Sleeping and low appetite


5 Year Member
Feb 2, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Fort Wayne In
Reggie is our 8 year old tortoise. Like most tortoises, he slows down in the fall/winter. But he is sleeping more than he did last year at this time, about 22 hours a day, for 4 days. I think he would sleep around the clock if I didn't wake him to soak and eat. His eating has also dropped off in the past 4 days to only a few bites of zucchini sprinkled with orchard hay and maybe 5 mulberry leaves. He stopped eating Mazuri and ZooMed pellets in June. (He did this last summer, too, but resumed eating it a few months later) He eats grass and weeds pretty well when the temps are warm enough. We have had several unusually cool August days so he's not been outside every day this month. It was 95 just last week and back to 50's - mid-70's this week. Hoping for 82 tomorrow. Is this normal? I'm worried about him

Nothing has changed in his enclosure: he has UV bulbs, basking bulbs, temps at 84-87 degrees based on digital thermometers around his room.

I appreciate your help and insight.


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Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
For summer, my leopards have a summer hide they can come and go outside whenever they want, except at night. They come out every day to eat grazing on mulberry and grass/weeds. On days that are cooler, or gloomy, I turn on the heat for their hide and the basking bulb. I'm in Chicago, so our weather shouldn't be to much different than yours.
What do you have for him for outside?