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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
AnthonyC said:
Speaking of pie... I was at the store the other day and I was shocked @ the price of Hostess Fruit Pies! $1.99!

Those little tiny pies? Wow, I remember paying $1 for 4.

Myself, as a rule am not a big pie fan. There are a few exceptions and that Key Lime is always wonderful. I do like the Sweet Potato a bit over most pumpkin pies.

My Great Aunts made the most fabulous chocolate pies ever. Some where I have their recipe, but it has things like "Murray cups", which is about 3/4 of a old coffee cup. Or the chocolate is by the price it use to be, like 35-40 years ago. Think that might have changed since then. :D


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Sep 12, 2010
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I love making (and eating) rhubarb/blueberry pies. I used to make them for the 4H food booth at the county fair, and now I just make them for us. Great for breakfast with a cup of coffee!!
My grandpa always used to say he only like 2 kinds of pie: hot and cold:)


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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What is rhubarb? Is it something country folks grow just to confuse city people?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Edna said:
I love making (and eating) rhubarb/blueberry pies. I used to make them for the 4H food booth at the county fair, and now I just make them for us. Great for breakfast with a cup of coffee!!
My grandpa always used to say he only like 2 kinds of pie: hot and cold:)

Never had that, but love rhubarb cream pies! Strawberry/rhubard is good too. I guess next year I need to actually harvest some stalks and freeze them for times like this when somebody makes me start thinking how good those pies can be. :p :D

dmmj said:
What is rhubarb? Is it something country folks grow just to confuse city people?
Does it work?


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Jul 31, 2011
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I told my 7th graders what Turkey Twizzlers were yesterday & they didn't believe me. They insist that it is turkey flavored licorice! Silly 7th graders!! :D

stephiiberrybean said:
Anthony one day when I find Turkey Twizzlers I shall post you some :)

All this talk of pie makes me want chicken pie :p haha!


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Sep 12, 2010
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Rawlins, Wyoming
Jacqui said:
Edna said:
I love making (and eating) rhubarb/blueberry pies. I used to make them for the 4H food booth at the county fair, and now I just make them for us. Great for breakfast with a cup of coffee!!
My grandpa always used to say he only like 2 kinds of pie: hot and cold:)

Never had that, but love rhubarb cream pies! Strawberry/rhubard is good too. I guess next year I need to actually harvest some stalks and freeze them for times like this when somebody makes me start thinking how good those pies can be. :p :D

dmmj said:
What is rhubarb? Is it something country folks grow just to confuse city people?
Does it work?

Confusing city people is just way too easy, David.


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Aug 28, 2011
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AnthonyC said:
I told my 7th graders what Turkey Twizzlers were yesterday & they didn't believe me. They insist that it is turkey flavored licorice! Silly 7th graders!! :D

Haha! That's funny!
I can assure them it's not liquorice! I hate liquorice! :p

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
My daughter just called me on the phone. She was getting ready to go to work yesterday, but went outside to feed her animals. She has two in-the-ground ponds, just small black plastic things, with water plants and koi. She said the plants are all messed up and some of the fish were out on the ground dead and in pieces. Then this a.m. when she went outside, she saw two big raccoons at the pond area. My daughter lives about a quarter mile north of me. We're out in the country. I've occasionally seen dead raccoons on the street that runs by my house, but I've never seen a live one. This is VERY scary to me. I can lock up my tortoises, but I have no way of making sure my box turtles are protected.

Guess I'll have to go online and buy some wild animal urine.


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Jul 31, 2011
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Ugh! That stinks! There's nothing like lying awake all night worry about something! Okay this may sound kinda gross... well actually no more gross than urine but... My mother always keeps a HUGE garden, and she's always been plagued by deer and woodchucks that come in and help themselves to the fruit of her labor. Someone told her that if you put human hair around the edges of the garden it will keep out the critters b/c of the human odor. Lucky her, my dad's a barber so he bagged up some hair (bleh!) and she tried it... PRESTO NO MORE PESTS! Maybe it will work for you as well.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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I've heard that before too. Also dog hair. I ordered "Critter Repellant" to the tune of $15 a bottle. Its supposed to be pelleted coyote urine. Hopefully it comes before the raccoons do.


