Off topic: Experts: Humid vs. Dry

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Nov 26, 2012
Debate the topic, not another member's experience. If you feel the need to alert anyone of another members experience, do it through PM.

On the contrary, anyone giving advice should list their experiences, and in this case, show pictures of their tortoises.

Everyone has opinions, but not everyone's opinion is equal.

And by deleting posts that show the experience level of a person is doing a disservice to this community. We are here for the betterment of the tortoises. Imagine if someone reads this horrible advice and their tortoises suffer. That is on you, and you alone, by deleting such posts.

Continue to do such, and you will find us experience keepers finding a new home, and all you will have left is ignorance within this community.


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Long ago, when someone else's experience was called into question, the edict from Josh was that members were to debate the topics and not each others' experience. So that's the way it is.

Those that remember from way back when will also note the irony of the situation.

Also, I moved this from the other thread because it was off topic and replying there would have encouraged more off topic posts.


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Nov 26, 2012
However, as you fail to see, the original post is not in the debatable section, and furthermore the OP is asking for experts advice. The people giving advice should be experts, and back up their expertise.



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However, as you fail to see, the original post is not in the debatable section, and furthermore the OP is asking for experts advice. The people giving advice should be experts, and back up their expertise.


You are a bit pompous in your addressing the moderator my "opinion" that is--and we all know the feeling on opinions and what those are often compared to---and you see----I could care less your thoughts.... this is a forum of members who lay claim to what ever they want...and some absolutely do inflate their worth here to meet the legends they have created in their own head....there is no way to confirm nor deny what wares people wish to peddle here....anyone can come here and say what ever they want---you, me--anyone. There is no way to prove any of it...remember it is an online, it is buyer beware so to speak.....if someone mentions something and you know nothing of it--research my friend, research....we are all responsible for our own destiny as is the tortoise in our care completely reliant upon our educating ourselves.....there are a handful of folks on this forum that toot their own self created horn and then have the nerve to demand others toot right along with them..wake up folks, you are responsible for the care, control and custody of the tortoise you have in forced captive enclosures....clear as that. So it would be nice to see folks taking that responsibility upon themselves versus this silliness.....

There is no such thing as an "EXPERT"....however, those that somehow feel they should be crowned one seem to want to challenge every other member that does not hit the ground bowing.....grow up. I come to this forum for the new tortoise hosts that stumble upon a group of others with a common interest in the varied ways they can and should be cared for....there is no one way to raise a tortoise, there is no one person who knows the all mighty way....get over yourself and get back to sharing your experience and knowledge with others...and stop this BS bickering...damn.


The Dog Trainer
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Debate the topic, not another member's experience. If you feel the need to alert anyone of another members experience, do it through PM.

This is absurd. Put my post back up.

When a person, any person, comes on to a forum telling people all about the right way or the wrong way to do things, but has never actually done the thing at all, the readers, all the readers, deserve to know it. We all deserve to know what this person's arguments are based on.

THIS practice of deleting people's posts, censorship in effect, is the reason why everyone who knows something about tortoises leaves this site. You want a tortoise site with nothing but noobs and people with emotion based arguments?


The Dog Trainer
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...get over yourself and get back to sharing your experience and knowledge with others...and stop this BS bickering...damn.

There is "bickering" because one of the persons involved in this thread is making all sorts of claims that are based on nothing since she has no experience whatsoever on the topic.

The psychic predictions about what other members think of themselves and the belittling of others isn't helping either.

Want the bickering to stop? Then stop offering advice on subjects you know absolutely nothing about. I think you should take your own advice and share about the things you actually have experience with, such as maintaining adult DTs in your climate.


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5 Year Member
Aug 6, 2013
Found this by accident as I only check in on the classifieds any more. For the reasons mentioned; unsupported opinions and censorship by the moderators. No big loss I'm sure, but I'm also sure I'm not the only one


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Found this by accident as I only check in on the classifieds any more. For the reasons mentioned; unsupported opinions and censorship by the moderators. No big loss I'm sure, but I'm also sure I'm not the only one

Weird how this "accident" took place....."off topic chit chat" vs "classifieds" similar?....clearly we can see how the accident came are correct, no big loss....;)


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Weird how this "accident" took place....."off topic chit chat" vs "classifieds" similar?....clearly we can see how the accident came are correct, no big loss....;)
WTF are you talking about? This will probably be a racist but I just don't care. I can't be the only one wondering what the hell is going on with this quote and this thread. Maybe it's time just as close this thread and stop it. I was following it okay until the statement I don't understand it please fill me in.


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Aug 6, 2013
Weird how this "accident" took place....."off topic chit chat" vs "classifieds" similar?....clearly we can see how the accident came are correct, no big loss....;)

Well that sounds a little mean spirited, but I'm sure it's not or the moderators would of course stepped in. Anyway, it is kind of weird; see, I've been watching the classifieds for a sulcata. Never had one before, 6 other species but not that one. Something about your posts make me want to follow your every instruction so I do well with this new species. Can you please provide pictures of your Sulcata set up? How about your Sulcata outdoor pens? How many do you have? I'm just so interested in all your Sulcata experience so I, a beginner, can benefit from your expertise. Thank you so much for your time and for knowledgable insights. Maybe not be rude this time?


