Pretend Chat 2.14

mike taylor

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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Sorry Maggie . Hey your number you posted has to many numbers in it . So here's my number .2817611436


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Jul 31, 2013
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He was out cruising for chicks and is now mad that you busted his mojo. He told me to tell you not to go snooping under his substrate, you'll not be happy with the magazine you find.

Haha okay that's funny :D :D :D

Maggie Cummings

Sorry Maggie . Hey your number you posted has to many numbers in it . So here's my number .2817611436
The last number was an "I" starting the next sentence without a space....541-231-1366. If you are calling to see if I'm alright, I am. I am F-I-N-E

Fu'ed up_neurotic, emotional and insecure....Is that what you meant? Don't worry about a wellness check. I am alright. Just some PTSD rage, sort of like 'roid rage only, they don't nor I know how to make it better. You don't need to call. I'm ok.

Yellow Turtle01

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Jun 12, 2013
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Plus it comes in chocolate - what more could you want?


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5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2012
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Holy crap. you feed that to some poor tortoise? If I ever get dressed today, either I or someone else will show you what's easier and better for them....
No definitely not, I know some cactuses are tort safe but none around here they're just decorative. This was my cactus I had on my desk at work, I guess it was overwatered... Yet the other one in the same conditions is fine. I guess I made confusion with "his" name, I got him at school and decorated the little pot he came in and it got the name Peter Prickle. It's been 4 years!

Maggie Cummings

Thanks for sharing with us! You poor thing! So glad you are safe . Do they have any suggestions for you?
Wifie says that's she's not going to allow it and will put her on birth control but at the same time she not going to stop our daughter from going out with friends and living her life. If that means she's sneaking around behind our backs then she risks punishment if caught.

That's teen age girls, my sis and I did it too.
Now here's the good news for you....I got pregnant doing just what she's doing, just after my 16th birthday.

Remember, from an old lady....Your job is NOT to be friends with your daughter
, but your job is to make her a good adult.
Here's the catch, that's how I was told to raise my 3 children. One is 52, daughter is 48 and son is 47, NONE of them speak to me now. Sorry, but they are good people. They just don't like me. That's ok tho, cuz I did my job and I did it good.
My birthday was Saturday AND Mothers DAY Sunday. I heard nothing, not even one damn phone call. From anyone, so when someone gets mad at me here on the chat, IDC because I am so used to not being liked, I don't care anymore. Hitting the ignore button on most of you makes it a lot less painful for me, and I can still sneak in and see what you're talking about.
Ya can't trust me to really be gone from the chat until I am actually banned, that will be soon. I was told to stay off the chat. But oh never mind, who cares? I don't. But I am wondering if Tidgleys dad was told to back off, or if sluggo, was told to watch his mouth? NO? I'll bet $50 no one but me got into trouble.....oops better run, this is ban worthy....

Maggie Cummings

Wow . I'm sorry. I know how hard it is to live with ptsd and how many doctors don't know what to do to help. Another thing you could try is padded railings on your bed?
Truthfully, one more skull fracture and I don't have to worry about any of it, I can hardly wait, in all seriousness....

Maggie Cummings

I'm thinking you are going to have to talk to a psychiatrist about this . My pops has PTSD from a major heart attack . He doesn't hurt himself . He is scared of doing anything that could possibly make him have another one . He has been seeing a psychiatrist on Wednesdays. It has helped him just to talk out his fears. You will have to face the tramatic accident that caused this problem. Hope that helped a little .
Where in the hell did you get that picture?????


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2014
That really is nice of you. I have only been able to find ONE and only ONE friend with...'listening ears' here. All the rest of the people I know only give useless lectures, thinking they're FREUDs!

Send me a message some time, I work in the warehouse at my job and I am the only one back here. So I dont usually have anyone to talk to!

I don't lecture, but I do like to talk(type)!

Maggie Cummings

NEWS FLASH: No matter HOW well you think you know your tortoise, they can still surprise you.

I have been hand-feeding the occasional treat to my Hermann's tortoise, Elsa, for the past 2.5 years that I've had her. I am quite familiar with her reach, as well as her favorite foods, so I figured I'd never get bitten. Today I offered her the very FIRST, fresh, tender nasturtium greens straight out of my garden, knowing she loves them. She ate much of one leaf, then suddenly her head shot out almost twice as far as it ever has before and I felt a distinct pinch on my finger! I laughed and dropped the remaining nasturtiums in front of her, then I looked down and saw the BLOOD dripping off my finger!!! I was really shocked that she could draw blood!
I cleaned it up and found a small (1/8 inch or 1/2 cm?) curved cut on the side of my finger.

It was shallow, and I put antibiotic ointment on it before putting on a bandaid, so i am not worried about infection.
I know tortoises don't carry rabies, so I'm not worried about rabies.
I know tortoise bites are not venomous, so I'm not worried about being poisoned.
...but someone told me there's a full moon fingers seem to be getting shorter and back is getting stiff and the weeds in the yard look tasty...I feel...I feel like bobbing my head...

In the same situation with Bob I got 7 stitches. NEVER feed a larger tort by hand, bad habit to start....

Maggie Cummings

Maggie, if you just look at length of years, then overall outside cats mat live longer. However my outside cats seem so much happier. Which is why my inside cats want out and once out do not want to come back inside (unless it is very cold). My oldest living cats have all been outside cats. While they do get a few birds, they also get the mice, rats, moles, and bugs...especially grasshoppers. I love birds and do provide them with shelter, trees bushes, water, and natural food supplies. I think there is a place in the world for both animals. I would be opposing somebody who shoots birds because try are noisy and **** on their cars.

I DO NOT shoot birds, damn I have 5 f'ing feeders. I simply trap cats and take them to another city....Just shoot me for protecting MY yard.....I'm gone this is too much

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