Pretend chat 2

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Sarah!!! You're back. Good to hear that Things are a bit better.

Kim, if the paint you use is of high quality, and it's like a satin finish, it will look beautiful. But, then you have the issue with the molding. What do you plan to do with that? Also, you know you'll have to sand the wood down before painting, right? So, if you're already doing that, can you just re-stain it a lighter color rather than painting it? Just another thought. I have been there and it's no fun!

Oh Jacqui!!! I'm so happy for you and Jeff. This can free you up for a while. Better something than nothing. How long does Jeff have to take chemo pills?

Jacqui said:
We got some good news on Friday, our patient advocate found us new funding for our co-pay on Jeff's chemo pills. They are paying the $1,300 and we only have to pay $100 each month. Of course, this only covers for six months and then we have to find another source. :)


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

RosieRedfoot said:
Well sanding cures most cabinet issues if it's real wood underneath. My bf is also against painting wood but said I could if I really wanted to.

That's what I did when we got our house. I sanded the cabinets and restrained them darker.

Jacqui said:
We got some good news on Friday, our patient advocate found us new funding for our co-pay on Jeff's chemo pills. They are paying the $1,300 and we only have to pay $100 each month. Of course, this only covers for six months and then we have to find another source. :)

That is awesome news Jacqui !! :)


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Jacqui, that's great news. On a side note, I listen to a lot of Junior Brown and with many of his songs dealing with being simi-crazy and a truck driving man and the loving wife at home, I think of you and Jeff.



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sibi said:
Oh Jacqui!!! I'm so happy for you and Jeff. This can free you up for a while. Better something than nothing. How long does Jeff have to take chemo pills?

The rest of his life, unless his body starts reacting too badly to it or if they develop some new drug. At this point, I believe in writing it says five or six years. It doesn't "kill" the cancer he has, it just keeps it at bay.


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Little Ricky says, “It's my birthday, why should I care if dad gets in trouble for letting me eat the landscape?"ImageUploadedByTortForum1379195154.589361.jpg
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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Cowboy_Ken said:
Little Ricky says, “It's my birthday, why should I care if dad gets in trouble for letting me eat the landscape?"

Hey, I have some of those plants too! :D So was he having those for a birthday treat? Jeff was in Portland Thurs/Fri


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That's a bummer. Forever on chemo many years have he been on pills? Is it almost 5 years? They say if a person survives 5 years with no cancer growth, that they can live many years on maintenance. Is that true? Also at what stage was his cancer when it was diagnosed? If this is too personal to answer, I'll understand.

Jacqui said:
sibi said:
Oh Jacqui!!! I'm so happy for you and Jeff. This can free you up for a while. Better something than nothing. How long does Jeff have to take chemo pills?

The rest of his life, unless his body starts reacting too badly to it or if they develop some new drug. At this point, I believe in writing it says five or six years. It doesn't "kill" the cancer he has, it just keeps it at bay.


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My dad went through chemo so I know how much it sucks. Good news though!

Here's a floor that we both like:


Bad lighting, but I love the lighter and darker variation.

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Thoughts on a kitchen re-do like this vs painting?



Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Kerryann said:
Here's a pic of mikey and I today out on our wheeling trip.

You know Kerry, you have lost so much weight, I can't even see you any more. :p :D

sibi said:
That's a bummer. Forever on chemo many years have he been on pills? Is it almost 5 years? They say if a person survives 5 years with no cancer growth, that they can live many years on maintenance. Is that true? Also at what stage was his cancer when it was diagnosed? If this is too personal to answer, I'll understand.

No, they found the tumor over a year ago, but we didn't have it removed til December. So currently he has no cancer that can be seen, but it will come back. The chemo pills on him work to ward it's return off for as long as possible.

Okay not fair! When I posted my remark to Kerry, the picture was not showing. :rolleyes: Darn just take away my tease of the night.


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RosieRedfoot said:
Thoughts on a kitchen re-do like this vs painting?

