Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
Another busy day for me.

I'm glad Bee came up with a Dare for you, Adam. I'm no good at coming up with things like that because I worry too much about upsetting people. :p
I know what you mean, I've tried to be very cautious with the DARES.
I think this one will be okay.
Kid Gloves!
Have a fun busyday. :)


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Oct 26, 2014
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suns oot, guns oot!! ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1500396790.777965.jpg

i had a challenging day.. i didn't survive... i THRIVED :p

hadbags at dawn between a couple of the lads at the end there, one bailed before i could speak to him so i will be having words with them tomorrow.

even had sales bringing me cookies today, i'm awesome;)

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
Taking a breather - my eyes and brain are struggling, but I have got an awful lot of the paperwork done.

Dinner then slob in front of the tv I think. Tomorrow, more of the same but it'll be finished apart from actually going to the meetings :)
is there anything actually worth watching on TV at the moment ?
Still, have a nice relaxing evening and all the best for tomorrow. :)

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
suns oot, guns oot!! View attachment 213003

i had a challenging day.. i didn't survive... i THRIVED :p

hadbags at dawn between a couple of the lads at the end there, one bailed before i could speak to him so i will be having words with them tomorrow.

even had sales bringing me cookies today, i'm awesome;)

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
wifey a bit better, but still too hot for her just now.
Also The Tidginator is complaining about it.
And the neighbours.
And the man in the fizzy pop shop.

Please go to the Off Topic Chit Chat Forums and post a new thread titled "LOGANBERRIES"
Please post a thread that must include a picture of a loganberry and say you are doing a night school project and need to know everyone's favourite variety of loganberry if anyone could help
This must be done in a serious tone with no Monty Python references :)
I'm off to watch GOT, back in a bit
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Oct 26, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
wifey a bit better, but still too hot for her just now.
Also The Tidginator is complaining about it.
And the neighbours.
And the man in the fizzy pop shop.

Please go to the Off Topic Chit Chat Forums and post a new thread titled "LOGANBERRIES"
Please post a thread that must include a picture of a loganberry and say you are doing a night school project and need to know everyone's favourite variety of loganberry if anyone could help
This must be done in a serious tone with no Monty Python references :)
I'm off to watch GOT, back in a bit
Good luck!

still haven't made it home!! more positive things though:) , a new coustomer, £50 to start;)

andor is fantastic, we really can and WILL be millionaires, this time next year rodney ;)


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Oct 26, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
wifey a bit better, but still too hot for her just now.
Also The Tidginator is complaining about it.
And the neighbours.
And the man in the fizzy pop shop.

Please go to the Off Topic Chit Chat Forums and post a new thread titled "LOGANBERRIES"
Please post a thread that must include a picture of a loganberry and say you are doing a night school project and need to know everyone's favourite variety of loganberry if anyone could help
This must be done in a serious tone with no Monty Python references :)
I'm off to watch GOT, back in a bit
Good luck!

im sorry:( , operates on me iphone i does... pain in the bottom it be!

i know my time has probably expired (shame face) i have made a note and about to google 'em... clueless on em i be :(

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