you had a good day overall. I Think I broke my pinky toe. I was rushing from my living room to the kitchen and jammed my toe into a pile of bottled water and fell over it. I recalled holding my foot in the air and screaming. The toe turned white. Couldn't stand on it for a while. Then today, it was all black and blue under the toe, on its side, and into the top part of the foot. I had never banged it so hard. I think it's broken, but they'll not be able to do anything with it except tape it close to the other toe. Oh well, so it goes.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
Jacqui, it sounds like you had a good day overall. I Think I broke my pinky toe. I was rushing from my living room to the kitchen and jammed my toe into a pile of bottled water and fell over it. I recalled holding my foot in the air and screaming. The toe turned white. Couldn't stand on it for a while. Then today, it was all black and blue under the toe, on its side, and into the top part of the foot. I had never banged it so hard. I think it's broken, but they'll not be able to do anything with it except tape it close to the other toe. Oh well, so it goes.

Owww Sibi
I have done that more times than I can count. I still be running and catch it on something.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Yeap! Don't you know it, now I seem to find every object that can hit or touch it. That stinks! Not my toe, the situation :p
Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Jacqui, it sounds like you had a good day overall. I Think I broke my pinky toe. I was rushing from my living room to the kitchen and jammed my toe into a pile of bottled water and fell over it. I recalled holding my foot in the air and screaming. The toe turned white. Couldn't stand on it for a while. Then today, it was all black and blue under the toe, on its side, and into the top part of the foot. I had never banged it so hard. I think it's broken, but they'll not be able to do anything with it except tape it close to the other toe. Oh well, so it goes.

Owww Sibi
I have done that more times than I can count. I still be running and catch it on something.


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Dec 31, 2011
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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
Yeap! Don't you know it, now I seem to find every object that can hit or touch it. That stinks! Not my toe, the situation :p
Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Jacqui, it sounds like you had a good day overall. I Think I broke my pinky toe. I was rushing from my living room to the kitchen and jammed my toe into a pile of bottled water and fell over it. I recalled holding my foot in the air and screaming. The toe turned white. Couldn't stand on it for a while. Then today, it was all black and blue under the toe, on its side, and into the top part of the foot. I had never banged it so hard. I think it's broken, but they'll not be able to do anything with it except tape it close to the other toe. Oh well, so it goes.

Owww Sibi
I have done that more times than I can count. I still be running and catch it on something.

That means you are moving too fast. :)


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Aug 23, 2012
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I knew someone would say that:D Btw, is insurance gonna cover for the damages to your truck?
pugsandkids said:
Oh man, toes stink! It's so hard to protect them.


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Jul 15, 2012
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I broke my left "ring" toe in Hawaii on my first day there so I couldn't even go on the beach or in the ocean since it broke the skin and I had a low grade fever. It definitely sucks!

Three months after it was healed I dropped a lamp base on it while wearing flip flops and it peeled all the skin back. Then two months after that a fire ant bit that exact same toe and I get nerve pain flare ups just in that toe. It'll probably always cause me issue. I knew I should have just cut it off! I call it my jinxed toe lol.

Here's to hoping I don't wake up with another mountain of dog vomit in the morning... Last two days Ellie has vomited up an insane amount of food that is mainly undigested about 12-16 hours after her last meal. I am trying her with a different protein food that is soaked tonight to see if that helps. I'm adding in electrolytes to her water to help replenish from the vomiting as well.

I'm worried she has an obstruction or kidney failure. I don't have the money to go through exploratory surgeries or tons of testing but if she vomits again I'll be at the very least getting bloodwork done to check for elevated levels.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Aw...poor baby. I was going to suggest not feeding her food because her stomach is probably irritable. Just the electrolytes will do until she wants more food. Also, if you start her on food, try some soft bread pieces first. If she tolerates that, then food.

My my, your toe is as bad as this pinky toe. The first time I smacked that pinky toe was on my honeymoon in the Bahamas. At least it was on my last day before flying out the next day. But, that toe had been stubbed so many times, the cartilage is like mush. They were gonna put a pin in it one year, but I opted out of that. I feel like you...maybe it should be cut off.
RosieRedfoot said:
I broke my left "ring" toe in Hawaii on my first day there so I couldn't even go on the beach or in the ocean since it broke the skin and I had a low grade fever. It definitely sucks!

Three months after it was healed I dropped a lamp base on it while wearing flip flops and it peeled all the skin back. Then two months after that a fire ant bit that exact same toe and I get nerve pain flare ups just in that toe. It'll probably always cause me issue. I knew I should have just cut it off! I call it my jinxed toe lol.

Here's to hoping I don't wake up with another mountain of dog vomit in the morning... Last two days Ellie has vomited up an insane amount of food that is mainly undigested about 12-16 hours after her last meal. I am trying her with a different protein food that is soaked tonight to see if that helps. I'm adding in electrolytes to her water to help replenish from the vomiting as well.

I'm worried she has an obstruction or kidney failure. I don't have the money to go through exploratory surgeries or tons of testing but if she vomits again I'll be at the very least getting bloodwork done to check for elevated levels.


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If she goes without eating food for too long she vomits as well from a sour stomach. If she vomits again she's getting boiled chicken or beef and rice made with electrolyte water in three to four smaller meals and if that doesn't help tomorrow I'll be calling the vet.

I gave her salmon food to my other lab to test if the food may have gone rancid or something as well. But he's an iron gut lab so I doubt it would affect him even if it was molding.


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Aug 23, 2012
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That's why I suggested the pieces of bread. The bread sops up the acid faster and better than anything I know of.
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