Pretend chat 2

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Dec 12, 2012
She either got into something she shouldn't have or she had an infection she was hiding. When I agreed to take her, the owner didn't mention that her tail had been "amputated". When she brought her to me, the tail was a bald little swollen stub, it didn't look like something that was professionally amputated at a vet, more like she had slammed the cage door on it and chopped it off. She said it was fine and the lady was obviously a little off/crazy so I took her and didn't hassle her on the details of the tail. She went to the vet that night, turns out their were two abscesses on the side of the stub/tail that needed drained so the vet cleaned them out and she was out on Baytril for 5 days. Gunna bury her in a little while. Poor thing. I contacted a rabbit/chinchilla rescue this morning that used to do adoptions in my work and am gunna see if they have any to adopt.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Boy it is a lovely early spring day outside here! My day has been productive... I have broken a UVB light, another large light, and I actually got bit behind the knee enough to leave a bruise by my nieghbor's lovely dogs. :D


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Jacqui said:
Boy it is a lovely early spring day outside here! My day has been productive... I have broken a UVB light, another large light, and I actually got bit behind the knee enough to leave a bruise by my nieghbor's lovely dogs. :D

A busy day like that deserves a nap!:D


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theelectraco said:
Came home from work to find out my baby chinchilla passed away while I was at work :( I, not sure what happened. Maybe she ate something she wasn't suppose to while running around. She seemed a little lethargic today but she was eating like a pig still so I thought she was gunna be okay, I got some Baytril from the vet at my work thinking she may have gotten a cold or something and wanted it as a precaution but she was already gone when I got home from work. This sucks.

So sorry to hear about your chinchilla passing away :( very sad!

Hi everyone! :)


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Jan 17, 2011
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I posted from car line but I guess I screwed up. I have had a very strange day! I woke up with an excruciating head ache and then I tossed my cookies and have felt great ever since. I got everything done on my to do list except clean the house, oops that's kind of a big one, but I will get that one done tonight. I also had words with my eldest child's principal and am proud that I did not lose my cool and in the end had her seeing things my way.
Ugh, I am less impressed with my day now that I see it written out. Never mind, I am lame!

I am sorry about the loss of the chinchilla :(

Omg, congrats we are on our 100th page in Chat2!!!!
This girl was all up in my face while I was posting so I snapped her pic:)ImageUploadedByTortoiseForum1364504253.568157.jpg

Wait in the app it said page 100 but now when I am in the website without using the app it says 132. Nevermind I guess!

Ok, so a kid and I guess his dad were riding razor scooters down my street and the kids and I were outside. All of a sudden the dad was face down on the concrete and his scooter went flying down the street. I ran and asked him if he was plans he got up, brushed himself off and said he was ok. Here's my question.., When can I hysterically laugh because I feel I am doing internal damage holding this one in!!!??
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Jul 31, 2012
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CtTortoiseMom said:
I posted from car line but I guess I screwed up. I have had a very strange day! I woke up with an excruciating head ache and then I tossed my cookies and have felt great ever since. I got everything done on my to do list except clean the house, oops that's kind of a big one, but I will get that one done tonight. I also had words with my eldest child's principal and am proud that I did not lose my cool and in the end had her seeing things my way.
Ugh, I am less impressed with my day now that I see it written out. Never mind, I am lame!

I am sorry about the loss of the chinchilla :(

Omg, congrats we are on our 100th page in Chat2!!!!
This girl was all up in my face while I was posting so I snapped her pic:)

Wait in the app it said page 100 but now when I am in the website without using the app it says 132. Nevermind I guess!

Ok, so a kid and I guess his dad were riding razor scooters down my street and the kids and I were outside. All of a sudden the dad was face down on the concrete and his scooter went flying down the street. I ran and asked him if he was plans he got up, brushed himself off and said he was ok. Here's my question.., When can I hysterically laugh because I feel I am doing internal damage holding this one in!!!??

I would have been like "safe" once the guy got up! but that is just my sick sense of humor :D


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Jacqui said:
Erin let it out... wait for it.... wait... NOW!!

Ok, phew I let it out and although I feel better physically I feel a tiny bit worse as a human! He is going to be hurting tomorrow!!


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Dec 31, 2011
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theelectraco said:
Came home from work to find out my baby chinchilla passed away while I was at work :( I, not sure what happened. Maybe she ate something she wasn't suppose to while running around. She seemed a little lethargic today but she was eating like a pig still so I thought she was gunna be okay, I got some Baytril from the vet at my work thinking she may have gotten a cold or something and wanted it as a precaution but she was already gone when I got home from work. This sucks.

I am so sorry :(

CtTortoiseMom said:
I posted from car line but I guess I screwed up. I have had a very strange day! I woke up with an excruciating head ache and then I tossed my cookies and have felt great ever since. I got everything done on my to do list except clean the house, oops that's kind of a big one, but I will get that one done tonight. I also had words with my eldest child's principal and am proud that I did not lose my cool and in the end had her seeing things my way.
Ugh, I am less impressed with my day now that I see it written out. Never mind, I am lame!

I am sorry about the loss of the chinchilla :(

Omg, congrats we are on our 100th page in Chat2!!!!
This girl was all up in my face while I was posting so I snapped her pic:)

Wait in the app it said page 100 but now when I am in the website without using the app it says 132. Nevermind I guess!

Ok, so a kid and I guess his dad were riding razor scooters down my street and the kids and I were outside. All of a sudden the dad was face down on the concrete and his scooter went flying down the street. I ran and asked him if he was plans he got up, brushed himself off and said he was ok. Here's my question.., When can I hysterically laugh because I feel I am doing internal damage holding this one in!!!??

I would have been laughing right after he was okay. He had to know it was funny.
Oh last night I was telling Mikey about the trust falls and he got jealous. I was surprised. He was like why didn't you trust fall with one of the girls from your company and not the guy next to you at the table. I was like that's how it just happened?? sheesh he wasn't even hot.. :rolleyes:
Yay it's the weekend for me. woot.. My client called me today and said he is going to try tryyyyyyyyy not to bother me all weekend. :D I told him I'd miss talking to him and he was like .. yah.. right :p


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Jan 17, 2011
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Hahaha! I like Jacqui's idea of trust falling with Mike! Men get jealous over the strangest things. Although trust falling in heels is pretty intense!


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Jul 31, 2012
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CtTortoiseMom said:
Hahaha! I like Jacqui's idea of trust falling with Mike! Men get jealous over the strangest things. Although trust falling in heels is pretty intense!



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Cowboy_Ken said:
I'm gone all day, and you folks manage an entire 13 posts? Sigh...

Playing catch up can be daunting ;)

Life is good


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Jacqui said:
So did you try some falls with Mikey then?

No he cut me off last night :( No trust anything. It was funny because I didn't even think anything of it. I just was like blah blah blah and then he was like wait.. what???

CtTortoiseMom said:
Hahaha! I like Jacqui's idea of trust falling with Mike! Men get jealous over the strangest things. Although trust falling in heels is pretty intense!

Yes they do. I didn't tell him after he got jealous that my last fall my heels slipped and the guy grabbed me under my arms so I didn't hit the floor. :p
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