
  1. J

    Brumation with wild caught.

    I recently got a sick box turtle off the side of the road. I had planned on getting him better and putting him back where he came from once he was all good. I looked into rescues, exotic vets, conservation programs in my area, and wild life centers that might be willing to take him once he's...
  2. S

    Left my Russian in the tub by accident but it may have cured her illness?

    My Russian tort, Pearl, may have gotten left in the tub a bit longer than expected when I got distracted by chores. She was soaking between an hour to an hour 15 (I usually only soak her for 30 minutes max and frequently change the water so it’s warm). I put her in her basking spot under the...
  3. W

    New Tort / Is she healthy?

    Hi! I just brought home my first red foot tortoise yesterday and I am concerned that she is not healthy! She is about five inches in size and I purchased her from Petco. When I brought her home I noticed her eyes had a milky coat over them that came loose after she soaked in her water bowl...
  4. Eckgirl88

    I think he’s dying

    Artie is lethargic and his shell is softer than it should be. His enclosure is a large tote with a ceramic heat bulb, a MVB at 75w (we added today from the one that is like spiral and white), and also an incandescent bulb at 65watts. His cool side is 80 and the warm side fluctuates based on...
  5. S

    Please help. (Cold tortoise)

    Please help I don't know what happened. Our sulcata tortoise was Normal a couple hours ago He had a heat lamp on him And he's in the house With us for winter but we found him Stone cold Not moving And bubbles coming out of his nose. He is stiff as a rock.
  6. S

    Help is this shellrot? My Redfoot losing plastron scutes

    I was giving my 3 yr old redfoot a bath and I noticed one of her plastron scutes had fallen off. I was kind of horrified by that but after a lot of research I started immediately treating her with Beta iodine and a topical skin cream. I also used Chlorhexidine diluted to clean the area scrubbing...
  7. T

    General thoughts on Bytril and Respritory infection

    Hey everyone. I have a redfoot tortoise who stopped eating and would flush her nose with water and bubbles would come out. She seemed more drowsy and didn't want to eat but would soak for long periods of time in her water. (This started when having her outside for a few hours and had her...
  8. nikki1301

    Help! small bump on my pink belly side necks leg?!?

    Hi i’m new here, i’ve had turtles in the past but took a hiatus and finally decided to get a new little guy, he’s active and eating everything seems fine but i’ve had him for about 4 days and the first two he was very shy and hiding now he’s all over the place but i noticed once he came out a...
  9. G

    Brumating or sick? Losing weight. Help!

    I have a 5-10 year old female Russian tortoise named Sprinkles. I got Sprinkles in mid June. Up until a few weeks ago she had a great appetite, eating most of the food I would put in her 8 inch terracotta dish, a very large handful. She eats mixed leafy greens and sometimes she gets radicchio as...
  10. mrpresitort

    Very lethargic Russian tortoise (2yo, M) - Is he sick?

    My russian tortoise is a 2 year old (ish) male. He's usually very active in the mornings and goes out in search of food, but for the past week, maybe week and a half, I have had to encourage him to come out of his burrow to eat something, and then once he's eaten he goes right back to his burrow...
  11. Scollins17

    Tortoise is no longer active

    Hi Everyone I have a 2 year old Marginated tortoise. Has always been very active. I went on vacation for 4 days, came back and the last couple days he wont come out of his shell for anything. Wont bask, eat or drink. I left him a whole head of lettuce and a full dish of water. He ate most of the...
  12. guttermouse

    What’s wrong with his eye?

    Help please. I recently adopted this big guy and shortly after noticed he was rubbing this eye a lot. At first I decided to watch it and see how it would do over a day or two and it looked as though it was going away. When I was out feeding him a few days ago he was rubbing again, and I noticed...
  13. J

    Minnesota with 2 tortoises

    Hi I'm Jenny. I live in Minnesota and have 2 tortoises. Both were passed on to my family and I by other family. We have Tort the Gopher Tortoise (approximately 85 years old GIVE or take 5 years). And we have Dermarr the Russian Tortoise. He is (Approximately 20 years old give or take 2 years)...
  14. K

    Russian tortoise swollen leg

    Hi all, i have a Russian tortoise for about 5 years now and this is the first time something is wrong with her. Today I discovered that her left leg is swollen and has a small red mark. I took her to the vet but he didn’t really know what was wrong. It could have been a bite (she is currently...
  15. H

    Is my tortoise sick?

    My tortoise keeps on making these weird grunting/whistling noises that I can only describe as a super short exhale. He is eating and pooping normally, is active, doesn't have nasal discharge nor is his nose blocked (from what I can see from 10cm away from his face). He only seems to make this...
  16. D

    Tortoise Help - Is my tortoise sick?

    Hi guys! So i have a tortoise that lives in my garden ( soil there is no grass atm) Anyways my tortoise is active and very fast! but recently (4 days ago) she started sleeping for too long! like a day and half at the same spot, while sleeping her head isn’t completely inside. In the last two...
  17. C

    my tortoise is sick, please help

    My tortoise has been sick for a week, at first she ate a little but only using her head, now she doesn't eat anymore, she blinks slowly and doesn't move from a spot in the sun, she keeps her head bent to the left and her limbs are flask, she has white stains around her mouth, in my country vets...
  18. bloodyapa

    Is there something wrong with my Red Foot?

    Hello everyone, I’m new to this forum. I have about a year with my tortoise and recently I’ve noticed that she/he likes to be in the water the whole day. He likes to be under the basking light in the water and sometimes he goes under his tree but his body is still in the water. not sure if...
  19. H

    Tortoise Screech / scream whilst in bath

    Hi I’ve had my baby Red foot tortoise for about a month now and recently he’s started screeching / screaming in the bath and retracts into his shell. I do his water warm but not too hot. And only up to the start of his shell. I monitor him throughout the day regularly and I’ve never seen him do...
  20. TortoiseBlobs

    Help! Hermanns “gasping”(?)

    Hi everyone, Up front I’ll just say that while typing this, things feel less scary than when I started. But I’d still love some consult! Kirby, my 6 yo Dalmatian Hermanns started acting distressed this evening after eating some pellets of mushy mazuri. She was doing the following in 5-15 sec...