Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Oh no Linda. I am so sorry. I am glad that your son is better. But it is very sad that you are in lockdown again. I got your Christmas card today. My very first one. Thank you
Wonderful. I hope the one I sent doesn't need a mule. But if it arrives later that's ok too. Christmas should go on all year long.?

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Lol. Over here we are having the opposite problem. It is hot. Not too bad yet but still hot. I have the fan on all day long. I went out to do some xmas shopping but I must admit that my heart is not in it. I still struggle to breathe normally all the time. If you are asymptomatic and or haven't had it I don't think people truly appreciate just how horrible this virus is. I know that I didn't until I got it. And even then in the beginning I had very mild symptoms. And Stephen was far worse than me. But as soon as Stephens temperature broke and he started getting better I started feeling worse. Almost like my body said okay Stephen is okay now, so I can now acknowledge the symptoms. Yes I am feeling sorry for myself. And I have probably lost track of what I actually wanted to say........ Anywayyy I think what I was trying to say is that It is Hot over here. ?? Oh dear. I think I have finally lost it. If any of you find my mind anywhere near you, could you please post it back to me? I miss it!!
I don't like too hot either. It makes breathing issues worse. I'll be thinking of you.??

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
We are finally having winter weather. The last few nights have been down to about 32F degrees, with frost on the ground and frozen water hoses. So this a.m. before I pulled up my sweat pants, I pulled on a pair of thermal bottoms, nice thick socks. I have a good, warm, ranch jacket and a scarf wrapped around my neck. I think I'll see if I can find my knitted cap. I cut my hair last week, and don't want my poor little head to get cold! I just have two more piles of leaves to pick up and toss over the box turtles and then my front/side yards are cleaned up. It's taken me two months to get it done. My hand and leg are pretty much back to normal. I still can't make a fist due to slightly swollen fingers, but it doesn't hurt, and is getting stronger day by day. I'm up to 10 laps around the pasture, trying to increase it until I reach 20.

So now that I've caught you up. it's time for me to leave the warmth of the wood stove and brave the cold, cruel world. Later. . .
You are an amazing person to me ? Be careful and take care of yourself while doing your laps.?

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Good morning all - the weather is as promised, but we had a short dry interval where I was able to go out and restock my bird feeders. I have a few extra species this year which is lovely to see and a very sociable blackbird who is quite happy to let me get quite close, but he is pretty bossy and doesn't like the other blackbird on his patch.
Sadly there is avian flu in parts of S Wales so have to be quite thorough with cleaning the feeders.
It seems to be mainly affecting geese, swans and ducks and many have been found dead further away - 17 geese and some ducks found dead on a short stretch of one river :(
Although I did wonder if that was maybe pollution from one of the businesses near the river.
Poor birds! Lots of geese migrate here to over winter too so it could be disastrous for them.
Anyway bad news aside I hope you all have a good Friday.
I'm trying to gear myself up to go shopping but would prefer to take a leaf out of Lola's book and stay in the warm!!! TTFN
My year has been really neat this year with birds around my house too. I've really enjoyed it. Hopefully, things will get better for your other wildlife soon.?

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
I only tried a home delivery once when the first lockdown started to avoid other people , but I couldn't get a delivery slot for 3 weeks so still had to go to the shops.
Same here. Or buy online and pick up at store was as bad. I guess they weren't ready for the whole world having to do it so we all could be "safe".?

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
OK...I'm gonna get reamed for this, maybe. I try to be an active knowledgeable TFO member. So generally I scan a couple of times a day, so maybe I can help if needed.
I have noticed an increase in detailed, done by the numbers, maybe just might be, possibly just a tiny bit obsessive...intensive tortoise keeping. As an example, a SLIGHT example, different kinds of water leave stain marks on a carapace!??? Really? My tortoises live in outside pens with a heated and insulated tort shed, in Oregon, so they are mostly covered in mud, rain or poop. Personally, I wouldn't notice a 'stain' on my outside torts. Maybe what I'm trying to say is, tortoise and turtle used to be a lot more fun and not so expensive or intensive. Gonna close now as I do see to post some examples of what I mean might hurt feelings so insulted.
I always enjoy reading your posts. I like to hear both pros or cons. You can't make a good decision without looking at both. Please don't think you'll hurt my feelings because you won't. Actually, if you don't agree with me, that's an opinion I want to hear. I might learn something. I brain storm with a couple of my brothers every once in a while just to get that kind of feedback.?

