Cannibal Holocaust (Turtle Scene) Warning! Graphic DO NOT WATCH.

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Thanks for the warning. I cannot watch stuff like that. It stays with me. Like forever and always. And makes me sad. And angry. and both those emotions at the same time = crazy, cray-cray ... so no ... no see, for me.

I am just going to share what was shared with me as a child by my neighbor who was full blood Hopi Indian. However I do not think this was a Hopi belief. Perhaps just my neighbor's belief and he just happened to be Hopi. Dunno.

"At the end of our lives, at the gate, will be all the animals we ever encountered in our lives and they will tell the Great Spirit if we should go in, or be turned away."


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"At the end of our lives, at the gate, will be all the animals we ever encountered in our lives and they will tell the Great Spirit if we should go in, or be turned away."

I really like the thought of this, thanks for sharing.

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Levi the Leopard

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Re: RE: Cannibal Holocaust (Turtle Scene) Warning! Graphic DO NOT WATCH.

sibi said:
Okay, didn't know if you knew that. I misunderstood. My apologies.

I figured it was a misunderstanding.



5 Year Member
Jul 21, 2012
BeeBee*BeeLeaves said:
Thanks for the warning. I cannot watch stuff like that. It stays with me. Like forever and always. And makes me sad. And angry. and both those emotions at the same time = crazy, cray-cray ... so no ... no see, for me.

I am just going to share what was shared with me as a child by my neighbor who was full blood Hopi Indian. However I do not think this was a Hopi belief. Perhaps just my neighbor's belief and he just happened to be Hopi. Dunno.

"At the end of our lives, at the gate, will be all the animals we ever encountered in our lives and they will tell the Great Spirit if we should go in, or be turned away."

That's an amazing quote.

Yellow Turtle

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I despise this movie. They are just doing it for fun and not that they are really in need of food.

100% animal cruelty...


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1: yes usless to kill the turtle
2: I personaly love turtles and still think its ok to eat them (my favorite animal is cows and I eat them)
3: what is this show for? Reality tv?
4: I personally am happy that they actually ate it (meaning they didn't just brutally murder it)

Please don't get mad this is just my oppinion


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Anthony P said:
EricIvins said:
Podocnemis Expansa in case anyone wants to know......

Oh we'll at least it's a common species rarely exploited for food.... NOT!!!

Both Expansa and Unifillis are farmed by the hundreds of thousands every year for the food and pet trade. Just because they are ESA listed here doesn't mean squat.......

Interestesting backstory as to why they were ESA listed in the first place, and it has everything to do with the almighty dollar, not conservation........Thank the Ford administration for this......

I don't see why everyone is up in arms about seeing this. This is the accepted way to process a Turtle/Tortoise the world over. It happens everyday in just about every country in the world. I would love to see how else people are expected to do this. No different than shocking Poultry or using a bolt on a Cow........Lets face facts here; Turtles and Tortoises are used as a protein source the world over. This is not going to change just because people who keep these animals as pets in America are up in arms about it........


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Just because the world over kill animals inhumanly doesn't mean we shouldn't be appalled by their methods. It's the common acceptance of these types of practices that allows this to continue. In condoning these acts, man acts worse than the animals they kill. And, just for your information, before I owned any reptiles, I always objected to inhumane treatment of any animal including humans. For hunting food, like I stated before, there is a right way to hunt and there is a wrong way. The people who made this film has more on their minds than hunger. They went about it the wrong way because if they would've acted compassionately, they could've killed the animal so as to minimize the suffering. You see, that's what separates man from beast (or so I thought).


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In Korea they beat their dogs before killing them, because there is a perverted belief that the meat tastes better if dogs have high adrenaline levels in their meat before they die.


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sibi said:
Just because the world over kill animals inhumanly doesn't mean we shouldn't be appalled by their methods. It's the common acceptance of these types of practices that allows this to continue. In condoning these acts, man acts worse than the animals they kill. And, just for your information, before I owned any reptiles, I always objected to inhumane treatment of any animal including humans. For hunting food, like I stated before, there is a right way to hunt and there is a wrong way. The people who made this film has more on their minds than hunger. They went about it the wrong way because if they would've acted compassionately, they could've killed the animal so as to minimize the suffering. You see, that's what separates man from beast (or so I thought).

