Pretend Chat 2.14

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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ok. i was saying sorry to @Yvonne G mostly cause i think i hurt her the worst.

No, you didn't 'hurt' me at all. I just didn't like all the 'old' insinuations. I think the person who was really upset by your 'joking' was Alisha (I can't remember her username - it was something like A Carson???) She went along with your joking at first, but was pretty upset by the end of it and even thought about leaving the Forum. She needs a personal apology from you, and some generic "I'm sorry" on a general forum thread just won't cut it.


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Good Morning Yvonne! ! ! :)

How is the little (maybe not little) painted turtle doing with R.I??


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With my old cinderblock leopard zone, I painted all the blocks, then started in on painting grass and African animals. Its not done yet, but in my mind it will look neat.

I had wanted to do one side of the redfoot area in the landscape natural look block, but that gets expensive. So have been playing with the thought of painting the blocks like a old natural stone piece wall.
When we built Elsa's larger outdoor enclosure with cinder blocks my hubby and brother (who did the bock toting and stacking) were teasing me, calling it Tort-catraz (after Alcatraz) and trying to talk me into adding little tortoise sized rolls of razor wire to the top!!! :p. Cinder blocks are soooo versatile- but they do TOTALLY destroy any hint of beauty or aesthetics. :(
I agree that painting them might help. I considered that and was going to use stencils to add pretty embellishments to some of the blocks, as well as planting some things in the holes. But I got lazy, so we still have grey cinder block (but NO razor wire!) :p
She talked about painting them a pale yellow and stencil them but it was a few days later her hormone anger fit liked in and I got rid of all the blocks the next day. I like giving hal the whole yard, it's what I wanted to do from day one but she wouldn't me. She has already turned down the metal panels thing (which sucks because I get them for free) and turned down using just plane 2x4 lumber. She would LOVE a natural stone wall but that's way more money than I want to spend. I've got several other projects to do and things to buy before the torts get that much money spent on them. I'm trying to get her to sign off on the landscaping timbers. I get away with havering so many torts/turtles because I do everything on the cheap. So it has to be cheap AND look good or it gets turned down. I could just lie to her on how much I spent, lord knows it would be the first time I've done it :)


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She talked about painting them a pale yellow and stencil them but it was a few days later her hormone anger fit liked in and I got rid of all the blocks the next day. I like giving hal the whole yard, it's what I wanted to do from day one but she wouldn't me. She has already turned down the metal panels thing (which sucks because I get them for free) and turned down using just plane 2x4 lumber. She would LOVE a natural stone wall but that's way more money than I want to spend. I've got several other projects to do and things to buy before the torts get that much money spent on them. I'm trying to get her to sign off on the landscaping timbers. I get away with havering so many torts/turtles because I do everything on the cheap. So it has to be cheap AND look good or it gets turned down. I could just lie to her on how much I spent, lord knows it would be the first time I've done it :)
Never underestimate the power of hormones! :p Would she be up for maybe a mix or something? Use metal panels/cinderblocks/etc on the back, if there is one, and a fancier natural stone front?


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She talked about painting them a pale yellow and stencil them but it was a few days later her hormone anger fit liked in and I got rid of all the blocks the next day. I like giving hal the whole yard, it's what I wanted to do from day one but she wouldn't me. She has already turned down the metal panels thing (which sucks because I get them for free) and turned down using just plane 2x4 lumber. She would LOVE a natural stone wall but that's way more money than I want to spend. I've got several other projects to do and things to buy before the torts get that much money spent on them. I'm trying to get her to sign off on the landscaping timbers. I get away with havering so many torts/turtles because I do everything on the cheap. So it has to be cheap AND look good or it gets turned down. I could just lie to her on how much I spent, lord knows it would be the first time I've done it :)
What about taking pallet lumber, staining them all different colors and then using them to make a fence. that'd be Cheap and pretty.
I'm married to someone so tight he squeaks when he walks. I say that but he never complains about my spending so I shouldn't tease him.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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I need some ideas for making outdoor enclosure walls, i had cinder blocks for walls and my wife hated them. She said all the blocks in my backyard (sulcata pen, Redfoot pen and box turtle pen) made her yard look like a jail cell so I had to get rid of all the blocks. Now I'm trying to find something she likes. I liked the blocks because they weren't attached to anything and could move them and change shape as needed. I didn't know she hated them so bad until she broke down in tears and was yelling at me. She let me give the sully free range of the entire back yard so now I just need to find something for the Redfoots and box turtles. Luckily they are all still small and living in indoor enclosure but this spring is when I was going to start letting them out more often.

It's a lot of extra work because they're so skinny, but the grape stake fence looks pretty nice. Sort of a rustic look. And if you live in an area where farmers grow grapes, you can usually pick up used grape stakes for free. That's how I got all mine.
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Dec 31, 2011
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Good morning, young lady. You're on early this a.m. But because it took me so long to catch up on all these back pages of the chat, you're probably gone already!
Good morning to you both but it's more like afternoon for me since Mike had us on the road at 5. I'd take a nap but someone has all the pillows.


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That's very pretty, Kim. I wouldn't have ever thought of that dark color to paint bathroom walls, but seeing it like this, I really like it. It looks very rich.

Thanks! I see it and go "this is too fancy and modern to be mine!"


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Hey, I'm in SC near Columbia. What music do you speak of?

Dueling banjos to be precise a la Deliverance, the movie. Not being derisive at all... I grew up in a very similar neck of the woods and wouldn't trade it for the world.


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Dueling banjos to be precise a la Deliverance, the movie. Not being derisive at all... I grew up in a very similar neck of the woods and wouldn't trade it for the world.
My family on my mom's side is half from Arkansas. The first time I ever took Mike to meet that side my great uncle wild Bill brought out his banjo and then another uncle started playing along with him on the guitar.
Mike still tells that story to everyone who doubts he converted me from being a country girl who grew up on a farm.
My grandpa played the fiddle and the harmonica.

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