Do you like meat?

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Tom said:
Good post Shelly. I find people's reasoning behind their daily food choices pretty interesting and I think we are all pretty fortunate to have the luxury of choice here in the US. People's taste preferences have always intrigued me too. Some people just don't crave meat or don't care for the taste or texture of it much, while others have these deep seated cravings for it and salivate at the mere thought of a good cut of beef, like me.

I will agree with this and say that my husband was raised in a family that ate meat of most varieties and still does. He hated any texture of meat other than ground turkey. Ground beef was too fatty for him (which is odd because he loves cheese??? go figure??). Fish was fishy, and seafood is a no-no as they are seen as sea bugs. When I tell people we went vegetarian people have a hard time believing that it was much easier for him than me. He doesn't have to worry about fat or gristle on fruits and veggies though. The things he learned made our final decision but he was only eating ground turkey anyway.


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From the get go, as a little kid, I simply could not eat anything that once had a face. My family said at toddler age I would throw fits and run far whenever I saw meat. Maybe it's a past life drama, if there is such a thing.


The Dog Trainer
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I've looked into a vegetarian diet and have many friends that have gone that way. I'm interested and intrigued, but I just don't like the majority of that stuff. The foods I crave are all the worst stuff, according to "experts" anyway. I dont like most veggies. I don't like salad. The only veggies I really eat are corn, potatoes, salsa or cilantro on Mexican food. I don't like most fruit. I'll eat an occasional banana, apple or orange, but I don't like strawberries, grapes or any other fruit. I can eat a few cashews or peanuts, but that gets old quick.

I crave breads and cereals, milk and cheese, sugary foods, fatty foods and meat. Like your husbands cravings and preferences, I have my own. If they could make carrots taste like glazed donuts or bacon, I'd become a vegan TODAY.


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On a side note but worthy of note just the same, Guinness beer cannot be considered as vegetarian like most beers because they use some type of animal product in the fermentation process.

Terry Allan Hall

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antonio_cormier said:
:(Guys i know this is really off topic but i came across a horrific showing raw footage from meat industries across the country. i think more people should be informed about this cruelty and i think we should put a STOP to this abuse. If you're with me then become a vegetarian and help save an animals life! Helpful websites: and for teens/young adults

For the last 10 years or so, all our meat has either been what we raise or what my son and I hunt/fish, but I agree that the inhumane conditions in how meat animals are treated, commercially, is deplorable.

DeanS said:
Even if I didn't like meat...I'd still eat meat! I get all the greens I need from the steer that previously ate the grass! BTW...Since Ted Nugent is a bowhunter and catches most of his game in the wild...does that make his diet organic? Helluva topic for me to pull my 3000th post!

Among real bowhunters, Ted Nugent is just a joke.

Cowboy_Ken said:
I have burned into my memory a group of male baboons fighting over, then eating a baby baboon that some how got separated from its mother.

When I was in the Peace Corps, in Zaire, one of the children went out to help gather the cattle and goats and we found his remains the next morning being eaten by Olive baboons...very carnivorous, if the opportunity presented itself!


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mctlong said:
Like all omnivores, we are specifically designed to eat whatever food is most easily accessible to us when we become hungry ... As omnivores, we are meant to eat whatever is most easily accessible to us, regardless of whether that happens to be plant, animal, or bug. As humans, we choose our diet.

Yes, we are catholic eaters, but we require vitamin B12, which is only available through animal matter (meat, eggs, and dairy). Without eating some kind of animal matter, humans starve.


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I LOVE the taste of meat, but I haven't eaten any in 7 years. I first stopped eating meat because of the way the animals are treated, but now it is so much more than that. I am somewhat obsessed with healthy eating now!

My dad died of a heart attack 7 years ago and it was because he ate an unhealthy diet. I truly believe that if he had cut meat out of his diet, he would still be alive today.

I have done extensive research, and I believe that a plant based diet is the best diet for you.