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Jan 17, 2011
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Wow Yvonne, that is scary! We have a fox problem where I live. They live in our wood line and they are fearless. If your product work's I'll try it out too.

So I survived the extraction of my wisdom tooth with just novacaine!! I don't recommend it. But, it's over now and even though I look like a squirrel getting ready for winter I am so relieved it's over!!

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Ouch! I hate going to the dentist!

The GOOGLE home page is celebrating Jim Hensen's 75th birthday and its pretty darned cute.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
AnthonyC said:
Ugh! That stinks! There's nothing like lying awake all night worry about something! Okay this may sound kinda gross... well actually no more gross than urine but... My mother always keeps a HUGE garden, and she's always been plagued by deer and woodchucks that come in and help themselves to the fruit of her labor. Someone told her that if you put human hair around the edges of the garden it will keep out the critters b/c of the human odor. Lucky her, my dad's a barber so he bagged up some hair (bleh!) and she tried it... PRESTO NO MORE PESTS! Maybe it will work for you as well.

When we had the racoons going for our poultry, I tried the hair... it didn't even make my coons pause for a moment. Used dog and my own urinre, too :p, didn't bother the coons. Next time I might consider using the coyote or mountain lion.

CtTortoiseMom said:
Wow Yvonne, that is scary! We have a fox problem where I live. They live in our wood line and they are fearless. If your product work's I'll try it out too.

So I survived the extraction of my wisdom tooth with just novacaine!! I don't recommend it. But, it's over now and even though I look like a squirrel getting ready for winter I am so relieved it's over!!

Ouch, hope your swelling is going down by now.

We have foxes within a block of us, but they never bother us. I always think it's because of our mighty mouth outside, alias a coonhound. :D


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Jul 31, 2011
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New York
When we had the racoons going for our poultry, I tried the hair... it didn't even make my coons pause for a moment. Used dog and my own urinre, too Tongue, didn't bother the coons. Next time I might consider using the coyote or mountain lion.--Next time consider a shot gun! :D;)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
AnthonyC said:
.--Next time consider a shot gun! :D;)

First, I don't believe in shooting guns in towns where folks live, even if it is only a village of 84 people. :rolleyes: Second, I don't want to kill them, just get them to learn I am not giving them free food.


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Sep 12, 2010
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Rawlins, Wyoming
CtTortoiseMom said:
So I survived the extraction of my wisdom tooth with just novacaine!! I don't recommend it. But, it's over now and even though I look like a squirrel getting ready for winter I am so relieved it's over!!

Will it be OK for us to tell our wisdom tooth horror stories now???

CtTortoiseMom said:
Wow Yvonne, that is scary! We have a fox problem where I live. They live in our wood line and they are fearless. If your product work's I'll try it out too.

I lived for 10 years with foxes living just across the road from us and had very little trouble with them. Each day they crossed the highway and our place to get from their home pasture to a large swampy area. I kept chickens and was very relaxed at first about letting the hens put themselves to bed at night and get themselves up in the morning. I thought maybe I was short a barred hen, then a red hen, and finally I found an actual gut pile. That was definite fox evidence, but I figured it was just a message from the foxes to shut the hens in at night. I started doing that and never had any further trouble from them. It used to crack me up when someone would approach me at school with the bad news: "Do you know that you have a den of foxes.....?" We'd see them a lot, running through our pasture or along the fence line. They were pretty successful at staying out of sight of our dogs, but didn't notice us if we were in the pasture on horseback. I wouldn't have called them fearless so much as oblivious to anything they didn't already know was a threat.

For David, because I don't want him to be confused
Fox: Small reddish fluffy canine-type with black tip on tail.
Hen: Fluffy feathered critter that lays eggs, clucks, and scratches the ground.
Pasture: Grassy area enclosed by fence.
Gut Pile: What foxes leave behind after visiting the chicken house.


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Jan 17, 2011
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I'd love to hear wisdom tooth horror stories. When I was in the waiting room there was an elderly lady sitting next to me. I was ridiculously nervous and she and I were the only ones alone so I started talking to her and found out that she was there to have her last four top teeth extracted because she had cancer in her nasal cavity that spread to her mouth. She was just having novacaine like me because she also had some heart issue that made it dangerous to get sedated. Sheesh, that quickly put things in perspective for me and made me feel like a big baby!
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