Pretend chat 2

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Jan 17, 2011
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sibi said:
I don't trust anyone doing my taxes even when I get thousands back because if there was a mistake, we would be responsible. Anyway, I've never been audited, so I guess we're giving the government what they want. It sucks!
Our guy is so awesome, he keeps us posted all year on what to do to save on our taxes, one year it was as simple as changing our lightbulbs to qualify for some green initiative CT was doing. The days of getting anything back are long gone but we never owe anything either. We have never qualified for a child credit which is sad because it would be my only contribution but if I put my kids in daycare I would qualify for a child care tax credit. interesting system we have.


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sibi said:
I don't trust anyone doing my taxes even when I get thousands back because if there was a mistake, we would be responsible. Anyway, I've never been audited, so I guess we're giving the government what they want. It sucks!

Hey guys, I think we've gonna get into another war with Korea. Things are not going well.

Yea I doubt they are really up for that.


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pugsandkids said:
Oh my goodness, that head is as big as one of my dogs!

Or maybe all 3 of my dogs!

Aww, so cute! Yep & it's heavy and snoring!


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@Sibi, my niece is 18 and two of her friends joined the marines right out of high school and she is coming home this weekend from school to see them because they are going to Korea :(. Not good!


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Kerryann said:
On second thought they do have three crazy factor.

pugsandkids said:
Oh my goodness, that head is as big as one of my dogs!

Or maybe all 3 of my dogs!

So cute

Does he know anyone good here in Florida?
CtTortoiseMom said:
sibi said:
I don't trust anyone doing my taxes even when I get thousands back because if there was a mistake, we would be responsible. Anyway, I've never been audited, so I guess we're giving the government what they want. It sucks!
Our guy is so awesome, he keeps us posted all year on what to do to save on our taxes, one year it was as simple as changing our lightbulbs to qualify for some green initiative CT was doing. The days of getting anything back are long gone but we never owe anything either. We have never qualified for a child credit which is sad because it would be my only contribution but if I put my kids in daycare I would qualify for a child care tax credit. interesting system we have.


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Jan 17, 2011
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sibi said:

Kerryann said:
On second thought they do have three crazy factor.

pugsandkids said:
Oh my goodness, that head is as big as one of my dogs!

Or maybe all 3 of my dogs!

So cute

Does he know anyone good here in Florida?
CtTortoiseMom said:
sibi said:
I don't trust anyone doing my taxes even when I get thousands back because if there was a mistake, we would be responsible. Anyway, I've never been audited, so I guess we're giving the government what they want. It sucks!
Our guy is so awesome, he keeps us posted all year on what to do to save on our taxes, one year it was as simple as changing our lightbulbs to qualify for some green initiative CT was doing. The days of getting anything back are long gone but we never owe anything either. We have never qualified for a child credit which is sad because it would be my only contribution but if I put my kids in daycare I would qualify for a child care tax credit. interesting system we have.

I'm not sure, I could ask.
Why am I still awake? Ugh! It's going to be in the low 40's tomorrow:(


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I'm telling you guys, war is gonna break out, and it's not as simple as one would think. North Korea doesn't stand a chance against the US, but the South Koreans are in grave danger. This dictator is crazier than his father was. He'll take all Korea with him if he knows he'll lose. I ha e quite a few friends living in S.K. I'm afraid for them.
CtTortoiseMom said:
@Sibi, my niece is 18 and two of her friends joined the marines right out of high school and she is coming home this weekend from school to see them because they are going to Korea :(. Not good!


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I will text my friends there and tell them to get a flight out of there and stay with us until this whole mess gets sorted out.

So, when are you going to sleep?

CtTortoiseMom said:
Jeez, I really hope not.

Good night folks. Speak to u in the morning.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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May this morning bring a bright and happy day with it.​

jaizei said:

Scansnap is also a good idea if you have a lot of receipts (or are paranoid about the ink fading) and don't like clutter

I don't use cash in general, but especially for business expenses. Using a check or credit effectively creates a second record of the transaction in case you lose the receipt.

For the last couple of years, I have been wondering what the IRS will do/say about receipts that fade. Some of them don't even make it a few months, let alone years.

pugsandkids said:
Tobias got second for his grade in the 3000 at today's track meet. He gets to go to districts! This kid amazes me, he runs for fun...

Hey my oldest son is a Tobias, too! :D

I hope N. Korea doesn't start anything, my sister-in-law is from S. Korea and has family and friends there (as do their daughters).

As for taxes, I decided this week I am going to show my foolishness and stupidity and do ours myself. I use to do our taxes before the trucking stuff. I am hoping between common sense and looking at last years forms, I can muddle through. We actually pay each week a firm located in the trucking company's building to do this sort of stuff. Then after taxes they always seem to have to charge us more for this or that (usually it was because of the kids being in college) For two years we got our paperwork to them by their cut off time and yet they still never got them done by the 15th. :( They also never seem to answer their phones or emails. I simply had it this year with no return calls from them. Thus me doing them myself. Figure the worse I can do is goof them up, get audited, and get in trouble. :rolleyes: First quick look without claiming any trucking deductions it appear we are going to get money back from both the state and feds. * sigh of relief*

Once more, another cold morning where a smart person would just stay in their nice warm bed. 27 with wind chill at 18. A slight dusting of snow on the ground and coating the tree branches.


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Good Morning!!!

Detective Dagny uncovered a hidden stash of candy in my oldest child's room, she came walking out with a lolly-pop stuck to her chest and she was acting really guilty. I went in my daughters room and an entire bin that had purses in it was pulled out and chewed on and soggy wrappers were everywhere. All the candy that Ms. Braces face is not allowed to have was in it! I guess I know why she never has extra lunch money at the end of the week!! Ugh!

T- ball starts Friday so I have to go get sliding pants & cleats. And a hot pink baseball glove. Last years glove is light pink and too "dirty" according to Lily.

It is dark and rainy here for the next 48 hours:( so I hope some of you are getting sun!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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:D Way to go Dagney! You have earned your food for the day. :D Has Rob given in yet about letting her sleep with you in the new house?


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Jacqui said:
:D Way to go Dagney! You have earned your food for the day. :D Has Rob given in yet about letting her sleep with you in the new house?
We just dont talk about it because we are at a serious impass. I think to not let her sleep with me is cruel since she has been sleeping with me since she was a baby. She is almost two, and may only live another five years because of Danes short life spans. She wouldn't understand. He offered to buy her a really nice sofa that she would like better than the bed. But, I would rather spend the money on the million other things we need and just drop it. So thats the progress we have made, none!

Who wouldn't want to sleep with this tiny puppy :)
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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Does she keep either of you up at night? Or does she stop you two from having sex? What is his reasoning?


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Jacqui said:
Does she keep either of you up at night? Or does she stop you two from having sex? What is his reasoning?

He says she pushes him out of the bed when I'm not looking and she does, haha! She definitely does not let him get anywhere near me. But she can go in her crate
For awhile.
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