
Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
Good morning everyone!

Below is a picture of Strawberry Susanna:


PS: Ray how are you today and when will you be discharged? Also what type of spider were you bitten by?View attachment 375137
Doctor just came in my room. He said I could go home today. They are not sure what bit me. The bite looked like a figure eight. From what I have researched, it looks like a spider bite. But there are to many spiders, to figure out which one.

Yvonne G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
was interesting when I first learned about the separate taps, the ways 'simple' things are different isn't something people think about often.
I always buy faucets with separate taps. When the combined came out and I switched I had nothing but trouble with them so I went back to separate.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
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Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Doctor just came in my room. He said I could go home today. They are not sure what bit me. The bite looked like a figure eight. From what I have researched, it looks like a spider bite. But there are to many spiders, to figure out which one.

yikes Ray! Glad you are on the mend. Spider bites can be nasty.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
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Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Well, I had a HORRIFYING experience a few days ago! MY DSL MODEM DIED AND I WAS WITHOUT INTERNET FOR SIX DAYS!!!!!!!!!! That means no Forum, no email, no Google, no Kindle (which meant no jig saw puzzles or E books), no paying bills, no ordering off Amazon or Chewy. . .I was REALLY all alone here with just my animals. I don't EVER want to experience that again!

AT&T is fazing out DSL, so they don't carry my modem anymore, but they said I might be able to find one at Best Buy, Walmart or Target. But I don't do physical shopping, only online. So I figured this would be a good time to upgrade my internet. AT&T had been snail mailing me ads for their Air Internet. It's more expensive than my DSL and isn't on my AT&T retiree concession plan so I never took the bait. But I signed up. They UPS'd me the hub and I had to install it myself. Well folks, guess what! One needs a smart phone to install the stoopud thing.

My grand daughter lives in New Jersey and is one of the most intelligent humans I know, PLUS, she has a smart phone! So she called the help line and conferenced us all in. It took over an hour to get it done, but I was still not able to get online. The tech did all his testing and finally came up with the fact that the cell tower closest to my house is full and there are no available slots for new service. His suggestion was for me to wait five days to see if a slot opens up. WHAT????? Why didn't they find that out BEFORE they sold me the service?

Anyway, that was yesterday. I asked my grand daughter to research who is the next best internet provider and let me know. I really don't want to change. I've been with AT&T since dial-up.

So this a.m. I got on my computer and opened the internet window and clicked the self diagnosis button just for the heck of it. After a few minutes a window popped open telling me the ethernet cable was either bad or not plugged in. I looked at my old modem and sure enough, there was an ethernet cable running from it to the computer. So I had to go get the new hub from my bedroom where it was on the side of the house closest to the cell tower, near a window, and place it near the computer and plug it into the ethernet. VOILA! I am now connected to the internet!

I'm too old for all this agita.
Great job on the fix!


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Jul 30, 2018
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Richmond, VA
So the night of the Windows outage my normal stubbornness saved me. I do not like to restart my computer as I am using it and have at minimum 7 tabs that I go back and forth to. So restarting means signing in 7 different times and no thank you. Since I did not restart my computer I was working on the old version which still worked. The only computer in the building until 4PM the next day!!

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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So the night of the Windows outage my normal stubbornness saved me. I do not like to restart my computer as I am using it and have at minimum 7 tabs that I go back and forth to. So restarting means signing in 7 different times and no thank you. Since I did not restart my computer I was working on the old version which still worked. The only computer in the building until 4PM the next day!!
My Crepe Mirtle is blooming. It's a baby right now with only about 5 blooms but more more to come.😊