Pretend chat 2

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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Jacqui said:
Either far away or some kind of vacation you won't be able to do for the next twenty years due to having children. :cool:

Yes like somewhere fun and romantic.
Plus you all know we are workaholics so we won't escape very often add it is.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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theelectraco said:
Yeah if you don't drink Vegas is pretty uneventful.

I don't sometimes, but once more not a lot. I never did have a drink while there come to think of it. :D

Kerryann said:
Jacqui said:
Either far away or some kind of vacation you won't be able to do for the next twenty years due to having children. :cool:

Yes like somewhere fun and romantic.
Plus you all know we are workaholics so we won't escape very often add it is.

Like your jeep thingies. :D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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CtTortoiseMom said:
I am out shopping and bought my dream kitchen table!!! It is all reclaimed wood and super sturdy and came with a bench seat. Now I just need to find 4 chairs. I am soooooo excited !!

What?! Still no pictures????


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Ok I will post a picture but it is not everyone's taste and I think it would make more sense for you all to see it in my new kitchen.

Ok it is super sturdy too...,
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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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CtTortoiseMom said:
Ok I will post a picture but it is not everyone's taste and I think it would make more sense for you all to see it in my new kitchen.

We will want to see it then too. ;) :D That's an interesting table. I have not saw any like it before. I like the table. The bench not so much, looks like it should be out in the yard to me. It just doesn't have the same feel or look as the table to me. :rolleyes:


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CtTortoiseMom said:
Jacqui said:
One thing that disappointed me the most about Vegas was after seeing all the movies and TV shows, I was so excited to get to gamble on those machines. You know you put in your penny, you pull down on the arm, and walla! Except in reality there is no more actual coin play and no arms to pull (with very few exceptions). Not to mention when you do win, those coins don't come rolling out. You get instead a slip of papre to take to cash out. :( Completely bummed me out. :( :(
Jacqui you and I are very similiar! I got married in the Excalibur in Vegas and had my reception in the Belagio. We were there for 3 days with 20 of our nearest & dearest and by the evening of the 2nd day I was like ok, I've seen Vegas.

I am out shopping and bought my dream kitchen table!!! It is all reclaimed wood and super sturdy and came with a bench seat. Now I just need to find 4 chairs. I am soooooo excited !!

I want to see pics. It sounds pretty :D

CtTortoiseMom said:
Ok I will post a picture but it is not everyone's taste and I think it would make more sense for you all to see it in my new kitchen.

Ok it is super sturdy too...,

That is cool. I should read everyone's stuff before I post :p but that probably won't happen so you may have to bare with me.

I had to get chocolate. I was having a minute.

Jacqui said:
theelectraco said:
Yeah if you don't drink Vegas is pretty uneventful.

I don't sometimes, but once more not a lot. I never did have a drink while there come to think of it. :D

Kerryann said:
Jacqui said:
Either far away or some kind of vacation you won't be able to do for the next twenty years due to having children. :cool:

Yes like somewhere fun and romantic.
Plus you all know we are workaholics so we won't escape very often add it is.

Like your jeep thingies. :D

Those usually are drunk fests where we both end up puking and passed out but I am sure we will make it work. The good thing about being both only children in low spawning families is the amount of people who want to babysit is out of control.

I am watching this show and this dude from harvard says mad cow disease in humans is like zombies and could be a reality.


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Mar 18, 2010
Hubby took me to Vegas for my birthday in February. Frankly, I loved being able to wander around with my margarita! All in all though, now I've seen it and I'm good.

We started taking the kids on vacay when the oldest was 3 months. They are all great travelers now, cause its normal.

Speaking of the oldest, 17 years old and I woke up to "Mooom, I threw up on my" 101.6 fever today for him :-(


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Rob and I just ran out to the store by ourselves and he was laughing when we were walking out because I have a toddler size mashed potatoe handprint on the back of my leg, thanks Rand!!

Re: table reclsimed wood is pretty popular here. I know a few families re-doing their hardwood floors with reclaimed wood and at is crazy expensive and looks just like my kitchen table. I could never be into that but I am going super casual and rustic in the kitchen and very formal in the dining room. Sorry, boring I know I'm just do excited about the new house!! Still no lookers on the old house but that is turning out to be a blessing because Rob's mom & dad and sister and our niece are flying in for my daughters play so we are keeping beds in our old house do everyone can stay there:)


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Mar 18, 2010
Love that table, it's perfect!
My office desk is a built in, recycled door from an old Forest Service building.


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
CtTortoiseMom said:
Rob and I just ran out to the store by ourselves and he was laughing when we were walking out because I have a toddler size mashed potatoe handprint on the back of my leg, thanks Rand!!

Re: table reclsimed wood is pretty popular here. I know a few families re-doing their hardwood floors with reclaimed wood and at is crazy expensive and looks just like my kitchen table. I could never be into that but I am going super casual and rustic in the kitchen and very formal in the dining room. Sorry, boring I know I'm just do excited about the new house!! Still no lookers on the old house but that is turning out to be a blessing because Rob's mom & dad and sister and our niece are flying in for my daughters play so we are keeping beds in our old house do everyone can stay there:)

I love the reclaimed wood look. Whenever I see old barns falling down I am like why didn't those people sell the wood instead of letting it implode :(


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pugsandkids said:
Hubby took me to Vegas for my birthday in February. Frankly, I loved being able to wander around with my margarita! All in all though, now I've seen it and I'm good.

We started taking the kids on vacay when the oldest was 3 months. They are all great travelers now, cause its normal.

Speaking of the oldest, 17 years old and I woke up to "Mooom, I threw up on my" 101.6 fever today for him :-(

We take the kids to kid places in the summer like Lake George, NY & Disney or NC (where their grandparents live) but we recently started going away once a year without them too and it is sooooo nice! We cancelled our trip without them so we could move and I regret it!!

pugsandkids said:
Love that table, it's perfect!
My office desk is a built in, recycled door from an old Forest Service building.

Thanks, very cool & I want a recycled front door it would look really cool on my house and it would match cuz my house is cedar:)


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Betty is having a fight with her thermometer and her humidity meter right now. She keeps head bobbing at it and then attacking it. I don't know what it did to anger her but it's been there for the whole time I have had her. :D:p crazy girl....


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Mar 18, 2010
I agree, we just started doing the same thing. When our kids complain that they can't go, i tell them that it's a GOOD thing their parents want to go away together :)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Whenever I have gone away some where without my kids, I keep seeing things I want to point out to them and they aren't there. :( Makes the trip seem less fun and rewarding for me.


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Jacqui said:
Whenever I have gone away some where without my kids, I keep seeing things I want to point out to them and they aren't there. :( Makes the trip seem less fun and rewarding for me.

We end up hanging out with people who brought their kids and I always want to hold other peoples babies but the good thing is when they cry I can just give them back:).


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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Shelly and Kerryann, I saw this and just loved the idea. Was thinking you might be interested in it once you have little feet around.

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