Cherryhead or Red foot?


Mar 15, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Ok so I am a new to tortoise keeping and husbandry. I bought a cherryhead tortoise from "tortoise town". The more research I do and the more I look at other people's photos. Well long story short I feel I recieved a regular red foot and not a cherryhead. What signs should I really be looking for? His plastron is not marbeled but I dont know what else yo look for.


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Oct 9, 2009
From my experience, Cherryheads have a much darker plastron.

Love this guy’s carapace though. Will be a nice adult red foot.


Mar 15, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
That's kinda what I thought. I've also heard the "blonde" carapace will turn more black with age and the "blonde" will be gone. I've seen where some places market "blonde"red foots but there really isnt such a thing.


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Dec 9, 2011
Ok so I am a new to tortoise keeping and husbandry. I bought a cherryhead tortoise from "tortoise town". The more research I do and the more I look at other people's photos. Well long story short I feel I recieved a regular red foot and not a cherryhead. What signs should I really be looking for? His plastron is not marbeled but I dont know what else yo look for.

He is a Northern Redfoot like @Redfoot NERD reported. Dealers charge more for Cherryhead Redfoots because of their current popularity and red coloration which people have a penchant for. Don't ask me why. But he is a beautiful specimen and what they did in selling it to you as a Cherryhead may not have been intentional. If identifying it as a Cherryhead was done to deceive and charge you a premium for the animal, it was an unscrupulous but not uncommon business practice done to take advantage of the uninitiated.


Mar 15, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
He is a Northern Redfoot like @Redfoot NERD reported. Dealers charge more for Cherryhead Redfoots because of their current popularity and red coloration which people have a penchant for. Don't ask me why. But he is a beautiful specimen and what they did in selling it to you as a Cherryhead may not have been intentional. If identifying it as a Cherryhead was done to deceive and charge you a premium for the animal, it was an unscrupulous but not uncommon business practice done to take advantage of the uninitiated.
Yeah. I was new and wanted a tort. I figured buying it from a place online that had good reviews would be good and honest....guess not. I bought a cherryhead tort which the difference in price is about 60$. I dont want to get rid of him but at the same time I wanted a cherry head. Honestly at this point if they dont give me a cherryhead I'm not gona give this little guy back. Lol


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Dec 9, 2011
Yeah. I was new and wanted a tort. I figured buying it from a place online that had good reviews would be good and honest....guess not. I bought a cherryhead tort which the difference in price is about 60$. I dont want to get rid of him but at the same time I wanted a cherry head. Honestly at this point if they dont give me a cherryhead I'm not gona give this little guy back. Lol

They count on you becoming quickly attached to the animal they send initially. And your turtle, while not a Cherryhead Redfoot, is an exceptional example of a Northern Redfoot in magnificent color and form. It also shows every indication of being a robust, healthy specimen.


Mar 15, 2019
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Check out our Tortoise Vender review area. Tortoise town does not have good reviews. It will give you reviews on many different venders, some good, most bad. That may help if you are going to get another tort.
I have and its mixed reviews. All customer service comments were bad. Not a great place.


Mar 15, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
They count on you becoming quickly attached to the animal they send initially. And your turtle, while not a Cherryhead Redfoot, is an exceptional example of a Northern Redfoot in magnificent color and form. It also shows every indication of being a robust, healthy specimen.
size was my biggest concern as to why I wanted a cherryhead. I actually emailed them and told them I felt lied to and just bad business practice. He is very nice he comes out for me if I knock on his hide a just kinda rub my fingers together in front of his hide. He will unearth himself and walk out. He will let me rub his head. He is currently 58 grams.

Redfoot NERD

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Dec 5, 2007
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Not to 'piggy-back' your thread @Cherryman304 - hatchlings usually look like so -

.. with a plastron like so -

The "marbling" usually doesn't start until around 18 months.

Again... my preference is always the beauty of the light colored "Northern's" !!! You really do have a beauty .... anybody can get a red one - the Blondes are much more rare!

Redfoot NERD

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Part of my past breeding group had a pair that made very beautiful hatchlings. Every once in awhile one came out that resembles yours @Cherryman304 -

Note date -

And about 3 years later.. again note date lower right -

Plus - since you have a handle on maintaining "Humidity-in-Balance".. you can expect him to be as smooth-shelled!!!

Hope you like...

Redfoot NERD

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And BTW - you said "size" .. my Brazilian female was approaching 13" SCL ! So the "dwarf" nonsense is exactly that.


Mar 15, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
And BTW - you said "size" .. my Brazilian female was approaching 13" SCL ! So the "dwarf" nonsense is exactly that.
Yeah. Size was a big factor. I live in WV so I have to keep him inside during winter months. I wanted a sulcata at first. That was a impulse decision. I did my research before buying and saw that unless you have the money to house livestock"pigs,horses,goats,etc". You shouldn't buy a sulcata in a northern state. Unless you wanted your house tore to hell. For 6 months out of the years. Then it's not fair for the animal or the caretaker after myself because we all know how long torts live. So I did the responsible thing and went back to the drawing board. I came up with a "cherry head" because they were still big but stayed relatively smaller. Now like you said yes a cherry head can get big but its probably not as likely. I know that all tortoises can suprise anyone. I have seen over all my many hours of research there really isnt a accurate size chart it's more of a average/guideline and any species can go over or under that depending on way to many variables. Even though I have not named my little one yet, I have bonded with him and he isnt going anywhere. I paid 200$ for him besides the little rough spot on his plastron he is pretty perfect. He will have all the love and care he will ever need. Ever since I've done all my research on torts in general. I go into pet stores and see torts in glass aquariums with low temps and humidity and feel so bad for them. I look on YouTube for info that is either vague like someone reading a care sheet. Or it's a tort eating and you occasional Male humping a shoe. Really this forum was my last option but the best one. If it wasnt for TFO I would still have a overly bright way to hot and low humidity with an open air top. I had more of a setup for Greek or sulcata not a redfoot. My little guy would probably be no where near as good as he is today without you all. I thank you all and will do my best to help the next person. I still have a long way to go but the community of TFO has made it alot easier. I'm just trying to be a responsible pet owner.

Redfoot NERD

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The large carapace [ never can seem to get the proper name right ] yellow 'blotches' .. potentially on yours @Cherryhead304 .. is most common among even older "Bolivian" locale. ( Bolivian locale are not common - almost rare actually - among breeders today )


Mar 15, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Well good news everyone. I will be getting another tort on Tuesday from "Tortoise Town". They said it was their bad and were going to send a nice cherry head out to me next week on Monday.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2018
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Well good news everyone. I will be getting another tort on Tuesday from "Tortoise Town". They said it was their bad and were going to send a nice cherry head out to me next week on Monday.

So you’re getting another one or you’re returning the one you have now?