2 F Russians help


New Member
Jul 15, 2022
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New york
I bought two female Russian tortoises from a local reptile store. They seem pretty okay when I got them. They were both sleeping and when I picked them up, they looked healthy. they were moving and active! So I got them! They are both babies(2-3 years old) I have another two Russian tortoises for couple of years. They are healthy and very active. But cause I got these two new ones I’ve been keeping them apart from my other two. But the next 1-2 days. I started seeing one of them keep their right eye close all the time and she would use her feet to scratch it, I would pick her up and try to see if she had something in her eye but there was nothing, no irritation or swollen, but compared to her other eye, the other one is bigger and healthy looking. She would open it to eat or walk but it’ll take her a min. And the other one would sleep a lot but she still was active and eating as a happy tort! But it’s been a few days already and the one with the eye started having eye boogers so I had order this eye drops that I’ll put the link to it in the bottom. And my other tortoise she would sleep all the time, no appetite. I’ll have to wake her up for her to eat. Or she wouldn’t eat a lot for her age. Yesterday I realized she had saliva? Coming out her beak and it was supper sticky and also coming from her nose. She would be making noises, and she would open her mouth a lot, like yawning. So I did my research and I believe she might have an RI. I’m not sure but she’s been quarantined from all of them. And the one from the eye has been doing a lil better after using the drops. Idk if the store sold me like that. Or I didn’t notice cause when I pick both of them up they move and look active. Just like rn! I pick them up they are active, they move and walk but not for long. Like a normal tortoise. I have an inside enclosure, pretty big for both of them , basking are reaching 90 -100 colder areas around 80. UVB light aswell. Dirt is a mixture of Zoo Med Eco Earth Loose Coconut Fiber Substrate, Diet consist of dandelions, turnip greens, variety of lettuces, mustard greens, and hibiscus flowers with a mix of other edible flowers that I get from tortoise table website. I’ve been soaking them both in a mixture of pedialyte and carrot. Since idk if they were both dehydrated and cause it has vitamin A. This is what I usually do once I get a tortoise. Just to make sure if the pet store has been treating them good. I’m considering the vet for the one that I believe had RI. But decided to post it here first. I have her quarantined in a plastic bin, raised the humidity level, as I saw other people posts here when it came to the same problem I’m facing they said to add a little bit of vapor rub in the top corner of the bin. So I have done that. Today is the first day since she’s been there. She looks to be doing a lil better but it’s just the first day but since she’s in quarantine, just few mins ago I found this yellow, vainy ball in the enclosure, So again idk if what I’m doing is right. I’m planning to contact the pet store tomorrow cause they came like this. And Ik the vet bill ain’t cheap. If anyone has info on what I can do it’ll be great! Thank you

All the photos are of the one that is quarantined. The one with the eye I don’t have but it’s just one eye open and one close but like I said now she opens it a lil bit more.



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Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
First do not use the vapor rub, wherever you got that from, stop listening to them
Second, do not house them together. Pairs should not be housed together, specially Russians.
Low side/night temps should not be 80 but room temp or into 60's. For the one you are concerned about I would not let it get below 75 until better.
Do not use mercury, halogen or coil bulbs
Humidity should be at least 50% and dampened the substrate and pack it down tight.


New Member
Jul 15, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
New york
First do not use the vapor rub, wherever you got that from, stop listening to them
Second, do not house them together. Pairs should not be housed together, specially Russians.
Low side/night temps should not be 80 but room temp or into 60's. For the one you are concerned about I would not let it get below 75 until better.
Do not use mercury, halogen or coil bulbs
Humidity should be at least 50% and dampened the substrate and pack it down tight.
I got that from some old post here in the forum. I took it out. And they are not housed together. Not using mercury or any sort of coil bulbs either. Today she woke up. A lil active. But she opens her mouth constantly as if she needed to sneeze. Should I consider a vet or should I wait couple of days more to see if she gets better this is the 3rd day of her being like that. On the other hand she still won’t eat.


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Sep 6, 2011
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I had never seen that mentioned on this forum. Will have to look that up.
Do you have her in her own enclosure?
Get temps to 85 day and night with basking of 95-100.
Pack down tight the coconut coir.
Soak her daily with carrot baby food and piedialyte in warm water, keeping her warm the whole time, about 30 minutes.
I would wait as you just got them. They were under a lot of stress at the store and then if you kept them together. Never house tortoises in pairs.
Get the suggestion done and start the soaks and see how she is in another couple days.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
What I found about value rub was from a fairly new member and their advice should not be followed.
When taking advice like that, click on the user name and check out how long they have been a member. Are they active, do they really have the experience you should be following.
If someone like Yvonne G or Maggie suggested it, then I would say it's fine.
For slight RI symptoms, usually the temps are off and once they get to where they are supposed to be, the symptoms clear up.
Foaming at the mouth is usually over heated.
Always be sure your tortoise has room to get out of the basking temps.


New Member
Jul 15, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
New york
Got it, so yesterday I took her to the vet, they weren’t of much help cause the exotic specialist was off for Memorial Day. But from what she saw from both tortoises, is that I should keep doing what I’m doing. Idk if what I’m actually doing it’s working or just keeping them okay as how they are. She told me to find an insurance for them so the bill isn’t too crazy. I heard nationwide is good but as I was reading it say it doesn’t cover issues if it’s from before the insurance. And the pet store where I got them don’t want to be held liable. They said they might be able to refund me but I don’t think that’s the way to go since I already have a bond with them and idk if they are actually gonna take care of them.