Love and agree with these posts:
Kerryann said:
I have strong opinions about what I will feed my family. I am against all factory farms, GMOs and all of the things they spray on our food. This means I eat barely any processed food. My issue with the factory meat farms is partially the humane treatment of animals but also the unsanitary conditions and food. It bothers me that they feed the farm chickens antibiotics instead of remedying the unsanitary conditions. It also bothers me that they add the male chicks back into the feed for chickens. I worry that they are creating super bacteria in the environments where they are growing "food".
I worry in general that we use too many antibiotic hand lotions and crap too. I also think that all of chemicals and crap they put into food is causing the food allergy epidemic.
I am a bit of a prepper and I fear that there is a pandemic coming from the antibiotic usage and the food supply.

Kerryann, I wish more people cared about, and were informed of those things! My boyfriend eats meat which is very hard for me to see, because I believe he's harming himself. If he ate organic grass-fed beef and things of that nature, I would not be quite as concerned.

Kerryann said:
terryo said:
I really don't know much of the pro's or con's about not eating meat, just that I don't like it, but a friend of mine who was over weight, and had high cholesterol , and type 2 diabetes stopped eating meat and became a vegetarian last year. She lost a load of weight, and her cholesterol went down and so did her sugar count. She doesn't need to take any more pills for the sugar or the cholesterol, and she looks, and feels fantastic. Just saying.....

Also you have people like me who almost died of a rare heart disease, was obese, ended up having type 2 diabetes. I went to a vegetarian healthy lifestyle (I know a couple 400 lb vegetarians. You can be a bread, cheese, and pasta vegetarian) and went from being on the heart transplant list to the 99th percentile for heart health. I no longer have diabetes and even when I get heavy for my standards I never make it to obese.
The truth is that you can eat healthy and be healthy and not be vegetarian but I have my doubts about how healthy you can be eating a heavily processed foods diet.
I am a vegetarian from my own convictions that nothing should suffer for unnecessarily and no children in far off lands should starve to death for my gluttony. I try to maintain a diet that is 90% locally grown, organic, non gmo, and vegetarian.
I can't pretend to be perfect because I sometimes have client lunches or dinner with friends so I do get non organic and maybe even some gmos in my diet but I try to maintain a 90/10 balance.

Has anyone watched Forks Over Knives? Very interesting documentary.


The Dog Trainer
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He knows GTT. Our Cowboy Ken has a very active sense of humor in case you haven't realized this yet. :)


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Tom said:
He knows GTT. Our Cowboy Ken has a very active sense of humor in case you haven't realized this yet. :)

I thought so, but wasn't sure. Tone can be hard to read when you don't hear someone's voice! :eek:


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GeoTerraTestudo said:
Tom said:
He knows GTT. Our Cowboy Ken has a very active sense of humor in case you haven't realized this yet. :)

I thought so, but wasn't sure. Tone can be hard to read when you don't hear someone's voice! :eek:

Stalk my posts…you'll see. Lol.


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Arnold_rules said:
skottip said:
Hey, we can also donate to PETA~!
They scam peoples money every day and kill over 90% of animals that they take in!

I'll take mine medium rare please!

PETA = People Eating Tastey Animals (Yum)

LOL. That's great!

Everytime I see one of these videos or visit a slaughterhouse I get hungry.


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My husband is not overweight or out of shape but he went on a plant based diet because he has tried everything to get his cholesterol down and nothing has worked. After 3 months of his diet he got his cholesterol rechecked and the only change is that his triglycerides level increased. Now he has been on 100% plant based with no processed supposed vegan food because they are loaded with oils and saturated fats for thie past 7 months and he is about to have another cholesterol test. His parents are healthy and active and thin and have both had high cholesterol since their mid 20's, so my guess is that nothing will help:(.