That is so pretty. I would love to have that kitchen.

Jacqui said:
Kerryann said:
Here's a pic of mikey and I today out on our wheeling trip.

You know Kerry, you have lost so much weight, I can't even see you any more. :p :D

sibi said:
That's a bummer. Forever on chemo many years have he been on pills? Is it almost 5 years? They say if a person survives 5 years with no cancer growth, that they can live many years on maintenance. Is that true? Also at what stage was his cancer when it was diagnosed? If this is too personal to answer, I'll understand.

No, they found the tumor over a year ago, but we didn't have it removed til December. So currently he has no cancer that can be seen, but it will come back. The chemo pills on him work to ward it's return off for as long as possible.

Okay not fair! When I posted my remark to Kerry, the picture was not showing. :rolleyes: Darn just take away my tease of the night.

Ha.. I thwarted you. ;)


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Now, that's a kitchen I can get use to.
RosieRedfoot said:
Thoughts on a kitchen re-do like this vs painting?


Aww...what a great couple you make. Both of you look like you're made for each other.
Kerryann said:
Here's a pic of mikey and I today out on our wheeling trip.

So, Jacqui, when they found the tumor a d removed it, did he have radiation treatment and chemo? If not, and if or when it returns, will it be another tumor? If the cancer hadn't metastasized, he has a good chance of beating this, yes?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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sibi said:
So, Jacqui, when they found the tumor a d removed it, did he have radiation treatment and chemo? If not, and if or when it returns, will it be another tumor? If the cancer hadn't metastasized, he has a good chance of beating this, yes?

No radiation or regular chemo, only the chemo pills. It will return, this not a cancer that is cured or goes away. When it comes back chances are it will be as another stomach tumor, but odds are it will not be as "easy" as this go round was (as in the next round has a very high chance of being the finial round also). Without the chemo pills he would most likely have gotten the cancer back within a year. Five years is kinda the high end of expectancy.


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PM coming your way.
Jacqui said:
sibi said:
So, Jacqui, when they found the tumor a d removed it, did he have radiation treatment and chemo? If not, and if or when it returns, will it be another tumor? If the cancer hadn't metastasized, he has a good chance of beating this, yes?

No radiation or regular chemo, only the chemo pills. It will return, this not a cancer that is cured or goes away. When it comes back chances are it will be as another stomach tumor, but odds are it will not be as "easy" as this go round was (as in the next round has a very high chance of being the finial round also). Without the chemo pills he would most likely have gotten the cancer back within a year. Five years is kinda the high end of expectancy.


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Aw geeeeez....the C word. Makes me so sad.
I have been battling cervical cancer for 3 years. No health insurance...definitely makes it a challenge.
But, I keep it at bay, and I have Planned Parenthood to thank. Lots of free or heavily discounted care. Live a healthy and positive lifestyle (tortoises do help!!), and things are going well for now.

Oregon Tortoise Rescue


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Oh no, Sandy, you too? Don't you qualify for Obamacare? Something has to give. I wish you well, and, yes, the torts help.
SenjiSandy said:
Aw geeeeez....the C word. Makes me so sad.
I have been battling cervical cancer for 3 years. No health insurance...definitely makes it a challenge.
But, I keep it at bay, and I have Planned Parenthood to thank. Lots of free or heavily discounted care. Live a healthy and positive lifestyle (tortoises do help!!), and things are going well for now.

Oregon Tortoise Rescue


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I have no idea what is going on with obamacare. Seems like a disaster. I need help, I'm single, no insurance, and just a vet tech. Been a tough past 6 years, but I've been thru alot, so I can handle more than most.
Can you tell me more about what OC might do for me? I don't have TV or Cable, and sometimes I get the local paper, so I admit I don't hear much news other than animal info. ;-)
True nerd, eh? :)

Oregon Tortoise Rescue


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Mean while, the Oregon Ducks had a commanding win today against Tennessee. Can I have a Yelllll-Oooo!
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