
Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
Hhmmmm, not sure about the plastic and tape slowly degading/leaching into the soil over a (long) time. That plastic might get very brittle too, and easily break, then u have small little pieces of plastic in your nice organic compost. Not sure if it’s a good idea. Too bad you are way over there... i have a brand new composting “kit” on Craigs List right now..
Very good point. It would be better to bin them than make the plastic polution problem worse


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
Good morning all. It's very foggy here.

I have done the ironing already [emoji33][emoji72] There wasn't much and JoesDad needs one of the shirts tomorrow.

I am awaiting the delivery of my supermarket shop.

Then I must go over to my needy neighbour and sort out McAfee on her laptop. She is a nightmare. She used to rely on my next door neighbour who died last year and has switched to us. I do my best to be very busy so I don't get holed up there for Hours. Today I have an appointment that I must get to ... I'm going Christmas shopping, but decided that after she asked for help and as far as she's concerned I have a meeting at my governor school. If the worst comes to the worst, I'll say the laptop needs to come home with me so I can spend time on it. I'm too nice. I don't want to say no, just get out in under an hour.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Good morning all. It's very foggy here.

I have done the ironing already [emoji33][emoji72] There wasn't much and JoesDad needs one of the shirts tomorrow.

I am awaiting the delivery of my supermarket shop.

Then I must go over to my needy neighbour and sort out McAfee on her laptop. She is a nightmare. She used to rely on my next door neighbour who died last year and has switched to us. I do my best to be very busy so I don't get holed up there for Hours. Today I have an appointment that I must get to ... I'm going Christmas shopping, but decided that after she asked for help and as far as she's concerned I have a meeting at my governor school. If the worst comes to the worst, I'll say the laptop needs to come home with me so I can spend time on it. I'm too nice. I don't want to say no, just get out in under an hour.

Good luck, Linda. We’re waiting for you back here in exactly one hour. It’s an appointment all right! [emoji8]

I need to do some ironing too :(


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
Windows 10 hates me :( The McAfee thing I was there to do went remarkably easily and then Windows decided to apply updates... 90 minutes later...[emoji24][emoji24][emoji24]

Anyway, I have escape. I'm having a quick coffee and then heading off for therapy! ( Retail therapy ;) )


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Daughter found some forgotten money in her pocket while she was at school. She threw it away. Me (gasping for air): “Why would you do that??” - “We’re not allowed to have money at school, mom!”
LOL - that is so not funny, it is hilarious!!! And that is children for you - keeping things simple.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good morning all. It's very foggy here.

I have done the ironing already [emoji33][emoji72] There wasn't much and JoesDad needs one of the shirts tomorrow.

I am awaiting the delivery of my supermarket shop.

Then I must go over to my needy neighbour and sort out McAfee on her laptop. She is a nightmare. She used to rely on my next door neighbour who died last year and has switched to us. I do my best to be very busy so I don't get holed up there for Hours. Today I have an appointment that I must get to ... I'm going Christmas shopping, but decided that after she asked for help and as far as she's concerned I have a meeting at my governor school. If the worst comes to the worst, I'll say the laptop needs to come home with me so I can spend time on it. I'm too nice. I don't want to say no, just get out in under an hour.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Windows 10 hates me :( The McAfee thing I was there to do went remarkably easily and then Windows decided to apply updates... 90 minutes later...[emoji24][emoji24][emoji24]

Anyway, I have escape. I'm having a quick coffee and then heading off for therapy! ( Retail therapy ;) )
Whahahaha, I was just about to send the search party for you (some jellyfish to light the way back, the hedgehogs, the snow leopard and Silly & Willy)


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I am busy working on my calendars, and have decided that I am not going to do it again next year. As I am having to nag and nag for photo's from the family all the time. I should go on their Facebook pages and choose the most outlandish pics and use those ones for their calendars instead. Okay Rant over.
I hope everybody's Tuesday is going well. The sun is out again, we did have a little drizzle this morning, but other than that it is a beautiful day.

Pastel Tortie

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
I am busy working on my calendars, and have decided that I am not going to do it again next year. As I am having to nag and nag for photo's from the family all the time. I should go on their Facebook pages and choose the most outlandish pics and use those ones for their calendars instead. Okay Rant over.
Threaten them with that, and see what happens... Then they'll have had warning if they don't like the result. Or get them to nominate other family members' pictures. You could end up with a very funny calendar...


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Threaten them with that, and see what happens... Then they'll have had warning if they don't like the result. Or get them to nominate other family members' pictures. You could end up with a very funny calendar...

Or, just use random pictures, and the entire family will be wondering what relatives they have, but don’t know...

Keep them guessing..

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