

Active Member
5 Year Member
Jul 7, 2013
So out running around kids asked to go to petco to look at animals so why not, walk in and the worker is misting the reptiles.. We walk over as my kids want to get a tortoise soon and ask if they have any we can see she says yeah shows us a lil guy not too bad shape then I ask what kind is it. "Umm i don't know" she tells me. So I ask why and she said they just get them in no idea what kind and on the sticker it says tortoise nothing else
Then has russian, Greek, and hermanns all listed gosh I dislike petco I want to go rescue him but then they will just buy more for someone else to buy

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Don't be too hard on them. It would be darned near impossible for them to train their clerks on every species of tortoise. At least the clerk was misting. That's something in their favor.


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Sep 6, 2011
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It's too bad the people sending them the tortoises don't mark them. Really sad if they don't know either:(


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Look how many folks come in here not knowing what kind of tortoise they have and often have had for years. Atleast give the employee credit for being honest about not knowing.


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Sounds like you ran into a decent person. Perhaps you could help educate them a bit?


Active Member
5 Year Member
Jul 7, 2013
Oh the worker was great she seemed like she cared its petco that I'm mad at lol


Well-Known Member
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Jul 12, 2013
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Irving Texas
Petco and Petsmart are all different depending on which one you go into and when you go. The reptile person can not always be there and they are not always going to educate everyone on the reptiles. I have been to some that don't know what they have and I have been to others that the reptile person actually spends some of their own money to make sure the torts are eating right. I go to a Petsmart that has a girl that clocks out and then takes the torts to the back for warm soaks a couple times a week. I called a petsmart in Lewisville Texas and asked if they had female russians, they transfered me to the reptile manager who told me they had 2. When I got there he clearly had 2 VERY male males and the guy argued with me. The next time I went there a year later to get crickets I asked the current reptile manager and she knew everything about them and was a reptile keeper herself. When I find they are a little lacking I tell them what little I know and give them this address in case they care.

Laura Currado

5 Year Member
Oct 29, 2012
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Oakland County, MI
While it's somewhat fun to jump on the hater-bandwagon, I've had really good luck at most of the the big-box pet stores in our area. In our store here, it seems they all have/breed reptiles.
But for a funny story, no luck with one local Petco: a crazy girl chewed me out for finding and coming in for help/enclosure for an anole that had stowed-away in a potted plant!
"What made you think you should keep him?! Just put it back outside!" she snidely snapped at me...even though I live in Michigan and I don't know of a native anole species! It was a miracle I even caught the thing! I first thought it was a big ugly bug and almost stomped the poor hatchling. Had him for a few months until he escaped the very expensive and nice vivarium we built him!
But no, I have never gone into that location again! In fact, Husband freaked out on them long before we met because they had a bunch of sick and dead snakes and a friend saved the life of a Bearded Dragon 2 years ago there that was impacted with improper bedding! Amazing that two stores 5 miles apart are so vastly different!

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Some ars good and some are bad . The one close to me had a girl in there that new her stuff but they fired her for letting them know they weren't keeping animals right . Its a shame to she really cared .