New and clueless


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Nov 24, 2014
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The bulb on the right says sun glo 40w(blue/purple one) and the left says sun glo 150w.

The lids are just aquarium lids. I was planning on building a wooden top for the tank like I have with my snake. Originally I was trying to find a cage for the top and put a small light on either side and use the double light for my snake terrarium but I have limited access to cage lids where I live on an island.

I raised the light up 12" off the ground and it has jacked my temp up to 90 Fahrenheit
If that was my enclosure, I would make a wooden top for the left side. Cut a small hole for the fogger as far to the right as possible in the wood. Then cut a larger hole as far to left as possible, sit over that hole a dome shade with a 100watt CHE in it. CHE needs to be on a thermostat. Set so the coolest end is at 82f. Then have a fluorescent uvb tube hanging from the wooden lid at about 8" above tort level. Make tube aboutvhalf the length of enclosure, so its darker in the cooler end. Light gradient follows heat gradient just like the sun.
Use the sliding door on the right to open for feeding etc. Keep that closed otherwise. Your substrate wants to be about 2" deep with coco coir, cover half the coir with a layer of orchid bark so your tort has a drier area to retreat to. Have some spagnhum on the coir side too.
Hide at each end.
Try and get temps 82f ish. Mine is 88f down to 82f. No basking spot. Turn tube light off at night. They need it dark to sleep.

Your substrate wants to be moiste and warm. Not soaking wet through.
Sounds like your friend was using the purple light at night, don't know what he was using for heat at night.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
The bulb on the right says sun glo 40w(blue/purple one) and the left says sun glo 150w.

The lids are just aquarium lids. I was planning on building a wooden top for the tank like I have with my snake. Originally I was trying to find a cage for the top and put a small light on either side and use the double light for my snake terrarium but I have limited access to cage lids where I live on an island.

I raised the light up 12" off the ground and it has jacked my temp up to 90 Fahrenheit


Jan 8, 2016
Hmmm ok sounds like I have some research to do haha. I also don't have a source of water other then the tube from the fogger. Do I need one where I bathe him 5x a week?

The substrate is Pete moss and spagnum all throughout. I've never ever heard of what you're suggesting, Google time.

Thanx for the suggestions!


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Oct 21, 2014
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Hmmm ok sounds like I have some research to do haha. I also don't have a source of water other then the tube from the fogger. Do I need one where I bathe him 5x a week?

Yes, he needs a water source 24/7. A terracotta plant saucer big enough for him to fit in works great. Sink it in the substrate so the edge of the saucer is on the same level.

I also love your LEGO hide!


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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
Coco coir is ground coconut husk. When wet it expands, it holds moisture very well. You can by it in pet shops, but its also used in the gardening world for seedlings. It doesn't usually have any additives in it for gardening but just read the label to be sure..


Jan 8, 2016
Yes, he needs a water source 24/7. A terracotta plant saucer big enough for him to fit in works great. Sink it in the substrate so the edge of the saucer is on the same level.

I also love your LEGO hide!

I never thought of a saucer, thanx!

Coco coir is ground coconut husk. When wet it expands, it holds moisture very well. You can by it in pet shops, but its also used in the gardening world for seedlings. It doesn't usually have any additives in it for gardening but just read the label to be sure..

I'm going to go check today. Question about the che bulb tho, are you saying leave that on all the time? Even at night?


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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
I never thought of a saucer, thanx!

I'm going to go check today. Question about the che bulb tho, are you saying leave that on all the time? Even at night?
Yes. Set it with a thermostat and just leave it. Get a timer to plug a florescent tube into, mine comes on at 7am and goes off at 9pm.

If you decide to go down the mvb route, you will need the mvb so its not going to over heat the enclosure, you don't want an mvb on a stat because the light will go on and off all day. So with an mvb, lets say you had a 80watt to achieve 70f, you then need to have a CHE to top up on a stat to 82f. At night mvb goes off and the CHE carries on maintaining 82f. Either that or you have to rely on the mvb hitting the correct temps without a stat. Your not in control.
CHE and florescent is just my option, and it works with a species that does not require a basking spot.


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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
I have a thermo/hygro combo on either side. What do you mean by thermostat?

