Cathie G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Have you all had snow in the US?


PS: Let's see some pictures please.
I've only had a few sloshy raindrops even though we were promised snow. I'm looking forward to it. It's usually pretty. But after that I'm done with it 😉 I'll post a picture of my first snow ❄️

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
As we come into the holidays, I am wrestling with personal issues like everyone else, concern for others close to us, job stuff, prices of everything etc. I get into my own head and get twisted. It's when the flags go up and I have to back up a couple steps to remind myself how purely lucky I am this year and NONE of those things really matters all that much to me. Does everyone get in their own heads and get twisted? It's okay, I can face hard truths, not like its going to make any difference at this point anyway, right? I do appreciate honesty though, increasingly rare as it may be.

I constantly have to "check myself" or I become convinced I'm responsible for the luck too......and in the grand scheme of life, I'm not so sure about that but I sure am thankful for it.

Biggest thing is for the first year ever, all 3 kids are on their own, not being secretly subsidized by mom and doing well.....whew! I called my Ex to remind her of that. She said "Well, THAT was fun, want to do it again". I was honest: "Yeah, you are a good mom, I picked the right one to have them with". The truth is..."AYFKM"??? It's cool, maybe she will give a pair of her own PJ's to Kerry again(yes, I thought it was weird) when we all celebrate Christmas together. Right? Only superman can pull that stuff off! No "divorce stress" cool is that? I give my ex credit too. One might take it for granted after 17 yrs of relative "peace and harmony" but one always appreciates it at each Holiday when I hear my friends talk about which parent has which kid. Really, this is what you do? Why? Because everyone else does? Your ego's? blah, blah, blah......

On an even brighter note, Kerry bought me a really nice bird feeder camera so I got a pole and a baffle and will put it up in the next week. I have the app and registered, I just have to connect the camera to it. Nice setup with the panel with it. I may swap the 5x7" panel for a better one that I have at some point but I'm excited to set it up. I managed to get some decent pics of the Humming birds last year but I struggled with my camera on the other deck with the Winter birds. The light angle is horrible, AWAYS, even with a good camera it's tough. I get a lot of profile this gift should be a big improvement!

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
As we come into the holidays, I am wrestling with personal issues like everyone else, concern for others close to us, job stuff, prices of everything etc. I get into my own head and get twisted. It's when the flags go up and I have to back up a couple steps to remind myself how purely lucky I am this year and NONE of those things really matters all that much to me. Does everyone get in their own heads and get twisted? It's okay, I can face hard truths, not like its going to make any difference at this point anyway, right? I do appreciate honesty though, increasingly rare as it may be.

I constantly have to "check myself" or I become convinced I'm responsible for the luck too......and in the grand scheme of life, I'm not so sure about that but I sure am thankful for it.

Biggest thing is for the first year ever, all 3 kids are on their own, not being secretly subsidized by mom and doing well.....whew! I called my Ex to remind her of that. She said "Well, THAT was fun, want to do it again". I was honest: "Yeah, you are a good mom, I picked the right one to have them with". The truth is..."AYFKM"??? It's cool, maybe she will give a pair of her own PJ's to Kerry again(yes, I thought it was weird) when we all celebrate Christmas together. Right? Only superman can pull that stuff off! No "divorce stress" cool is that? I give my ex credit too. One might take it for granted after 17 yrs of relative "peace and harmony" but one always appreciates it at each Holiday when I hear my friends talk about which parent has which kid. Really, this is what you do? Why? Because everyone else does? Your ego's? blah, blah, blah......

On an even brighter note, Kerry bought me a really nice bird feeder camera so I got a pole and a baffle and will put it up in the next week. I have the app and registered, I just have to connect the camera to it. Nice setup with the panel with it. I may swap the 5x7" panel for a better one that I have at some point but I'm excited to set it up. I managed to get some decent pics of the Humming birds last year but I struggled with my camera on the other deck with the Winter birds. The light angle is horrible, AWAYS, even with a good camera it's tough. I get a lot of profile this gift should be a big improvement!
That's the exact problem I have with the cameras The lighting. The sun has to be behind the camera or who knows what by the time it's the camera a bird lover? I like the Sharper Image bird feeder Bird Lover camera that I have and the phone app to it.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Joe is trying to help me wake up when he needs eye drops as if I don't know 😉 I woke up this morning to a new painting propped up on my nightstand. (That doubles as my bunny cage sometimes if needed)🤣 I guess it's Joe's new version of IMG_20231206_143025687.jpgmy alarm clock😁

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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I've only had a few sloshy raindrops even though we were promised snow. I'm looking forward to it. It's usually pretty. But after that I'm done with it 😉 I'll post a picture of my first snow ❄️
If I've gotten a snow shower it melted on the way to the ground and I didn't get to see it.🥴 I'd love to have ONE beautiful snow shower I get to just sit and watch. I'm sure I will soon just not yet . 🤔

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
I woke up at 12:15am, dressed for bed and in bed but tv on.....I last remembered saying goodnight to Kerry on the phone at 6:15pm and laying back in my waterbed thinking...."I just left the chiro's office, I prob should sleep in the other bedroom"....then I woke up with Tora, Tora, Tora playing on the Story Channel.

