Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
And here's our room for the night at one of Britain's oldest pubs, built in the 13th or 14th century (medieval around 800 years old), the George Inn in the village of Norton St Philip in the county of Somerset
View attachment 203153

The floors are very uneven, the panelling ancient and there's a spiral staircase to get upstairs.

There's a panel showing part of the 15th century wall paintings they discovered during refurbishment
View attachment 203154

There's a history of it and more photos on the pub's website. I need tea now, but will try to take some of my own too.
How lovely!
Does it have a resident ghost?

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Tea drunk. Photos of Norton St Philip (sorry the sun is in the wrong place)
View attachment 203161
View attachment 203162
View attachment 203163
View attachment 203164
George is St George rather than one of the Kings

The tray in our room is rather old and very heavy!
View attachment 203165
The staircase
View attachment 203166
What a lovely place - only a couple of hours from meat the most I should think but never been.
All you need now is Poldark to stroll up the street - that would get me there!!!!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Hey everyone :)

Today we did an Easter egg hunt in pe... They were hidden in brambles!!! Of course, I was the one to get caught in them o.o View attachment 203424OH, and I got over my mental block for a gymnastics skill last night so I was very happy. :)

How are you all?
:eek:What sort of sadistic teacher puts the Easter eggs in the brambles?!!
A great idea!!!!;)
Congrats on the new skill!


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2015
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United Kingdom
Today my friend and I were talking about what we are going to do if we meet our favourite you tubers at the event that we are going to.

I turned to her and said "pretend I'm Jon. What would you do?"

She turned around and walked to the end of the hall. Then, she turned and ran at me and jumped onto me, knocking me backwards into a window and hitting my head on the metal handle. Now I have a bruised head. :p

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Today my friend and I were talking about what we are going to do if we meet our favourite you tubers at the event that we are going to.

I turned to her and said "pretend I'm Jon. What would you do?"

She turned around and walked to the end of the hall. Then, she turned and ran at me and jumped onto me, knocking me backwards into a window and hitting my head on the metal handle. Now I have a bruised head. :p
the You Tubers had better wear crash helmets!!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening/afternoon all - caught up with you all at last.
Hope everyone is OK.
Work is very busy at the moment we are moving to a new school at start of July so every spare minute is spent packing and de junking everything.
Can't believe the still usable furniture stuff they are scraping!
I have offered to help find homes for as much of it as possible but the powers-that-be aren't interested - they just keep ordering more skips.
What a waste!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
Good evening/afternoon all - caught up with you all at last.
Hope everyone is OK.
Work is very busy at the moment we are moving to a new school at start of July so every spare minute is spent packing and de junking everything.
Can't believe the still usable furniture stuff they are scraping!
I have offered to help find homes for as much of it as possible but the powers-that-be aren't interested - they just keep ordering more skips.
What a waste!
I agree about the waste! In the current budgetary climate in education, I am pretty sure you would find new homes for most stuff with other schools.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
I agree about the waste! In the current budgetary climate in education, I am pretty sure you would find new homes for most stuff with other schools.
They are supposed to offer it to feeder schools but don't think it's been offered to schools further afield. People on Freecycle and charity shops would also snap up the cupboards and filing cabinets etc. There are also organisations that ship to Africa and other 3rd World countries but they just can't be bothered to find them.
Everyone wants shiny new things! I'm finding it very frustrating and getting on everyone's nerves with my 'recycle' mantra!!
I'll just have to do what I can.