Hi, I'm a noob

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5 Year Member
Oct 21, 2012
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Northeast Texas
Hi all. My name is Becky, and I will become a first time tortoise owner sometime before noon this Wednesday morning! He's a juvenile Iberian Greek tortoise.

While I've never owned a tort, I am a vet tech with experience with reptiles, and I've done about a year's worth of research on species and husbandry. I'm super excited, and figured I'd stop lurking and actually get an account here.

I live in a pretty great area for tortoises, Northeast Texas. I hope to have plenty of time to let him graze out in my yard since it's full of bermuda grass, plantains and dandelions, and hasn't seen a single chemical additive in the 4.5 years I've been here. The bad part: I'm in a housing subdivision that has enough going on that it's not safe to leave him outside unsupervised, even in a secure pen. Kids and thieves have done enough damage to my stuff in the past. So, when I'm not able to supervise, he'll live in my spare room where it is nice and quiet. He'll have a temporary large plastic bin, but there is a tort table being made as soon as I have the resources. I'm also setting up grow lights for all the plants I want to grow for him!

So, I'll post pics when he gets here. Until then, I'll be out in the yard looking for good tortoise food :)

Yvonne G

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Welcome to the Forum, Becky!


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The Crystal Unicorn
Welcome to the Forum!

I live in the Dallas area. To bad you have a crime problem, this really is a good place to raise a Tort!


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Oct 21, 2012
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Northeast Texas
Zamric said:
Welcome to the Forum!

I live in the Dallas area. To bad you have a crime problem, this really is a good place to raise a Tort!

Yeah, I'm in Plano. I think most of the problem in my neighborhood is unsupervised kids. They broke and then stole my Buddha statue :(


New Member
5 Year Member
Oct 11, 2012
Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you are ready for that tort! I live about as "in the country" as you can get 20 miles south of Ft Worth.


New Member
5 Year Member
Oct 23, 2012
Hi noob, I am new too just got my Sulcata baby Tortoise today. She? is so cute and small. Best of Luck with your new one. Wish someone could help me know if its a female or male for sure. I will attach a pic tomorrow baby is asleep and dont want to disturb (he- she ):tort:

I am in TX also I think it will be great for having a tortoise here because of the weather and we will be able to get them lots of SUN.

Looking forward to meeting others with tortoises and advise.



New Member
5 Year Member
Oct 21, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Northeast Texas
dbuck said:
Hi noob, I am new too just got my Sulcata baby Tortoise today. She? is so cute and small. Best of Luck with your new one. Wish someone could help me know if its a female or male for sure. I will attach a pic tomorrow baby is asleep and dont want to disturb (he- she ):tort:

I am in TX also I think it will be great for having a tortoise here because of the weather and we will be able to get them lots of SUN.

Looking forward to meeting others with tortoises and advise.


Buck, I'm not sure I could deal with a sulcata, after seeing how much poop my tiny little guy made in his deli cup in less than 24 hours! ;)
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