Best uvb

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5 Year Member
Jul 7, 2013
So what is the best way to get your loved ones uvb? I know natural sun light is number 1 but after that MVB? Floresent bulbs? Or regular style uvb bulbs ? Tell me what you think or know and why


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It depends on the species. The mvb is the best of all. Gives the most UVB and also heat and light. However, some species the fluorescents are better.


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Jul 16, 2013
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What is MVB?
I have a power sun, but since I have two tortoises, getting a third next Friday from another TFO member, AND fall is approaching, I need two more bulbs and I don't want to spend a fortune on more PowerSuns.

Looking for less expensive options myself. [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]


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Jun 16, 2013
Re: RE: Best uvb

swatsx said:
So what is the best way to get your loved ones uvb? I know natural sun light is number 1 but after that MVB? Floresent bulbs? Or regular style uvb bulbs ? Tell me what you think or know and why

I am doing some research on bulbs as winter is coming and everyone here must come indoors.

In short, from a research I've done, Arcadia 3D+ fluorescent tubes provide the closest UVB(short and long length) and UVB/UVI ratio to the sun from all tubes and MVBs. I am not considering compact florescants at all.

I have red the new zoomed ho T5 had similar recording, but I have not seen test results. Both Arcadia and Zoomed ho T5 are made in Germany.

I have a zoomed 100w powersun, but after reading test results I am not convinced this is the best choice for closest replication of natural sunlights from what today's market has to offer.
The UVB long/shortwave is very unlike that of the sun, and same goes for UVB/UVI ratio. In the report it is also stated that not enough research has been done to show long term effects of such strong short wave UVB on reptiles.

The test showed Arcadia 3D+ ratios are much close to that of natural sunlight, in both UVB ratios and UVB/UVI ratio.

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As above, the arcadia tube is the best. Nearly all reptile stuff made in Germany is better than the stuff made in the rest of the world lol, they have a really advanced reptile community.
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