
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Ugh... I still have to bring the plants in off the front porch tonight before bedtime. I had to run some errands after work, so it was already dark by the time I got home.

The Cat-mittee needed food, and the crickets needed food. The turtles and bearded dragon are fine food wise, but I wanted to make sure I had different wattages of heat/light bulbs in hand because I am still tweaking trying to make sure everybody stays warm enough on the cold nights (even for northern Florida).
Good luck. But it sounds like you have things well in hand.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
This time last year, I only had to worry about keeping one hatchling box turtle warm. Now she's a little over 3.5" and she's native to this part of Florida, even though she's still an inside turtle for now. This year she's set up with a CHE on a thermostat, so she will be fine. She probably won't gain weight during the next month or two unless I soak her often and feed her then, but if I don't, she isn't prone to losing weight, either.

My big challenge this season is with the two tiny three-striped mud turtle hatchlings (Bold and Pinstripe). With this species, hatchlings are known to be a drowning risk, so they aren't in much water depth until they put on more size. Right now I have them in separate small dishpans (from the dollar store) placed INSIDE a 20 long tank, with lights suspended above, mainly for heat, but also for light during the day. Currently, the water in each dishpan is too shallow for a submersible heater (or a filter, for that matter). So I'm trying to keep them from being too cool or cold, without cooking or baking them in the process.
Surely there should be forum members who can give you ideas on how to do that an easy way?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
The orchids that managed to survive many (more) months of neglect, sitting on and hanging off of our front porch, are now indoors, hiding out in the bathrooms.

Some of these orchids have never bloomed before, or have never bloomed (or re-bloomed) during the time we've had them... And some of them are blooming now. Or just finished blooming. Or are working on blooming in the not-too-distant future. Some of them have me totally confused.

There's one that blooms pretty much yearly for us, but only during the hottest part of summer (July and August). Until this year. It didn't bloom until mid- to late October.
Pictures please. I love orchids. @Momof4 how is your orchid doing? I can't remember if you eventually got one or not.


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5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Here's what Google says:

Something that is so disagreeable with your spirit that it feels like its existence might negate yours.

This goes further than "hate," and implies that you and the object in question are sworn enemies.

Can be used seriously or, more likely, exaggerated for comedic effect.
Wearing socks with sandals is the bane of my existence.

The iPhone's autocorrect is the bane of my existence.

Stephanie's hair is the bane of my existence. (Sorry, Stephanie, Google said it, not me)

Who’s Stephanie? [emoji33]


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Its going to be in the low 50s tonight.
Even though its 77 and sunny now?
I just bought in Julio and the baby. Luckily I was able to find the baby fast.
One thing though. When I bought Julio from the flea market 8 years ago, I named her Julio. To later decide it was a she.
Well as of this afternoon.....She's a HE.
God knows how I've managed to not know the sex of my own tortoise!
But Julio is indeed a boy.
Photos to come

Oh boy!

:)))))) I wonder if Julio didn’t know as well...


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5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Greetings All

Cold up here in Maryland too coupled with quite breezy conditions. Tomorrow, sustained winds of 35-40 mph, then rain Friday and Saturday.

Been assisting “wifey” with her chip carving that she started when I pulled out my carving tools and wood late last week. She drew the pattern free hand onto a piece of wood I had laying around and started chipping out the pattern. Today I cut the cross out of the blank, and she stained it. We then worked on making the base from a piece of cedar tree.

Needs some waxing then a good hand polishing. Not too bad for a first wood working project.

View attachment 258298

This is gorgeous! Your wifey is as talented as you. Great job!!!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
This time last year, I only had to worry about keeping one hatchling box turtle warm. Now she's a little over 3.5" and she's native to this part of Florida, even though she's still an inside turtle for now. This year she's set up with a CHE on a thermostat, so she will be fine. She probably won't gain weight during the next month or two unless I soak her often and feed her then, but if I don't, she isn't prone to losing weight, either.

My big challenge this season is with the two tiny three-striped mud turtle hatchlings (Bold and Pinstripe). With this species, hatchlings are known to be a drowning risk, so they aren't in much water depth until they put on more size. Right now I have them in separate small dishpans (from the dollar store) placed INSIDE a 20 long tank, with lights suspended above, mainly for heat, but also for light during the day. Currently, the water in each dishpan is too shallow for a submersible heater (or a filter, for that matter). So I'm trying to keep them from being too cool or cold, without cooking or baking them in the process.

I know nothing about turtles unfortunately. Sounds like quite a challenge.


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Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario

Tim Carlisle

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Nov 13, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Cincinnati, OH
Good mornooning roomies :)

It is very dark and very wet here today, but quite a bit warmer so it's not all bad.

Happy Wednesday to you all :)
Sounds like a typical day here in Cincinnati. We have a saying here though: "If you don't like Cincinnati weather, wait 20 minutes"

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