My kids dont really eat meat because they don't like it and I use a nutritionist because they have an immune disorder and their doc put them on a super food diet. It's funny when planning the week and talking about iron, magnesium, fiber and Vitimin C & B rich foods, meat never even enters the conversation.
All that said even though it is not socially acceptable where I live I will proudly stand by mydelf in a 5 Guy's Burger & Fries line waiting for a delicious cheeseburger, with mustard:)


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ChiKat said:
I LOVE the taste of meat, but I haven't eaten any in 7 years. I first stopped eating meat because of the way the animals are treated, but now it is so much more than that. I am somewhat obsessed with healthy eating now!

My dad died of a heart attack 7 years ago and it was because he ate an unhealthy diet. I truly believe that if he had cut meat out of his diet, he would still be alive today.

I have done extensive research, and I believe that a plant based diet is the best diet for you.

Love and agree with these posts:
Kerryann said:
I have strong opinions about what I will feed my family. I am against all factory farms, GMOs and all of the things they spray on our food. This means I eat barely any processed food. My issue with the factory meat farms is partially the humane treatment of animals but also the unsanitary conditions and food. It bothers me that they feed the farm chickens antibiotics instead of remedying the unsanitary conditions. It also bothers me that they add the male chicks back into the feed for chickens. I worry that they are creating super bacteria in the environments where they are growing "food".
I worry in general that we use too many antibiotic hand lotions and crap too. I also think that all of chemicals and crap they put into food is causing the food allergy epidemic.
I am a bit of a prepper and I fear that there is a pandemic coming from the antibiotic usage and the food supply.

Kerryann, I wish more people cared about, and were informed of those things! My boyfriend eats meat which is very hard for me to see, because I believe he's harming himself. If he ate organic grass-fed beef and things of that nature, I would not be quite as concerned.

Kerryann said:
terryo said:
I really don't know much of the pro's or con's about not eating meat, just that I don't like it, but a friend of mine who was over weight, and had high cholesterol , and type 2 diabetes stopped eating meat and became a vegetarian last year. She lost a load of weight, and her cholesterol went down and so did her sugar count. She doesn't need to take any more pills for the sugar or the cholesterol, and she looks, and feels fantastic. Just saying.....

Also you have people like me who almost died of a rare heart disease, was obese, ended up having type 2 diabetes. I went to a vegetarian healthy lifestyle (I know a couple 400 lb vegetarians. You can be a bread, cheese, and pasta vegetarian) and went from being on the heart transplant list to the 99th percentile for heart health. I no longer have diabetes and even when I get heavy for my standards I never make it to obese.
The truth is that you can eat healthy and be healthy and not be vegetarian but I have my doubts about how healthy you can be eating a heavily processed foods diet.
I am a vegetarian from my own convictions that nothing should suffer for unnecessarily and no children in far off lands should starve to death for my gluttony. I try to maintain a diet that is 90% locally grown, organic, non gmo, and vegetarian.
I can't pretend to be perfect because I sometimes have client lunches or dinner with friends so I do get non organic and maybe even some gmos in my diet but I try to maintain a 90/10 balance.

Has anyone watched Forks Over Knives? Very interesting documentary.

I did and after that movie I started reading the ingredients on everything before I buy. It is crazy the amount of gmo corn and gmo soy in everything. The other thing I thought was crazy was that the citric acid that is in all of the processed food (which I am allergic too) comes from corn byproduct. I had eaten corn before seeing the movie and I have never even had a slight reaction to corn. How much corn are they processing to make the citric acid? It's absolute insanity. I also think it's insane that the FDA is staffed with insiders from the companies that make the food. Even worse was the thought that there are the anti-gag laws in a lot of states that wont even let people report on the food company practices. So the big food companies which make most of the food Americans stick in their faces control the auditors who are supposed to keep us safe and also have it set so that former employees and reporters cant also hold them accountable? It's insanity. That's like putting the big chemical companies in charge of the EPA.
I had been struggling with the last little bit of my extra weight coming off but after I made the switch to only organic non processed food my weight is down another 30lbs in less than 2 months and here's the crazy part, my calorie range is the same. I think the gmos and processed food are directly contributing to the obesity problem.