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Something I've always failed dismally at......I would never have made the Girl Guides. ( I did join but only went once)
I'm no domestic goddess either - I only have a kitchen because it came with the house. :)

Some supermarkets are open till midnight, but I have tins and some stuff in my freezer so, as long as my microwave doesn't break down, I won't starve.
Try living with Joe. He kills a microwave once or twice a year.? I never know when. It's that dang hot sauce he puts on everything he eats. I'm surprised he lives through it.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Lol. Over here we are having the opposite problem. It is hot. Not too bad yet but still hot. I have the fan on all day long. I went out to do some xmas shopping but I must admit that my heart is not in it. I still struggle to breathe normally all the time. If you are asymptomatic and or haven't had it I don't think people truly appreciate just how horrible this virus is. I know that I didn't until I got it. And even then in the beginning I had very mild symptoms. And Stephen was far worse than me. But as soon as Stephens temperature broke and he started getting better I started feeling worse. Almost like my body said okay Stephen is okay now, so I can now acknowledge the symptoms. Yes I am feeling sorry for myself. And I have probably lost track of what I actually wanted to say........ Anywayyy I think what I was trying to say is that It is Hot over here. ?? Oh dear. I think I have finally lost it. If any of you find my mind anywhere near you, could you please post it back to me? I miss it!!
It should stay a balmy 78f every second of the day if you ask me.?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
We are finally having winter weather. The last few nights have been down to about 32F degrees, with frost on the ground and frozen water hoses. So this a.m. before I pulled up my sweat pants, I pulled on a pair of thermal bottoms, nice thick socks. I have a good, warm, ranch jacket and a scarf wrapped around my neck. I think I'll see if I can find my knitted cap. I cut my hair last week, and don't want my poor little head to get cold! I just have two more piles of leaves to pick up and toss over the box turtles and then my front/side yards are cleaned up. It's taken me two months to get it done. My hand and leg are pretty much back to normal. I still can't make a fist due to slightly swollen fingers, but it doesn't hurt, and is getting stronger day by day. I'm up to 10 laps around the pasture, trying to increase it until I reach 20.

So now that I've caught you up. it's time for me to leave the warmth of the wood stove and brave the cold, cruel world. Later. . .
Glad to see you are healing well.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Well lucked out again. Rose left the gate unlatched and Opo escaped. I went in the direction of his last adventure with no luck. Turned down 2 streets to the south of me went down that street then I went down 1 street south of me. I came across 2 gentleman walking and asked if they saw a tortoise. They said yes he is in between those 2 houses. One of the neighbors had picked Opo up out of the road and placed him in the grass. The 2 gentleman watched and got out of their car to take a pic of Opo. Opo was going into a overgrown lot so I asked one of them to go get him. Both were afraid, so I told them I would give them 50 bucks. Still no takers. I got as close to Opo without getting stuck, maybe 20 yards away. Opo was walking away from me. I called his name and he finally turned around and started coming towards me. The 2 guys were amazed that Opo would come to my voice. I told them it is because I am the food king. Anyways in haste I didn't bring my phone, so I borrowed one of theirs and called Rose.
During this whole ordeal I think I went thru all the stages of grief. I was hopeful to find him,then mad at Rose. Then thoughts of getting another sully. Which I decided I wouldn't. To thinking about telling you all. I am out of the tortoise business and it was great knowing you. Then thinking I didn't need to give up the friendships I have made here. None the less it turned out fine and the xanax are kicking in while I am writing this. ?????????


