Pretend Chat 2.14

T33's Torts

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Jun 23, 2013
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When it rained (when I has dogs) I'd but down the gate around the patio and make them stay under the cover-thingy. Otherwise they'd roll down the mud hill. Yhe golden retriever could climb back up, but the little corgi-mutt couldn't quite throw his legs up.


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Sep 7, 2013
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I've always loved big dogs but my big boxer is my last big dog. She's 4 this month and boxers tend to have short lives :( Between my husband and I, we've lost 3 boxers. Two lived to be 6 and one only to 3! :(
And echo came from a friend of mine who just had to put echos litter mate down for lymphoma a few month ago. She was 3. The dog my husband and I had to put down last year was 3. He also had lymphoma. Very sad.
But my little mutt is probably only 3 and he is of breeds that tend to live a lot longer than boxers. He a chihuahua/miniature pinscher cross. At least that's our best guess, he's a rescue. He could be all minpin, but I figure he's more likely a mutt. He's a toot! I'm sure he will live to be 15+
And after that, it'll be a wait and see if we ever have another dog. And if we do it'll be a small dog. No more big ones. I have a big house but I don't want to have to make a big dog and my torts share a yard. lol. They torts will outlive any big dog 10x over so the torts win the yard.


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Feb 11, 2012
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NE Ohio
Elohi, min pins are very healthy and long lived dogs. And lively!! I've heard that about boxers...the short lives. But none of them live long enough, do they? Lymphoma is a horrible disease. I lose two furkids to lymphoma in the past two years. :(

One of my dogs is turning 13 this summer. It makes me sad.

T33's Torts

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 23, 2013
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I've always only had big, big dogs (ie German Shepherds, Komondors, goldies, Huskies). One time I went to a shelter to look for work, and there was a corgi with German Shepherd coloring. Long story short I took him home the next day. My rule is no more than two dogs at a time, and at this house I can't have any.


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Feb 13, 2014
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Washington Coast
I (well, my mom) have a dog turning 16 sometime in the next few months. She was a rescue so we don't know exactly when she was born. She's slowed down quite a bit but you'd never know she was 16. People think she's a puppy all the time.


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Sep 7, 2013
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Elohi, min pins are very healthy and long lived dogs. And lively!! I've heard that about boxers...the short lives. But none of them live long enough, do they? Lymphoma is a horrible disease. I lose two furkids to lymphoma in the past two years. :(

One of my dogs is turning 13 this summer. It makes me sad.

Lymphoma really is terrible. I noticed he wasn't as lively. Then he started losing weight, then I noticed a change in his coat texture, then suddenly he has huge lumps in his neck and groin.
They were huge and they were everywhere very quickly. It was shocking how quickly he became sick. He stopped eating and that made the weight loss accelerate dramatically and he had to be put down just days after we found the lumps. It was awful how quickly he declined. And he was peeing on himself because the tumors were pressing on his urinary system. He was such a good dog. A very protective sweet boy.


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10 Year Member!
Feb 11, 2012
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NE Ohio
I've always only had big, big dogs (ie German Shepherds, Komondors, goldies, Huskies). One time I went to a shelter to look for work, and there was a corgi with German Shepherd coloring. Long story short I took him home the next day. My rule is no more than two dogs at a time, and at this house I can't have any.
I'm the same way. I limit it to two dogs, though I will foster a third. That sucks that you can't have any dogs though. Not sure how well I'd do not having dogs in my life.


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Sep 7, 2013
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The sad thing was, was he came over to me for some love and I was hugging a petting him and and when I reached his neck with the pets, I felt the lumps and I gasped and the look he gave me told me everything I needed to know before the vets diagnosis. He TOLD me he was dying. It was an awful experience. There was a knowing and a sadness in his eyes when I felt those lumps. It was as if he came to me in that moment to tell me he was dying and to tell me goodbye. Ahhhh tearing up. Miss that boy.


Well-Known Member
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Sep 7, 2013
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I've always loved dogs and wanted a house full but my kids keep me so busy that 2 dogs is all I can handle. And my boxer is huge. She is abnormally large for a female. And she is GROSS. She is a jowl booger flinger. She shakes her head and dark jowl junk flies off of her and onto walls and floors. She is so gross Lol. Dexter, the minpin is clean and never has odors. Echo is a disgusting beast. She is lucky we love her big clumsy butt so much lol.
And she makes her own mud if there isn't any natural mud. She is a mess HAHAHAHAHA.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Feb 11, 2014
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Medford Oregon
I've always loved dogs and wanted a house full but my kids keep me so busy that 2 dogs is all I can handle. And my boxer is huge. She is abnormally large for a female. And she is GROSS. She is a jowl booger flinger. She shakes her head and dark jowl junk flies off of her and onto walls and floors. She is so gross Lol. Dexter, the minpin is clean and never has odors. Echo is a disgusting beast. She is lucky we love her big clumsy butt so much lol.
And she makes her own mud if there isn't any natural mud. She is a mess HAHAHAHAHA.

my pitbull boxer mix is just like this always has some long slobber coming down and just ready to throw it at someone with a head shack lol i always feel bad if anyone is riding in the back seat with him because he think's he's a lap dog and hes a 90pound drooling machine really


Active Member
Feb 13, 2014
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Washington Coast
so glad we can all go back to pretending to do our jobs... of course it comes back up just as my lunch ends... back to a classroom full of monsters on a full moon... seriously that isn't a myth. FACT: kids go off the deep end when it's a full moon.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jan 26, 2013
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San Antonio, Texas
so glad we can all go back to pretending to do our jobs... of course it comes back up just as my lunch ends... back to a classroom full of monsters on a full moon... seriously that isn't a myth. FACT: kids go off the deep end when it's a full moon.

I seriously do believe that, lol. Have a good day.

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