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Nov 26, 2012
Anyone else think Ascott's name is missing an "S" ? :D


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Anyone else think Ascott's name is missing an "S" ? :D

Actually, I believe the correction to your oh so clever comment should be ---missing two S---....correct....that is the clever remark you were trying for, then again---that is simply MY OPINION--however I do not have any proof to support that opinion---ahh man what to do? I can do this all day...but I am beginning to feel like I am picking on a defenseless tree stump....however, it would appear that the stump can hold its own....your good right.....?;)


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WTF are you talking about? This will probably be a racist but I just don't care. I can't be the only one wondering what the hell is going on with this quote and this thread. Maybe it's time just as close this thread and stop it. I was following it okay until the statement I don't understand it please fill me in.

I am now confused as well....racist? none of what you said has anything to do with anything racist? This thread was moved to its own place so as to no taint the original thread it was severed from....which then set it on its own path....I can assure you that no good is coming from this thread and I am finished with the spiral....well, after one more that is....just to clarify is all....have a great night and perhaps not visit this thread any more if it is disconcerting to you .....


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Well that sounds a little mean spirited, but I'm sure it's not or the moderators would of course stepped in. Anyway, it is kind of weird; see, I've been watching the classifieds for a sulcata. Never had one before, 6 other species but not that one. Something about your posts make me want to follow your every instruction so I do well with this new species. Can you please provide pictures of your Sulcata set up? How about your Sulcata outdoor pens? How many do you have? I'm just so interested in all your Sulcata experience so I, a beginner, can benefit from your expertise. Thank you so much for your time and for knowledgable insights. Maybe not be rude this time?

Where is it that I have EVER EVER, did I say EVER claim to host Sulcata? Where did Sulcata come into play for THIS thread ? No where --that is where.....There are vast species I, nor you, host personally----what is your point? Seriously, I am interested in the valid purpose of this question....what is your creative way of thinking that brought this to the thread? As a matter of fact, printed right in my signature section of my clearly shows and has done so since day one---the species of tortoise and turtle in my care....I am always amused by this question....hmm.

Polite enough for you?


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Nov 2, 2013
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I am now confused as well....racist? none of what you said has anything to do with anything racist? This thread was moved to its own place so as to no taint the original thread it was severed from....which then set it on its own path....I can assure you that no good is coming from this thread and I am finished with the spiral....well, after one more that is....just to clarify is all....have a great night and perhaps not visit this thread any more if it is disconcerting to you .....
Erased not racist. Sometimes it doesn't write what I dictate. And I don't always doublecheck it, my fault for that part. Threads shouldn't have to get to the point where people get so frustrated they want to quit reading it.


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Erased not racist. Sometimes it doesn't write what I dictate. And I don't always doublecheck it, my fault for that part. Threads shouldn't have to get to the point where people get so frustrated they want to quit reading it.

Oh, now that makes sense...while I do not agree I understand what you were trying to relay....there is nothing wrong with a little healthy banter....I find it amusing that the thread took off by multiple people and each has something nasty to say---each one....however you find mine the straw on the camels back....I mean, that makes not real difference to me, I just find it interesting is is kinda like a car accident, you don't want to look but then you just can't help yourself right---well, if you look you will like see things you wish you had not it is entirely your choice dear....


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5 Year Member
Aug 6, 2013
Where is it that I have EVER EVER, did I say EVER claim to host Sulcata? Where did Sulcata come into play for THIS thread ? No where --that is where.....There are vast species I, nor you, host personally----what is your point? Seriously, I am interested in the valid purpose of this question....what is your creative way of thinking that brought this to the thread? As a matter of fact, printed right in my signature section of my clearly shows and has done so since day one---the species of tortoise and turtle in my care....I am always amused by this question....hmm.

Polite enough for you?

Actually no, it's not polite in the slightest. Why you react this way to straightforward questions is most likely a problem best saved for group. Best of luck working through that. The more relevant question here is why are you offering husbandry advice on a species you don't host. I really am looking for a Sulcata. I really haven't had one before. You really do offer advice on their care. You are apparently not qualified in the slightest to do so. It'd be great if for all of us beginners out there, if you would stop doing that. A little less condescension would be appropriate as well.
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Actually no, it's not polite in the slightest. Why you react this way to straightforward questions is most likely a problem best saved for group. Best of luck working through that. The more relevant question here is why are you offering husbandry advice on a species you don't host. I really am looking for a Sulcata. I really haven't had one before. You really do offer advice on their care. You are apparently not qualified in the slightest to do so. It'd be great if for all of us beginners out there, if you would stop doing that. A little less condescension would be appropriate as well.

No, I disagree. I also asked a simple question that I believe you already know the answer to and I never have implied otherwise....did you not see the species that I host right in my signature section? That is actually a yes or no question---no need for opinion or feelings--easy right? You see, in my reply it was never sent with condescension--you apparently read it that way...also,

it's not polite in the slightest.

I really was asking you if that reply was polite enough. I really did not send that question to you with any ill intent. You really did read it in a way other than the way it was meant. If you would stop doing that then this pointless conversation would be over...I also find it would be most appropriate.
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