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 23, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
East Texas
Good morning & afternoon. Hope everyone is having a fine as frog hair day.. it’s beautiful sunny and 60F here today. Jess is going her therapy so I figured I’d try n catch up.
Well lucked out again. Rose left the gate unlatched and Opo escaped. I went in the direction of his last adventure with no luck. Turned down 2 streets to the south of me went down that street then I went down 1 street south of me. I came across 2 gentleman walking and asked if they saw a tortoise. They said yes he is in between those 2 houses. One of the neighbors had picked Opo up out of the road and placed him in the grass. The 2 gentleman watched and got out of their car to take a pic of Opo. Opo was going into a overgrown lot so I asked one of them to go get him. Both were afraid, so I told them I would give them 50 bucks. Still no takers. I got as close to Opo without getting stuck, maybe 20 yards away. Opo was walking away from me. I called his name and he finally turned around and started coming towards me. The 2 guys were amazed that Opo would come to my voice. I told them it is because I am the food king. Anyways in haste I didn't bring my phone, so I borrowed one of theirs and called Rose.
During this whole ordeal I think I went thru all the stages of grief. I was hopeful to find him,then mad at Rose. Then thoughts of getting another sully. Which I decided I wouldn't. To thinking about telling you all. I am out of the tortoise business and it was great knowing you. Then thinking I didn't need to give up the friendships I have made here. None the less it turned out fine and the xanax are kicking in while I am writing this. ?????????
That’s amazing! Glad this is a happy story!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Well lucked out again. Rose left the gate unlatched and Opo escaped. I went in the direction of his last adventure with no luck. Turned down 2 streets to the south of me went down that street then I went down 1 street south of me. I came across 2 gentleman walking and asked if they saw a tortoise. They said yes he is in between those 2 houses. One of the neighbors had picked Opo up out of the road and placed him in the grass. The 2 gentleman watched and got out of their car to take a pic of Opo. Opo was going into a overgrown lot so I asked one of them to go get him. Both were afraid, so I told them I would give them 50 bucks. Still no takers. I got as close to Opo without getting stuck, maybe 20 yards away. Opo was walking away from me. I called his name and he finally turned around and started coming towards me. The 2 guys were amazed that Opo would come to my voice. I told them it is because I am the food king. Anyways in haste I didn't bring my phone, so I borrowed one of theirs and called Rose.
During this whole ordeal I think I went thru all the stages of grief. I was hopeful to find him,then mad at Rose. Then thoughts of getting another sully. Which I decided I wouldn't. To thinking about telling you all. I am out of the tortoise business and it was great knowing you. Then thinking I didn't need to give up the friendships I have made here. None the less it turned out fine and the xanax are kicking in while I am writing this. ?????????
So pleased Opo is home safe and sound.
I can imagine the horrible feelings of panic and dread you went through.
I bet Rose was upset too, but thankfully all's well that ends well.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Good morning & afternoon. Hope everyone is having a fine as frog hair day.. it’s beautiful sunny and 60F here today. Jess is going her therapy so I figured I’d try n catch up.
That’s amazing! Glad this is a happy story!
Hi Heather,
We've had a relatively dry day today, but tomorrow more heavy rain and strong winds are in for the day.
Then hopefully we'll have a couple of drier but colder days - the ground is saturated and the rivers are really high, so a break from the wet weather will be very welcome.
Hope all goes well for Jess today.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Well lucked out again. Rose left the gate unlatched and Opo escaped. I went in the direction of his last adventure with no luck. Turned down 2 streets to the south of me went down that street then I went down 1 street south of me. I came across 2 gentleman walking and asked if they saw a tortoise. They said yes he is in between those 2 houses. One of the neighbors had picked Opo up out of the road and placed him in the grass. The 2 gentleman watched and got out of their car to take a pic of Opo. Opo was going into a overgrown lot so I asked one of them to go get him. Both were afraid, so I told them I would give them 50 bucks. Still no takers. I got as close to Opo without getting stuck, maybe 20 yards away. Opo was walking away from me. I called his name and he finally turned around and started coming towards me. The 2 guys were amazed that Opo would come to my voice. I told them it is because I am the food king. Anyways in haste I didn't bring my phone, so I borrowed one of theirs and called Rose.
During this whole ordeal I think I went thru all the stages of grief. I was hopeful to find him,then mad at Rose. Then thoughts of getting another sully. Which I decided I wouldn't. To thinking about telling you all. I am out of the tortoise business and it was great knowing you. Then thinking I didn't need to give up the friendships I have made here. None the less it turned out fine and the xanax are kicking in while I am writing this. ?????????
Here you are, minus an arm and a leg, and neither one of those able bodied "gentlemen" would get the tortoise? Sheesh!! Oh well. all's well that ends well.