So how could they have killed this animal more humanely? I'm not appalled at all. No different than putting an arrow or bullet through a Deer and having it run 50 yards until it drops, or a bolt through a Cows skull. How can you act compassionately by killing anything? Hypocrisy?


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I headed the warning and didn't watch the video.

I see anything wrong with eating turtles or tortoises, per se. I don't personally eat them because I keep them as pets and that would be weird, but I have no problem knowing that other people eat turtles. I eat fish, cow, chickens, and pigs and people keep all of those as pets. Technically, turtle is just another source of protein.

However, I do strongly believe that the animals we eat should be killed as quickly and humanely as possible. There's no point in tormenting them. Thats just sadistic and cruel.

Btw, why is the video called "cannibal holocaust" if there's no cannibalism?


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BeeBee*BeeLeaves said:
Thanks for the warning. I cannot watch stuff like that. It stays with me. Like forever and always. And makes me sad. And angry. and both those emotions at the same time = crazy, cray-cray ... so no ... no see, for me.

I am just going to share what was shared with me as a child by my neighbor who was full blood Hopi Indian. However I do not think this was a Hopi belief. Perhaps just my neighbor's belief and he just happened to be Hopi. Dunno.

"At the end of our lives, at the gate, will be all the animals we ever encountered in our lives and they will tell the Great Spirit if we should go in, or be turned away."

I'm not sure if its Hopi, but it is a Native American belief, just not sure which tribe or tribes.

Another point I'd like to make is that people are saying that the people in these films are acting like or worse than animals. I think (and this is just my opinion so please nobody take offense) that humans in general are worse than animals. Animals never kill without a reason, they never hold a grudge, they don't show anger to each other or hatred, they know their place in the scheme of things and don't fight it. We humans go against ALL of this. I think it is better to act like an animal than it is to act like a human.


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Spn785 said:
I think (and this is just my opinion so please nobody take offense) that humans in general are worse than animals. Animals never kill without a reason, they never hold a grudge, they don't show anger to each other or hatred, they know their place in the scheme of things and don't fight it. We humans go against ALL of this. I think it is better to act like an animal than it is to act like a human.

Felines will kill without reason. Out of instinct, they'll kill easy prey if it crosses their path, regardless of hunger. Lots of time, they kill, and when the animal is dead, just walk away with no attempt to eat it. They simply have no morality when it comes to killing and are incapable of understanding the impacts of their actions on the other animal. The thing with people is that we function on more than instinct. We have the ability to reduce our cruelty and many people choose not to. Thats sad.

(Here's a synopsis of a recent study that fond that cats only eat 30% of the animals they kill: )

terryo said:
In Korea they beat their dogs before killing them, because there is a perverted belief that the meat tastes better if dogs have high adrenaline levels in their meat before they die.


Kapidolo Farms

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So, I would guess none of you have seen the "McCord" video, that would give you perspective that they did kill this turtle about as humanly as possible, a quick head removal.

I did a necropsy on a large snapping turtle many years ago, the heart continued to beat for several hours afterward, sitting by itself on a paper towel on the lab table, completely removed from the turtle - who was given so much euthanasia fluid it would have killed an adult cow, that much, really. All under the supervision of a veterinarian.

That the turtle in this video appears to be struggling long after it is effectively dead (head removed) indicates the autonomy of movement based on non-brain directed impulses to limbs.

I mediated an angry crowd of a turtle society meeting after a public showing of the McCord video. I like all animals, even those that I have eaten. But Fish get the worst of it, they are often brought up from their aquatic environment, the source of EVERYTHING they need, and get laid in an air environment or packed on ice, to die slow and horrific deaths, farmed raised or wild caught.

