
Well-Known Member
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Aug 3, 2013
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Sometimes when we talk about some of the faster growers, the people with healthy normal tortoises somehow feel like they've done something wrong or something. I hate that. Some of mine grow slow too and there is nothing wrong with them.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that growth rate should not be the measure of good health and keeper ability. Dawn, your tortoise is as close to perfect as any I've ever seen, and his size is excellent for his age. You are doing a great job raising him and no one should feel slighted because their tortoise is a little smaller than the next person's.

I'm just putting this out there as a general discussion point, not saying that Dawn or anyone else necessarily felt slighted in any way. I just want to pro-actively make sure that no one feels that way.

This has to be one of THE best posts on this forum, IMO. There was a time I was just sick with worry about what a light weight he was (IMO, not necessarily true) - wondering if I was doing the right thing with him. He looks wonderful (smooth) but was I missing something...? At one point Tom you told me to chill and that (along with a few others chiming in) helped immensely. If all your boxes are ticked, I think everyone needs to know that. (Chill!!)You see these big beasts and wonder why the happy your guy is small even though you know he was raised right and continued to get the best while in your care. They are like kids though, they never grow the same, even in the same family (take DeanS babies!)

So, thank you. It means a lot.


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Remember Trey from "The End of Pyramiding" thread. She just turned five in May and she's over 50 pounds. All she eats is hay, dead grass and weeds. She probably ate Mazuri 20 times in five years.

My 2 just turned 5 last month, one weighs 75lbs the other is 65lbs. I think that keeping them "wet" has greatly improved growth rates and health.


The Dog Trainer
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My 2 just turned 5 last month, one weighs 75lbs the other is 65lbs. I think that keeping them "wet" has greatly improved growth rates and health.

Wow. I'd love to see pics. I think that relates to this topic pretty well, so hopefully the OP will be okay with some pics here. @Nicole ? That okay?

Odin's Gma

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Sometimes when we talk about some of the faster growers, the people with healthy normal tortoises somehow feel like they've done something wrong or something. I hate that. Some of mine grow slow too and there is nothing wrong with them.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that growth rate should not be the measure of good health and keeper ability. Dawn, your tortoise is as close to perfect as any I've ever seen, and his size is excellent for his age. You are doing a great job raising him and no one should feel slighted because their tortoise is a little smaller than the next person's.

I'm just putting this out there as a general discussion point, not saying that Dawn or anyone else necessarily felt slighted in any way. I just want to pro-actively make sure that no one feels that way.
This has to be one of THE best posts on this forum, IMO. There was a time I was just sick with worry about what a light weight he was (IMO, not necessarily true) - wondering if I was doing the right thing with him. He looks wonderful (smooth) but was I missing something...? At one point Tom you told me to chill and that (along with a few others chiming in) helped immensely. If all your boxes are ticked, I think everyone needs to know that. (Chill!!)You see these big beasts and wonder why the happy your guy is small even though you know he was raised right and continued to get the best while in your care. They are like kids though, they never grow the same, even in the same family (take DeanS babies!)

So, thank you. It means a lot.

I'm with Dawn, that is a fantastic post by @Tom ! Very reassuring. (and he is right about Tuleo, that is tortoise perfection right there)

I also spent many months just worried sick about Odin because of his tiny size (around 200 grams at age 1) and trying despreatly to figure out what I was doing wrong.
Compared to many of your beasts he is certainly a runt, but he is happy, healthy, eating and growing steadily, and he certainly wants for nothing, particularly with amounts and choices of food. He is just small and there is nothing wrong with that. Heck, I am a bit on the small side myself and I think it's awesome!. :p


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Wow. I'd love to see pics. I think that relates to this topic pretty well, so hopefully the OP will be okay with some pics here. @Nicole ? That okay?
Tortoise pics!! Ewe! Haha :) the more pics the better! I hope mine isn't that big at 5!


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Ethel getting a new wheel. He was attacked by a dog. I got him right after it happened when he weighed 65g. I had to give him shots for 10 days. He now weighs 75lbs at 5 years old.


Fred 65lbs laying a clutch of 27 eggs.


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My two live in a shed that I insulated and added a pig blanket and oil filled heater. This year I also added airconditioning .


I built a new door for so I could just change them out when the weather changes again. I store the other door inside the shed. I insulated my shed to only an r13 and it stays in the 70s in the winter even on days when it is in the single digits. That is even with their hatch open. I have found that if I keep it closed they break things trying to get out. So, I just open it for a few hours even on the coldest of days. Fred will venture out in the snow and cold almost everyday for a few minutes. Once I started opening it neither tortoise breaks anything.


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Jun 23, 2013
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Very nice!! I just got an oil heater. It doesn't throw as much heat as I expected. It's 1500 watts, the largest I found on amazon Time to order the pig blanket! Your tortoise house is not only functional but pretty too :)


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Jun 25, 2010
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Springfield, Mo
Very nice!! I just got an oil heater. It doesn't throw as much heat as I expected. It's 1500 watts, the largest I found on amazon Time to order the pig blanket! Your tortoise house is not only functional but pretty too :)

My oil heater is only 1500w and I normally have it on the middle setting amd it keeps my shed pretty toasty even on the coldest days. It just takes longer to get there but once there it seems like it has no trouble keeping the temperature.