pretend chat

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5 Year Member
Jun 13, 2011
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Jacqui said:
Torty Mom said:
Jacqui said:
Torty Mom said:
I like M & M's has anyone tried the pretzel ones?

I have. What about the coconut ones?
WHAT?????? Coconut ones......yummy!! Never tried them, I will tho!!! :D

They have been around for a while. I kinda like them.

My favorite M&M's are the strawberried peanut butter ones.. hard to find but SOOOO GOOD!

CtTortoiseMom said:
What is your favorite thing about where you live? Maybe something that makes your specific geographical location unique. Or just a reason why you really like it.

I like living in Missouri because we kind of get all types of weather, anyone that lives in the area very well knows how it is in the midwest. You get to experience all four seasons every year, the weather can change within an hour, and you never know what to expect. Last part sounds bad - but love it.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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TurtleTortoise said:
Ok we reached page 20 and chat is losing it's
Touch. We need something plants.:p Although some people really like plants. I do because they let us breath. What is your favorite plant?

This is hard, it use to be roses. These days it is either daylilies because they are so easy or maybe it's the Althea (Rose of Sharon) bush...pretty plus so loved by the tortoises.

Turtle Guru

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Jacqui said:
TurtleTortoise said:
Ok we reached page 20 and chat is losing it's
Touch. We need something plants.:p Although some people really like plants. I do because they let us breath. What is your favorite plant?

This is hard, it use to be roses. These days it is either daylilies because they are so easy or maybe it's the Althea (Rose of Sharon) bush...pretty plus so loved by the tortoises.

i like ginseng because it makes me money and it is rare and cool :D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Torty Mom said:
Paper, plastic, or bring your own???

Plastic... I love having them to reuse for things like cleaning the liter boxes. :D I would never remember to bring my own. ;) :D

Turtle Guru said:
i like ginseng because it makes me money and it is rare and cool :D

Would you be nice enough to post some pictures? How do you grow it?


5 Year Member
Jul 15, 2011
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Myrtle Beach SC
My Garden Spider was missing this morning. I have been watching her all summer. I am going to miss her, I hope she shows back up in the morning.


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Bring my own when I remember, if not oh well, they work well for cleaning up poop in the enclosures.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
CtTortoiseMom said:
What is your favorite thing about where you live? Maybe something that makes your specific geographical location unique. Or just a reason why you really like it.
There are just so many reasons I love Nebraska. The weather gives you a taste of everything. We have true seasons with golden leaves and huge flocks of geese coming thru in the fall. You can go outside on a crisp fall night and smell the wood burning in nearby stoves. With winter we have pure white snow that blankets the ground in purity. The trees get flocked and icicles twinkle from roof gutters. But we don't get buried under huge drifts of snow. Spring brings the robins back and the crocuses heard spring by peaking out of the snow. Then all the flowers seem to burst forth in a joyful riot of spring time color. Summers are the type of front porch sitting watching the world go by. Summer means stealing a ripe watermelon from your own patch or tubing in the river.

In my area of Nebraska, a traffic jam means there was a tractor on the road ahead of you. Neighbors still watch out for you and your home. Children can go to the park by themselves, even at night. Most cars and vehicles are never known to be locked. Cats and dogs can sleep in the middle of Main street and not get run over.

In the fall, towns become ghost towns as the entire town turns out for the local football game. Strangers passing you on the road still wave, If your broken down, they stop to see if they can be of help. And you feel safe taking their help.

For me it's being able to walk out my front door and stare spellbound at the vastness of the sky. At night the stars are bold and twinkling waiting for you to cast your wishes upon them. The lonesome sound of the train, still can stir the coyotes to join in. The nightly chorus of bugs and frogs can relax you to sleep.

Water is still pumped out of the ground and drank just as it is.

Nebraska is home, it's were generations of my family have been born, raised, and died. The soil is fertile for both crops and people, it's soft enough to allow your roots to take hold and grow deep, yet strong enough to weather whatever life throws your way.

