
Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
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Yes, they are! I even let Dragon accompany me into the bathroom after a couple hours searching for our escapee, so he could double check where I had already searched. He confirmed that I hadn't missed anything.

Dragon is one of the least dangerous cats to allow in the bathroom (supervised, of course). He's a big cat, but he seems well aware of his actual size. He isn't one to chew on plants, and he rarely knocks anything over by accident. Sure, he can be a brat and a bad boy, but he's a mama's Dragon. :D
Pics of Dragon ? Please.....:)


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Bea, is Jacques much of climber? My little troublemaker does happen to be one of her smaller Kinosternon cousins... :rolleyes:

The only time she climbs is when she’s in a dry tub, which is when I am transporting her to or from the vet, or cleaning her tank. She invariably ends up flipping herself over. [emoji37] Drives me crazy...


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Jul 12, 2016
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Jul 12, 2016
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Ottawa, Ontario
Lol, this thread is insane. So much going on!
Hi! Welcome to the CDR! Just pull up an armadillo to sit on, and let me tell you a little about this place.

This is an international room of friends, where we enjoy silliness and personal stories over tea/coffee/something stronger brought to you by our coffee table, Montgomery, or the One-legged Pirate when he's not too busy at the Drunken Penguin bar around the corner. The bar takes its name from an unfortunate incident involving our resident penguins, Silly and Willy, but I won't go into details or @Bee62 might get upset: She's very protective of her penguins.

If you need a little more light, just prod a jellyfish, but try not to tickle them or they'll turn into yellyfish. It's not easy on anyone's ears.

Also watch out for those pesky hedgehogs. They're not easy to see in the dark, but stepping on them hurts A LOT.

No need to panic if by any chance you run into the snow leopard -- she's strictly vegetarian. Unless you're a carrot, of course. o_O Actually, the only scary thing in the CDR is the Wool Spider (if she exists).

A moderator roommate once called us "nutjobs", but I'm not sure what she meant. She's still with us when she doesn't have to absquatulate elsewhere. I'm Lena, currently living in Denmark.


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Oct 26, 2011
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Bea, is Jacques much of climber? My little troublemaker does happen to be one of her smaller Kinosternon cousins... :rolleyes:

Joe loved climbing. He was very good. Scaling steps to get in the house was his favourite. He gave me a shock more than once! (And pooped on the carpet [emoji849])


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Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
Lol, this thread is insane. So much going on!

That’s the general idea!

Hello and welcome to the CDR :) I am Linda and I live in Kent in South East England.

We are a bunch of International friends who talk about everything and nothing with quite a lot of nonsense and puns interspersed.

Pull up an armadillo and take a seat. The one-legged pirate will be along soon to take your order for a beverage of your choice. He’s be a bit more attentive since Adam dealt with the Leprechaun.

It is a bit gloomy in here, but the flying jellyfish glow if you give them a polish. Be careful not to stub your toe on a hedgehog. The wool spider, if she exists, is enthusiastically knitting Halloween decorations at the moment, so you need to be careful not to get tangled in those too!


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5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Ottawa, Ontario
Good morning all! The sun is shining and it is a lovely, if chilly, autumn day. I have been to the pool for my swim and am now trying to decide what to do to avoid ironing :D

Try dropping something really heavy on the laundry basket? (And please share the results!) [emoji23]
You’re a hero for swimming early in the morning, Linda!

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