I do not like dealing with fluorescent light ballasts, can I just use this?
No that bulb is a big no no, people have had bad experiences with those burning torts eyes. I have never used them, I prefer to take other peoples word on this issue.
I think you thermo/hygro is just a gauge to measure the temp and humidity. If this is a dial clock type they are very unreliable. You need to get a digital type, only about £10 for a good one.
A thermostat is what you plug your heat source in, set it to the desired temp and it switches the heat source on and off to maintain temps, its cheeper to run too, as you are not pulling full power constantly if in a closed enclosure system.

Why don't you like fluorescent tubes?


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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
I have a thermo/hygro combo on either side. What do you mean by thermostat?

I do not like dealing with fluorescent light ballasts, can I just use this?
Here is an example of a fluorescent uvb tube in its holder.
Here is an example of a thermostat. You plug this in to your supply, and plug your CHE lead into this stat. You can see the probe that picks up the temperature. There may be different stats that you can use, I don't know what is available where you live.


Jan 8, 2016
Both are digital, he came with the dial ones and I've stayed away from those since the ones I had for my snake never worked properly.

I have never if those accessible to me, I like the uvb tube with the ballast ends built in, I guess I will order them online. My issue is the bulb popping out of the old school ballasts, but those would not have that issue.

I have something similar to the thermostat for my aquarium, it's called a temperature controller. I did not know was such a thing for terrariums.


Jan 8, 2016
Will this setup you are suggesting also work if I decide to put live vegetation in as a little jungle for him?


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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
Will this setup you are suggesting also work if I decide to put live vegetation in as a little jungle for him?
My juveniles are in a closed sytem, I have fake plants. Live ones just keep dying. I think this is because of air flow, or lack of.
You have the option of sliding open the right side slightly to aid with air flow. Trouble is when you open that, you will lose heat and humidity.
If I was you I'd get it all set up before doing anything with plants, then experiment with opening that sliding door, see how it effects your heat and humidity loss. You may be able to get the right balance. I want to try something similar to this next time around.
Also once your plants are established they will also help with your humidity. You really don't want to drop below 80% humidity.
The way you have yours open now, there will be hot and cold spots around the enclosure. No ambient temperature, and you will have a constant battle with humidity.


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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
Also make sure you are checking temps and humidity at Tortoise level. Not 6" up from substrate.
You will find in a closed system it will be hotter the higher you go. Mine is 86f at tort level, but about 100f at the top of the enclosure.
One more thing too, If you make it an enclosed system I would try it without the fogger 1st. I don't need or use one. Not saying you shouldn't but you could always add that back in later.


Jan 8, 2016
If that was my enclosure, I would make a wooden top for the left side. Cut a small hole for the fogger as far to the right as possible in the wood. Then cut a larger hole as far to left as possible, sit over that hole a dome shade with a 100watt CHE in it. CHE needs to be on a thermostat. Set so the coolest end is at 82f. Then have a fluorescent uvb tube hanging from the wooden lid at about 8" above tort level. Make tube aboutvhalf the length of enclosure, so its darker in the cooler end. Light gradient follows heat gradient just like the sun.
Use the sliding door on the right to open for feeding etc. Keep that closed otherwise. Your substrate wants to be about 2" deep with coco coir, cover half the coir with a layer of orchid bark so your tort has a drier area to retreat to. Have some spagnhum on the coir side too.
Hide at each end.
Try and get temps 82f ish. Mine is 88f down to 82f. No basking spot. Turn tube light off at night. They need it dark to sleep.

Your substrate wants to be moiste and warm. Not soaking wet through.
Sounds like your friend was using the purple light at night, don't know what he was using for heat at night.
So all 3 sources of heat are on the left hand side? Tube is hanging, che sitting on wood and heating pad under left side hide. And fogger centred? Am I understanding everything? Che on 24/7 on a thermostat and tube on a timer?


Jan 8, 2016
Closed system? Doesn't there need to be some opening for fresh air?

And when you say tort level do you mean mid shell?

Yvonne G

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Nope. There's enough air exchange when you tend to the tortoise (feeding, etc)

I think they meant from the top of the tortoise's shell.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
So all 3 sources of heat are on the left hand side? Tube is hanging, che sitting on wood and heating pad under left side hide. And fogger centred? Am I understanding everything? Che on 24/7 on a thermostat and tube on a timer?
Yeah, but forget the heat mat. You won't need it.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
Closed system? Doesn't there need to be some opening for fresh air?

And when you say tort level do you mean mid shell?
There is enough air flow for your tort, I was talking about if you want to grow plants, but we can cross that bridge when you have it all set up and your tort is happy.

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