Nebraska is the good life. :)

FranklinTturtle said:
My Garden Spider was missing this morning. I have been watching her all summer. I am going to miss her, I hope she shows back up in the morning.

Had she made an egg sack yet? You are talking those big yellow and black ones, right?

Pretend Chat, really! Creative for sure, lol.

Fun and educational, too! :D


5 Year Member
Jul 15, 2011
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Myrtle Beach SC
I did not see a egg sack. Yea, it a big yellow and black one. I did see a little spider show up in her web yesterday (I thought that was wired). I don't know what type it is and it still there and she missing. She was my number 1 spider this year.

Ok. It 11:12 East coast time and I am off to bed. Good nite all.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
FranklinTturtle said:
I did not see a egg sack. Yea, it a big yellow and black one. I did see a little spider show up in her web yesterday (I thought that was wired). I don't know what type it is and it still there and she missing. She was my number 1 spider this year.

Ok. It 11:12 East coast time and I am off to bed. Good nite all.

Maybe the smaller one made her leave. :( Hope you see her again. Nite may you have sweet peaceful dreams and wake refreshed and rearing to go!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...

Do you eat breakfast? If so what did you have today?


5 Year Member
Jun 13, 2011
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Jacqui said:

Do you eat breakfast? If so what did you have today?

I LOVE breakfast.. I could eat it at ANY TIME of the day! But unfortunately I don't ever have time for breakfast before leaving in the am, at least not usually. :(


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I have never been much of a breakfast eater myself. Sounds bad but y two favorite breakfast are McDonald's pancakes and sausage or their sausage McGriddles. :D :rolleyes: Actually there is this little truck stop about a mile off the road on I80 that makes these huge, but also yummy everything but the kitchen sink omelets (sp?)...

Yvonne G

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I don't know if many of you watch the birthday list or not, but if you don't, I'll give it away here:


Do you have any special plans for today?


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Jacqui said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
What is your favorite thing about where you live? Maybe something that makes your specific geographical location unique. Or just a reason why you really like it.
There are just so many reasons I love Nebraska. The weather gives you a taste of everything. We have true seasons with golden leaves and huge flocks of geese coming thru in the fall. You can go outside on a crisp fall night and smell the wood burning in nearby stoves. With winter we have pure white snow that blankets the ground in purity. The trees get flocked and icicles twinkle from roof gutters. But we don't get buried under huge drifts of snow. Spring brings the robins back and the crocuses heard spring by peaking out of the snow. Then all the flowers seem to burst forth in a joyful riot of spring time color. Summers are the type of front porch sitting watching the world go by. Summer means stealing a ripe watermelon from your own patch or tubing in the river.

In my area of Nebraska, a traffic jam means there was a tractor on the road ahead of you. Neighbors still watch out for you and your home. Children can go to the park by themselves, even at night. Most cars and vehicles are never known to be locked. Cats and dogs can sleep in the middle of Main street and not get run over.

In the fall, towns become ghost towns as the entire town turns out for the local football game. Strangers passing you on the road still wave, If your broken down, they stop to see if they can be of help. And you feel safe taking their help.

For me it's being able to walk out my front door and stare spellbound at the vastness of the sky. At night the stars are bold and twinkling waiting for you to cast your wishes upon them. The lonesome sound of the train, still can stir the coyotes to join in. The nightly chorus of bugs and frogs can relax you to sleep.

Water is still pumped out of the ground and drank just as it is.

Nebraska is home, it's were generations of my family have been born, raised, and died. The soil is fertile for both crops and people, it's soft enough to allow your roots to take hold and grow deep, yet strong enough to weather whatever life throws your way.

Nebraska is the good life. :)

First of all Jacqui…. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!:D:D:D:D
2nd of all... You should sell what you just wrote to your chamber of commerce because it made me want to move to Nebraska!! Wow!
shoot outa time BBL


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Aug 3, 2011
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Page 22 already? You guys are having to much fun!
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