Pretend Chat 2.14


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Oct 30, 2010
Well, I don't know where the sun went or where the clouds came from, but from the time I took Misty out for her morning constitutional about 7:30a until now, 8:05a, it is now overcast and ugly outside.

Same here, the morning started out cloudy, the sun came out, it was blue skies for a few hours and now the clouds are back.

The change in pressure and humidity kills my inner ear condition. I'm on the verge of having a vertigo episode.

Yvonne G

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Same here, the morning started out cloudy, the sun came out, it was blue skies for a few hours and now the clouds are back.

The change in pressure and humidity kills my inner ear condition. I'm on the verge of having a vertigo episode.

That sounds like a good excuse to join Jacqui in her two hour nap...not on the same swing, of course. You in your own bed, her on her swing.


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Sep 7, 2013
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Morning! How are you? The children? Jack and Eight?
Br-r-r-r! Give me Spring and Autumn any day!!!

Yes! Until about 7:30a. Quite the treat for me for sure.

Hi Monica. How's that little one with the cleft palate doing?

And a very good Good Morning to all the rest of you out there in Chatland! It's going to be another nice day here in Central California. No clouds in the sky and the weather guy calls for mid 70's. Today I'm going to don my gloves and sun visor and just move from task to task, with no plans at all. Just do what looks like it needs to be done.

Kids are doing very well. Had a small fainting spell with Alaina the other day when she skinned her knees but she recovered fine and is otherwise doing very well.

Jadalyn is still working hard at swimming and has her first big meet of the season this weekend. It's a three day meet!

Adam is still plugging along at piano and always creating new music.

Things are a little stressful with my husbands job. He works in oil and gas and the industry is not doing so hot lately with oil prices being down. In fact after 3 big pay cuts my husband quit yesterday and is looking for something else. Positive vibes for a minimal stress transition appreciated.

Jack and Eight are doing fantastic. Beautiful little things!
Here is Jack being adorable this morning. I think he may just have the underbite and no cleft palate.
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And here is Eight.
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Random pics of my kids lately.
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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Itty bitty looking so much older in that last picture. *fingers crossed* for husband and his job search.

Gillian M

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@Elohi I'm sending good vibes your husbands way!!
I'm sure it's a bit stressful! When our husbands are stressed about work it can upset the whole house!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Way back when I was still working, and just after the gov't made Ma Bell split up into all those baby bells, I was going to be downsized. It was pretty scary for me. At that time, not a minority (except for being a woman), and in my 50's. Who was going to hire a person such as I was at that time. Thankfully, I never had to find out because the company found a way to keep me.

So I know how your husband is feeling. But I'll bet it's going to turn out ok for him.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Same here, the morning started out cloudy, the sun came out, it was blue skies for a few hours and now the clouds are back.

The change in pressure and humidity kills my inner ear condition. I'm on the verge of having a vertigo episode.

I just went hrough having vertigo for about two weeks. Was horrible. Hope you fail to have that episode.


Unknown Member
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Feb 5, 2011
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Darn app crashed and deleted my entire draft... So I'll give the short version.
I've been absent lately because I got EXCELLENT news recently. Today was my very first day working at Planet Fitness. I got hired!!
View attachment 154127
View attachment 154128

Is it just a job or are you going completely in that direction (certification/becoming a trainer)?


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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they say you only feel old people I'll Pass thank U


Well-Known Member
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Dec 7, 2013
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San Jose CA
Kids are doing very well. Had a small fainting spell with Alaina the other day when she skinned her knees but she recovered fine and is otherwise doing very well.

Jadalyn is still working hard at swimming and has her first big meet of the season this weekend. It's a three day meet!

Adam is still plugging along at piano and always creating new music.

Things are a little stressful with my husbands job. He works in oil and gas and the industry is not doing so hot lately with oil prices being down. In fact after 3 big pay cuts my husband quit yesterday and is looking for something else. Positive vibes for a minimal stress transition appreciated.

Jack and Eight are doing fantastic. Beautiful little things!
Here is Jack being adorable this morning. I think he may just have the underbite and no cleft palate.
View attachment 154102
View attachment 154105

And here is Eight.
View attachment 154103
View attachment 154104

Random pics of my kids lately.
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View attachment 154109

Amazing set of photos! ! ! ! 1

I like each and everyone of them.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Dec 7, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
San Jose CA
Things are a little stressful with my husbands job. He works in oil and gas and the industry is not doing so hot lately with oil prices being down. In fact after 3 big pay cuts my husband quit yesterday and is looking for something else. Positive vibes for a minimal stress transition appreciated.

Best wishes for him and may things turn out nice for your husband.