We are going to a party this evening at a friends home who lives on a prime corner of the Christmas Parade route in Centerville which lies between Kerry & I over on the shore. Maylands Eastern Shore is generally rather rural compared to the Balt/wash corridor. Lots of farmland and waterfrontage with a slow and easy lifestyle in a lot of places still. It grows on me. The courthouse there was built in 1796...the home we are going to was also built near then and is a magnificent old home like the mansion from Gone with The Wind but fully remodeled.

I'm generally not a "parade guy" but it's pretty cool because it's all locals...lots of Tractors, horses & hay......and the schools. The businesses do Floats that are as cheesy and "down home" as you would imagine and it's good fun. I think Santa might be chosen at the equipment auction each year where the men figure out who is the fattest? It was postponed from last week for weather. Jennie said she had 26 on her list to contact and postpone....hopefully everyone can still come.

Easy times here at work....Brandons' gone fishing and I've got my work done....11:30 is a long way off though.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

I've just found out that mum's cousin has Alzheimer's so I will be getting in touch with her side of the family to offer my advice and support. I was a carer for dad with Alzheimer's and I cared for him until he went into a home


Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

I've just found out that mum's cousin has Alzheimer's so I will be getting in touch with her side of the family to offer my advice and support. I was a carer for dad with Alzheimer's and I cared for him until he went into a home

That's good that you will be helping them understand. I actually enjoyed taking care of people with Alzheimer's. They say things if you know how to hear what they're trying to say that's very precious.🤗


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
That's good that you will be helping them understand. I actually enjoyed taking care of people with Alzheimer's. They say things if you know how to hear what they're trying to say that's very precious.🤗
Dear Cathie,

Yes I know what you mean Cathie. There are of course the horrifying memories but there are the special memories. Caring for dad brought me closer to him. We enjoyed lunch out most days, cooking together and he even enjoyed having a coffee at the hospital. At the care home I took curries to him and enjoyed playing the violin to him and his friends. I also have a different view of care homes they have so many activities that I thought dad was having the time of his life what with his two female admirers!


PS: When Jacky and Daisy came out of hibernation he thought they were new pets! It would be such a joy to see them emerge.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
My Christmas cards are all addressed and stamped, and I've done all my gift shopping. Now I just need to go mail the cards.

I'm not a good gift buyer. I never know what to buy. My daughter pays attention throughout the year and writes down something whenever she sees it's wanted or needed. She's a very good gift shopper. The kids are easy. $$$ in a card.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
I finally mailed a few of my Christmas cards 😁 I'm probably going to be late on a couple of them though. They have to arrive in Africa real soon or they'll get a holiday card on a different holiday. I guess they'll arrive in 🐢 years 🤗


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
I finally mailed a few of my Christmas cards 😁 I'm probably going to be late on a couple of them though. They have to arrive in Africa real soon or they'll get a holiday card on a different holiday. I guess they'll arrive in 🐢 years 🤗
Dear Cathie,

I hope you like my Xmas card to everyone it was taken five minutes walk from my flat and you have read my posts since I first joined at the end of 2021.


jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Christmas cards? Not many folks send them anymore but good for you girls!

Kerry and I had a great time yesterday but I was dragging bad from the party....up too late, not drink too much!

We made a list of things that need to get done for me to stop working by January. We filled out the marriage license and began looking for small venues, for the end of Feb, first of March. We will be married in 8!

When I was told on my Birthday last week that I needed to change my hours back to normal office hours, I knew as I watched my boss speaking...."I'm probably NOT going to do this but you go ahead and try to sell it to me". Who knows, it could be them pushing me out. It's ok, it's the way of the world and I have no anger or angst about leaving.

"I choose"

Kerry gave me no reason not to retire.....and in fact, encouraged it. I was a little surprised since she tends to be the Stable, responsible one in this relationship. I think the kicker was that we put our 401's, annuities and pensions out on the table so we could both get a good picture of the others retirement funds. We've of course talked about them but this was the 1st time she actually saw my accounts. I'm far from well-off but it's enough that I do not count on her money for anything but fun.

Kerry's & my plan at this point it for me to stop working next month, marry at the end of Feb and spend my days moving things from one home to the other and getting my home ready to sell by May.

While renting it would provide a long term income, we don't need the $$ so bad that I need to deal with that drama-pack. I can sell my home and likely be able to pay hers off with the profit on mine so there won't be any Capital gains taxes. That keeps life simple...happy, smooth...for us, it's not about the money.

We have a plan.....with dates! I'm pretty excited but it's surreal as well. We have been engaged for 6 years in Jan. It just seemed like we were never going to "get there" so this is super-cool. I kept asking Kerry yesterday evening..."Really? REALLY?"

We are going to secure the venue before telling family & I will speak to a Fiduciary (money guy) before telling work.

Yes, I'm going to actually marry Wonder woman!

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