Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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Blimey just noticed the time and I have to be up for work in under 6 hours!!
Better say Nos Da.
Take care fellow CDRers and have a good Weds.
Thank you! I haven’t entered it in years!! I might this year.
I get all confused about the sizing of the photo.
I've not entered either as I don't have a decent camera - well I do but its a 35mm so can't just download pics.
I think you would do well if you entered any of those this year, Kathy.


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10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
Blimey just noticed the time and I have to be up for work in under 6 hours!!
Better say Nos Da.
Take care fellow CDRers and have a good Weds.

I've not entered either as I don't have a decent camera - well I do but its a 35mm so can't just download pics.
I think you would do well if you entered any of those this year, Kathy.

Thanks! I just use my cell phone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
OK, New update on the Jaguar escape episode.

Zoo officials released a photo of where Valerio bit through steel mesh, creating an 8 inch by 10 inch hole (20 x 25 cm), squeezed through, exited onto the roof of the enclosure then jumped down onto the ground. The animals' enclosures are inspected EVERY NIGHT, so it turns out, :eek: he DID d this in one go. The Jaguar exhibit is closed and will remain closed until they can get newer, stronger mesh with smaller holes to use for the enclosure.
He was first spotted roaming at large by a keeper bringing food to another enclosure at 7:00 am Saturday. By 7:20, the zoo staff had surrounded him; some were armed with dart guns, others with rifles having live ammunition. He was hit with a dart at 7:26 and shortly afterwards appeared to be feeling the effects, so he was shot with a second dart. After the 2nd dart, he lay down and went to sleep around 7:43am. They were able to move him to a secure location. After removing him, they started finding the dead and injured animals. While he was sedated, he was fully and carefully examined by the zoo vet to make sure he had not sustained injury.
He's being kept in isolation for now.

The second image below is from a slide show of the escape to the press and local authorities. The actual hole is much smaller than it appears on the screen behind the zookeeper.

View attachment 245431

View attachment 245432
That is one seriously clever cat and determined. Thank you so much for the update. I find it very interesting.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Ever since the jaguar incident, my husband has been trying to convince me our cats are plotting against us! When one of them walks in the room he'll say, in a stage whisper, "Don't turn your back!!!" :rolleyes:

Yeah, like they look soooooo dangerous!!!! (Monty is the grey one and Julio is ginger) :<3::<3::<3:

View attachment 245438

View attachment 245439
They look too innocent to be plotting against you. But maybe the meerkat is setting them up.[emoji33]