
  1. H


    Emergency! Born June 24th, 2020 this little girl Honu was always a sweet, active, happy baby tort. Out of the litter some liked to charge but this girl was always very sweet. Hence why I think she's a girl. Here's a ton of pictures to help describe her issue she's going through. Im fairly...
  2. T

    HELP! Sick Tortoise Rehydration

    Hi Guys, I need some expert advice on how to handle my sick tortoise He is a 22cm SCL radiated tortoise, and lately has been eating less and less, until 2 days ago where he completely stopped eating. We brought it to a vet and she said that it has a high chance that he got a respiratory...
  3. ashleymiller28

    Baby sulcata lethargic and barely eating

    Hello, I am extremely worried while typing this. The past few days my 9month old sulcata tortoise has been extremely lethargic when she is usually very active and eating twice a day. I have only been able to get her to take a few bites of pure pumpkin but nothing more each day. Basking temps are...
  4. C

    Sick little buddy

    Hello all, I am very new to this tortoise owning thing. I have had my little buddy for two weeks. And he was doing well until about 3 days ago. In this time he has stopped eating, drinking and has just been sleeping. I have checked the temperature constantly being sure he is warm enough, I keep...
  5. H

    Tortoise growing too fast?

    My eastern hermann's tortoise has grown 30g (roughly 1 oz), SCL has grown 1.4cm (roughly 0.55 inch) in 4 weeks. He was a hatchling when I first got him at 5.1cm SCL, 29.1 Should I be worried that he's growing too quickly? I did read an article that states rapid weight gain is a sign of illness...
  6. J

    HELP Red foot screaming at night

    Hi, I just bought a baby red footed tortoise (3 months old according to the petshop). On the first day of caring for the tortoise I noticed it made clicking sounds that were made by small snot bubbles coming form one of it’s nose holes. I went to the vet that same day and he told me it had...
  7. C

    Help! RI, less active, eating less

    Hi everyone, I have a baby marginated tortoise who I unfortunately bought with a respiratory infection. I tried raising humidity and the temperature in his enclosure for the first while to see if that would improve but eventually took him to the vet and received antibiotic injections he is...
  8. G

    Russian Tortoise Lost Weight

    To keep this short and sweet, I weigh my Russian Tortoise named Sprout (age unknown) every month. On August 23rd he was 433g and on September 27th he weighed 395g. I just weighed him again (October 3rd) and he is down to 388g. That means he lost a total of 45g in 5 weeks. Nothing has changed in...
  9. G

    I think my turtle is sick Help please

    Hello I have a baby sulcata tortoise, He’s about 2 months old now. Lately he’s been acting very lethargic, barley eating, sleeping a ton. Also his shell has went from like a light green to a darker green. About a week ago or so he had bubbles coming out of his nose but they were clear. As of now...
  10. TortyMomma

    ?︎???︎?? ????︎ advice (small for age)

    I am so upset. In September, I adopted a baby sulcata and my bffs parents adopted two babies. One passed away early on but I just thought it got sick or was failure to thrive. I haven’t seen their other one because whenever I went over they had it in the back room. Meanwhile, mine has gotten...
  11. K

    My African sideneck turtle seems sick.

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone on here has gone through what I'm about to mention with their turtle and if you could give me advice. I've had my turtle for 6 years with no health issues. Suddenly a few days ago she started sitting under her basking platform and didn't really get out and move...
  12. A

    Russian tortoise isn’t eating

    Hi I just got my Russian tortoise 11 days ago and he doesn’t eat. I can’t take him to a vet because of this situation and I’ve researched a bunch to see why he wasn’t eating but most forums said it would be because of his environment and that he should have started after one week. He’s nibbled...
  13. C

    Red Footed Tortoise

    Hi there, Just looking for a bit of advice. I'm a Red Footed Tortoise dad of almost 10 years. I rescued my little guy from a family that kept him in newspapers in an unlit enclosure - causing his back legs to not work correctly. BUT he's been my world ever since. He loves to get out around the...
  14. S

    New eastern box turtle mom - possible respiratory infection, HELP!

    Hi everyone! I recently adopted an eastern box turtle, Sammy, from a family member. He has been much less energetic than usual the past few days and I think (but am not sure) that his breathing may have changed. I'm not sure if I need to be concerned about a possible respiratory infection or...
  15. A

    Poor Tort is Swollen (Advice?)

    good morning all. I’ve had my little Russian box tortoise Torti for 17 years. She’s never had any health problems, and under my care has access to UVB light, a Spring mix diet, regular soaking, supplements, and access to roaming a desert backyard. Yesterday morning, she was in good health but in...
  16. A

    My Tort is Restless!!

    good morning all. Earlier this week, my 17 year old Russian Box tort was taken to a vet for fluid build up / swelling. As a result her kidneys look good, her nose/eyes look good, and she received an antibiotic shot in case of an RI. In spite of her swelling, she is eating and has high energy...
  17. Sky202

    Sick Eastern Boxie?

    This may be a stupid question, but my Eastern is about two years old. I got her about a year ago, and I kept seeing that when she would burry herself and resurface shed always have eye caps after sleeping. Is this normal? I also have reason to believe she may have a respiratory infection or...
  18. M

    Please help, very sick and weak tortoise

    Hello. On thursday i tried to wake up my 17 yo herman tortoise from her winter nap, today is saturday, evening and she went to a general vet on thursday who gave baytrill liquid and eyedrops for everyday use. Her symptoms havent changed and i am very worried and devastated Eyes swollen shut...
  19. A

    Carrot bath - twice a day?

    Hello, We have a sick Russian tortoise. She’s on antibiotics for an upper respiratory tract infection. She’s really not doing well and we are trying all that we can. Her eyes are closed and she’s not eating. I’ve read about the carrot soaks. Can I soak her 30 minutes twice a day? Is there a...
  20. M

    What happens if a Russian tortoise is exposed to 24/7 light?

    Hello, my name is Marshall, I am brand new to Tortoise Forum, but I need help. I have an 'associate' that has possession of young one-eyed Russian Tortoise. I suspect the tortoise is about 4 inches in length, maybe a little less. I haven't identified it as a male or female, but the 'associate'...