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CtTortoiseMom said:
I will proudly stand by mydelf in a 5 Guy's Burger & Fries line waiting for a delicious cheeseburger, with mustard:)

And that is only because you have no In-N-Out in your neck of the woods.


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I loved Forks over knives and I use his sons cook book "Engine2" a lot. Engine 2 was a great documentary and shows you just how bad processed hummus and all those processed foods people buy in the name of vegetarianism can be.

Cowboy_Ken said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
I will proudly stand by mydelf in a 5 Guy's Burger & Fries line waiting for a delicious cheeseburger, with mustard:)

And that is only because you have no In-N-Out in your neck of the woods.

I have never been to one but if I ever go to the PNW that will be my first stop!!


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Kerryann said:
I did and after that movie I started reading the ingredients on everything before I buy. It is crazy the amount of gmo corn and gmo soy in everything. The other thing I thought was crazy was that the citric acid that is in all of the processed food (which I am allergic too) comes from corn byproduct. I had eaten corn before seeing the movie and I have never even had a slight reaction to corn. How much corn are they processing to make the citric acid? It's absolute insanity. I also think it's insane that the FDA is staffed with insiders from the companies that make the food. Even worse was the thought that there are the anti-gag laws in a lot of states that wont even let people report on the food company practices. So the big food companies which make most of the food Americans stick in their faces control the auditors who are supposed to keep us safe and also have it set so that former employees and reporters cant also hold them accountable? It's insanity. That's like putting the big chemical companies in charge of the EPA.
I had been struggling with the last little bit of my extra weight coming off but after I made the switch to only organic non processed food my weight is down another 30lbs in less than 2 months and here's the crazy part, my calorie range is the same. I think the gmos and processed food are directly contributing to the obesity problem.

I'll have to rent this one. This the first I've heard of it. Sounds fascinating.

I love the taste of corn, but its got its drawbacks.

I worked on an archaeology site in California several years ago where a construction company had impacted a native American cemetary. The cemetary contained hundreds of burials. One thing that became apparent with the skeletal material at the cemetary was the condition of the teeth prior to the introduction of corns vs the condition of teeth in individuals who had died before corn was introduced. Prior to corn, people had been eating a diverse diet of wild game and gathered plants. The teeth of these people were heavily ground down, but were not rotted. When the Spanish arrived, they relocated massive numbers of Native American to mission properties where their dietary staple became corn. The individuals who lived during this mission period had horrible teeth. Huge cavities that not only rotted their teeth, but caused huge, gnarled gaps in the jaw bone beneath the teeth. It must've been horrendously painful. Corn should not be a staple food.


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mctlong said:
I worked on an archaeology site in California several years ago where a construction company had impacted a native American cemetary. The cemetary contained hundreds of burials. One thing that became apparent with the skeletal material at the cemetary was the condition of the teeth prior to the introduction of corns vs the condition of teeth in individuals who had died before corn was introduced. Prior to corn, people had been eating a diverse diet of wild game and gathered plants. The teeth of these people were heavily ground down, but were not rotted. When the Spanish arrived, they relocated massive numbers of Native American to mission properties where their dietary staple became corn. The individuals who lived during this mission period had horrible teeth. Huge cavities that not only rotted their teeth, but caused huge, gnarled gaps in the jaw bone beneath the teeth. It must've been horrendously painful. Corn should not be a staple food.

The same goes in the Eastern Hemisphere, except instead of corn, it's other grains like wheat, rice, or sorghum. Basically, the only reason we can get away with eating so much starch nowadays is good oral hygiene (brushing, flossing, etc). Without that, our teeth would look the ones in your archaeological dig. Humans are adapted to eat some grain, but only as part of a varied diet that includes fibrous vegetables, fish, meat, etc.

Re: fast food hamburger joints
The only reason ground beef is so cheap nowadays, is that feedlots are heavily subsidized. Take away the subsidies, and the price of a hamburger rises to $20. And I think we should take away feedlot subsidies, because not only are free-ranging cattle healthier and happier, but they are also more nutritious for us to eat in terms of nutrients in their meat.
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