Update on Savanna


New Member
Sep 1, 2024
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This is a continuation of my intro post. Well, we are a few days in and all seems to be going good. She is definitely a foodie and has one heck of an appetite.

We figured she would do best in the back yard so I set about putting up a temporary visual barrier with garden fabric / weed barrier zip tied to the chain link fence. I knew I had a decent sized back yard but at 114’x47’, I got my butt whooped putting it up. Next project is making her an insulated home.

Savannah is getting all the steps in, and, has also found the shadiest place we have for her right now to hang out in a cool spot, under a massive clump of ferns in the corner.

Have not located any pooh but mainly due to yard size. She’s drinking out of the three large plant plant saucers I have placed around the yard and she isn’t really a fan of soaking. Keeps trying to get out.

All in all I’d say we are on a decent path, me and her. But as with life, we shall take it one day at a time. As for now, it is time to settle in to some tort research and learn me some knowledge. Thanks for reading. Until next time.


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Oh great, glad it's working out. Do you have a night box for her to sleep in at night or are you bringing her in? They should be locked up at night when living outside so the night varmits don't chew on them.
As for poop, there is a slight chance she is eating it. If I remember correctly, she wasn't taken care of very well by the people you got her from. If she wasn't fed enough or properly, she may have resorted to eating her own poop.


New Member
Sep 1, 2024
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What type of night varmints are you referring too? The eating of poop may be happening. I’ll be on lookout. We did have a message show up today ( three days after found, who knows how long she’s been gone ) on local FB asking if anyone has seen two tortoise, a red foot and that the other tortoise was found already, I think referring to savanna. Anyways the person posting was not even owner, but ex student of professor who had them and passed away a long while ago, wanting them found so she could return to his widow. The ladies at the sheriffs dispatch where we picked her up said that lady had dementia. Kinda at a loss for what to do now. Don’t want her to go back to such care. Is there a possibility of animal neglect/ cruelty circumstances I can look into? Don’t suspect many around here know to much about it, enforcement wise.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
What type of night varmints are you referring too? The eating of poop may be happening. I’ll be on lookout. We did have a message show up today ( three days after found, who knows how long she’s been gone ) on local FB asking if anyone has seen two tortoise, a red foot and that the other tortoise was found already, I think referring to savanna. Anyways the person posting was not even owner, but ex student of professor who had them and passed away a long while ago, wanting them found so she could return to his widow. The ladies at the sheriffs dispatch where we picked her up said that lady had dementia. Kinda at a loss for what to do now. Don’t want her to go back to such care. Is there a possibility of animal neglect/ cruelty circumstances I can look into? Don’t suspect many around here know to much about it, enforcement wise.
I believe rodents like mice and rats are the main issue but there’s definitely other animals to look out for depending where you live. Either way it’s safest having them somewhere temperature controlled at night and secure🙂
Also don’t worry about her being fussy during a soak, a lot of them get like that, it actually makes good exercise for them.

Aw I’m worried about that red foot too now☹️if their original owner has dementia I think she’ll struggle maintaining the needs of those tortoises, unless she has lots of support, but it clear the leopard wasn’t in the best shape, so I share your concerns of her going back to their care😣to me it’s clear the best place is with you and hopefully people involved will see that, I hope there’s no dispute! I can’t speak for the animal welfare laws where you are, but I believe it’s very difficult to get them involved with tortoises, their signs of neglect can be much harder to spot because most places don’t understand them enough and what to look out for😕let’s just hope they’ll do what’s best for the tortoise
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