
  1. BentoNeko

    My Eastern Box turtles front legs seem to be rubbed raw?

    Hi everyone! So my box turtle is about a year and a half old, when i picked her up the other day, I noticed her legs were considerably paler on the parts that she uses to wipe her face if she gets food in her face. It seems as though shes rubbed that part of her legs raw... any ideas on whats...
  2. addyson123

    Please Help! Russian Tortoise Not Eating!

    Hello Everybody, I have had my tortoise for about 2 1/2 months and I love him so much. He has been great and for the most part has been eating good but recently (Within the past few weeks) He has stopped eating and subsequently stopped pooping. Otherwise he seems to be normal. He doesn't have...
  3. Sheldonsspot

    What is wrong with my Russian tortoise?

    I got a Russian tortoise online almost 3 months ago. The breeder obviously neglected him because when he arrived, his shell is covered in different dents and scratches from what I can only assume was a bad environment. Anyways, everything was going smoothly until about a week after I got him he...
  4. H

    Bix turtles tail is gone

    I have a young box turtle only a few inches long and its tail had disappeared and in its place is a big postule or puss sack type thing. It's really soft and I dont know what to do where I live there's really no vets that treat turtles so that's not really an option. She's still pooping and...
  5. agnes&theo

    Diarrhea in 4YO Burmese Star

    Hi everyone. My four year old, male Burmese Star tortoise has had diarrhea that I found in their enclosure. We cleaned him up and he drank some water in the bath for dehydration and was awake, alert, and wanted to run around and eat. His tail was all matted in poop though. There was no...
  6. Kingsley7

    Abscess on Baby Sulcata?

    Hi Everyone, I have been dealing with quite an anomaly for the past few months with my 7 month old HET for ivory sulcata. I purchased him from Randy at tort Stork in December and noticed in late January a slight bump under his right eye on his cheek. We concluded it was probably an irritation or...
  7. S

    Is My Baby Tortoise OK

    Hello! I have a baby sulcata tortoise named silkie, and she was purchased sometime around February twelfth. She had some pretty rough health problems early on, but I thought we put that behind us. But she has been acting strangely. She poops white stuff about twice a day and she didn't eat her...
  8. E

    Sick Cherryhead? :(

    Hi all, first time poster here. I have a ~3 year old baby cherryhead, who normally seems happy and healthy. But tonight I heard him wheezing, and when I checked on him I found a strange sort of bubbly mucus around his mouth and nostrils. He had also just pooped quite a lot, not sure if the two...
  9. lorena.r

    Torti has pneumonia

    Torti is a 1 year and 9 month old sulcata who was diagnosed with pneumonia one week ago. He was having eyelid swelling and difficulty breathing that looks like extending his neck and then gulping deeply. He was shipped to me 2-3 weeks ago from my old home (I moved a few months ago) so I think...
  10. H

    HELP Please!! (lethargic baby)

    Hey guys. I know I've posted alot about my baby but he really needs help. I don't think he has hatching failure syndrome, and if he does there is something more to it. He really needs help and i dont know how much longer he will make it. Ive typed this once before but lost all my progress so i...
  11. pauline_fri

    Tortoise is sick, help

    Hello, our marginated tortoise went to the vet's about two weeks back and was apparently sick, so the doctor kept him for a bit, gave him some antibiotics that didn't help, then some that did, and we took him back home. This was a week ago. Since then, he hasn't been eating or pooping. He...
  12. A

    Sick Tiny Indian Star Tortoise, help ?

    Hi All, We have two baby tortoise (twins - from the same egg). Recently we went on holiday for Christmas and left both Elmo and Leon at a pet boarding. When we came back yesterday Elmo looked very weak and puffy, he didn't opened his eyes at all. The vivarium in which they were kept was...
  13. Celestenicole

    Green blotch behind baby turtles eye?!?!

    I noticed my three toed box turtle had a green spot behind her right eye a couple days ago and its still here. Is it an infection or could it be grass stains?? Anybody know anything about this???
  14. Kayla Moore

    Tortoise squeaks!

    Hello, I have had my sulcata tortoise for about 3 months now. He is around 5 months old I am guessing. Recently he has started squeaking, rubbing his eyes, and pulling his head into his shell. His appetite is normal and is staying active. In the morning, he basks but after he eats he takes laps...
  15. drew54

    Poor Bones

    I noticed yesterday morning that the floor off his enclosure, well at his level on substrate, was registering 104 while the ambient temp midway up throughout the enclosure was registering 80-85. He had been very lethargic and hadn't eaten in two days. :( I had adjusted the thermostat and the...
  16. SushiAndReptiles

    HELPPPP!!! Sulcata hatchling is gasping!!

    Hey everyone, my hatchling sulcata tortoise, Franklin, whom I ordered from “tortoise town” and arrived Thursday, October 4th, is gasping for air and acting lethargic. His substrate is eco earth coconut fiber substrate, mixed with cedar wood chips I believe. He is in a black storage tub that I...
  17. B

    H E L P. (baby failing)

    My family is new to owning a baby tortoise. We have a sulcata tortoise we got last october, from day one it was active and healthy. Recently we began to worry as our little tortoise has become lethargic, hardly eats if it even does, hides a lot in its shell, and the worst part is that it will no...
  18. D

    Help! Baby tortoise suddenly can't walk properly!

    Hi! I've had my little leopard tortoise for about a month now. He's been doing okay but not as good as I would hope. But today something completely random happened. He stopped lifting himself when he walks now. He seems like he does have the strength to lift himself and walk. This is completely...
  19. ScStange891

    Back Legs- Highly Concerned with my Baby Russian

    Hi, All, I haven't had to post here in some time, as all has been going well, but that unfortunately has seemed to change. My Russian Tort, Tortellini (Lini for short), about 11 months old, seems to have suddenly started declining. Last week, I went on vacation all week. I left the tortoise...
  20. T

    Help Needed. Baby African Pancake Tortoise

    I’ve had my baby for a couple of weeks now. Ordered him from Arizona Tortoise Compound. He started off fairly energetic but has definitely slowed down. At this point he barely moves, and will usually be exactly where I left him whenever I come back. When I take him out to soak he does still get...