
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
Well then!! That is me all caught up again.

It is early morning for me. Well okay it is 09:08am (so maybe not so early) but the sun is out and it has that fresh morning smell still, before the heat of the day takes it away.

Wednesday - hmmmm always mixed feelings about it at it is not the start of the week nor the end yet. But at least it is one day closer to Friday.

I hope that everybody has an awesome Wednesday and that the sun shines and the stars twinkle for you all.


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Jun 23, 2018
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East Texas
You have my prayers and best wishes. It is not easy and I hope that it all works out for you. Just a thought but maybe find an outlet for him. Something like martial arts or mixed martial arts etc. Which can give him an outlet to get rid of excess energy or aggression and help to give him discipline in a good way. Good Luck Heather. I really hope it comes right and that Dillion appreciates all that you are doing for him.

Thanks Carol! It’s something to think about.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 23, 2018
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East Texas
Good morning everyone! It’s now early morning here. Got one kid on the bus, one dropped at event and one at daycare... at 6:45am:) I’m on Track and feeling a little more in charge now. Hope everyone is enjoying some sunshine.. mine is just rising [emoji6]


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
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So I need to vent...... I usually don’t talk about the not so perfect things in my life because I choose to overlook and be happy... but I’m very angry right now. Maybe hurt as well. I’ve told y’all about my 14yr old I took in this year. We are struggling. He is continuously in trouble in school and does not listen well at all. To keep from writing a novel, I’ll leave that at that... I’m not sure I’m dealing with it well. I have raised my children to be honest and respectful and they have never given me more than a minutes trouble. I know Dillon has a lot to overcome and I’m not giving up on him but I really need some prayers for guidance, strength, patience.... u name it, anything is bound to help.... on a positive note, sometimes it seems like I’m seeing a difference... just prayers please and we don’t have to talk about it anymore:)
That`s what the CDR is for: To talk about it when someone has troubles. It is good that you talk about your problems with Dillon. It is not easy for you and your family and for him too. A 14 year old boy is no longer a child but not matured at all. Something between. That makes it double difficult. I don`t have a good advice for you, only that you have to be strong and that I wish you the strenght you need do deal with this situation.:)


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Good morning everyone! It’s now early morning here. Got one kid on the bus, one dropped at event and one at daycare... at 6:45am:) I’m on Track and feeling a little more in charge now. Hope everyone is enjoying some sunshine.. mine is just rising [emoji6]
Have a nice and sunny day. You deserved it Heather.:)


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Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
Good morning everyone! It’s now early morning here. Got one kid on the bus, one dropped at event and one at daycare... at 6:45am:) I’m on Track and feeling a little more in charge now. Hope everyone is enjoying some sunshine.. mine is just rising [emoji6]

Goodness me! I feel exhausted for you!

I think you have our sunshine. The sky is flat grey here. It’s not windy, not wet, not cold and not wet... not even damp... just grey. :D


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10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England

Almost record setting high temps here this week, considering it’s October....and in the 80’s! Overnight temp/early morning at Annapolis was 74!

Sunshine and warm daytime temps forecast for the next ten days.

I guess you’ll just have to drag yourself back out on the water as punishment! ;)


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Aug 3, 2011
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Thanks Kathy! He is not seeing a therapist but it does have a counselor.. I may look into someone regular... and I would never laugh... I have always said knowledge is power ... I should try to educate myself a bit more (lightbulb is going on) ! I feeling better at just the thought .

The book I’m reading about boys right now says the best time to talk to teens is later at night when they come alive.

Maybe one night you can “hang out” in his room and just chat and tell him that you know his situation isn’t easy for him and ask him what you can do to help or ask him what he needs from you?

Audio books are great!!


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May 29, 2014
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Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
We may finally get a sprinkle of rain this evening!! It’s been like a year since we’ve got anything measurable.

Wow....that’s a long time with no real rain :-(. I think we are approaching 50 inches this’s crazy how much we have had.
Hope the Winter storms blow someth8ng your way..