Tortoise with ri!


New Member
Feb 5, 2017
my 2 sukcata tortoise got ri about 4 days ago and i made an appointment for the vet as soon as possible but i got my appointment in 4 days, so whats the best thing to delay the symptons of ri on a tortoise?


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Jul 11, 2014
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Keep the enclosure very warm, above 85F and over 80% humidity. Daily long warm soaks. What size tortoises? Are they housed together? How are they housed, temps, basking, warm side, cool side, and night low?
It is as important to fix what caused the ri as it is to treat the ri.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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The only way to really and truly diagnose a respiratory infection is looking at a smear under a microscope and testing it. Bubbly or runny nose isn't always a R.I. Most often in captive tortoises nasal discharge is caused by stress - and two tortoises living in the same enclosure is very stressful. Tortoises are territorial, and they chase other tortoises out of their territory, sometimes even fighting to the death of one of them. But in an enclosure situation, where the tortoise has no way to get out of the territory, he will try to stay out of the others' way. The one doing the chasing (sometimes this isn't visible, but more subtle or mental) is stressed and the one being chased is stressed.

I may be way off base, but you saying they have an R.I. without any actual testing done on the mucous, just gave me this scenario.