Chicken are sprayed with a saline solution so electricity will better transmit through their feathers, then shocked to stimulate a quicker heart rate, throat cut, but not to nick the spinal cord, they bleed out in less than 30 seconds, get their hocks removed, de-feathered, and then "cleaned".

About one in a few million, are still alive wiggling around and trying to 'get away' with no feet, head, feathers, or means to live just before evisceration. So that a turtle is wiggling around withut a head is a gruesome image, and perhaps served no really hungry people in this film, but it was as humane a death as is possible for meat consumption.

As Eric has pointed out literally billions of animals are killed for food every year. You either eat meat or you get some benefit from others who do, so in some sense until all are no meat eaters, we are all meat eaters, worse when you consider some people who farm holistic organic produce are meat eaters too.



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Shelly, about the report on cats, what they don't explain is that there probably is a reason. I can think of three: 1) Cats are very territorial to any animal that is smaller than themselves and sometimes to animals bigger than themseles; 2) They obviously do eat some of the animals they kill, and this report does not do a very accurate account of cats in general (they only use cats from one are and not a large number of them either) so the 30% is up for question (once again my opinion, I would trust this more if they did more than a thousand cats in different cities); 3) They are practicing their hunting skills. So it is probably a combination of these three things. Cats are notorious for playing with their prey before they kill it as well, but (this is what I was told from a zoo keeper when I was working at the St. Louis Zoo) house cats are the only felines that play with their food or kill so much unnecessarily. Lion cubs and other "big cats" do, but only when they are young and learning to hunt. It is interesting that cats are so unusual compared to other animals though. :)


The Dog Trainer
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Spn785 said:
Another point I'd like to make is that people are saying that the people in these films are acting like or worse than animals. I think (and this is just my opinion so please nobody take offense) that humans in general are worse than animals. Animals never kill without a reason, they never hold a grudge, they don't show anger to each other or hatred, they know their place in the scheme of things and don't fight it. We humans go against ALL of this. I think it is better to act like an animal than it is to act like a human.

This is a commonly held belief, but it is just not true. Animals kill indiscriminately all the time. Camels, Cape buffalo, rhinos, Tasmanian devils, mantis shrimp, black mambas, dolphins, elephants, dogs, ravens, fish, etc. The list is endless. One could argue the "reason" in any of these cases, but one could also argue the "reason" why people do it.

Animals also most certainly do hold grudges, show anger and demonstrate hatred. I see this daily.

As far as knowing their place and not fighting it, sorry, false. Grab a ground squirrel with your hand and see how well he non-violently accepts his place in the food chain. Tell the lion with the broken jaw who got kicked by a zebra, how the zebra knows and accepts his place in the grand scheme of things.

Living wild is a constant fight and struggle. It is violent, deadly, dangerous and most decidedly unkind. Ever other animal wants to eat you or hurt you so you can't eat them. They want to steal and fight over each others shelter, territory, mates and food sources. Male lions come into a new pride of females and kill all the babies, so the females will go into heat sooner. This idyllic "Disney" version of wildlife has always perplexed and confused me. Ever since I was little, I did not understand the things I was shown on animal shows. It did not add up with the reality that I saw with my own eyes in the real world. They clearly edit things to leave their audience with a warm heart and good feelings about the world. Accurate portrayal of wildlife is not the goal of the entertainment industry.


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Well, seems as if I've been told. :D I know I don't have Tom's experience with animals so I haven't seen animals hold grudges or show hatred or anger. I didn't know that other anuimals killed indiscrimantely (sp?) either. I did know that animals fight back even if they are prey, I'm just not sure of how to word my point regarding that. I also know that living wild is a struggle and a fight, and that is it bloody and gruesome most of the time. That I have seen personally.


The Dog Trainer
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Not trying to "serve" you. I like you. It's just that I work with animals all day every day and have been a student of the natural world as long as I've been alive, and I see and hear all sorts of misinformation every day. I try to clear it up when possible, but my bedside manner is lacking sometimes. Especially in the typed word. Tactfulness has never been my strong point. I mean you no insult. I'm just kinda blunt when typing.
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