Pretend chat 2

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I grew up in Alaska where we had earthquakes, fires, and not to mention snow and ice and thunderstorms (and wildlife too!) to worry about. Here on the East coast now we mainly have tornado, hurricane, thunderstorms, and stupid drivers.

Jacqui, is Jeff on anything like the ensure drinks? When my dad was undergoing chemo for his oral cancer he could only eat puréed foods and ensure drinks. His throat was basically like raw burger meat (he showed me) and so I learned to make him things like spinach blueberry and ensure shakes to up antioxidants and protein for filler. He has since recovered and is in remission going on 5 years, so I wish you and Jeff the best. It's no fun, that's for sure.

And to all those in Cali, stay safe!

I'm off to bed since I work at 8am.. If I find the worms I'll let you guys know, but they were nowhere to be seen inside (unless they found their way to the floor heat register).


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
Jacqui, glad to hear that Jeff is cancer free. Is it possible that he can avoid more surgery by pureeing his foods? I mean, it's a royal pain in the butt, but after a while it becomes second nature and easier. It beats going through surgery again and again. I was diagnosed with gastro paresis, which means my stomach muscles don't work like they should to push out the food in the stomach. The nerves around the muscles have died due to diabetes. As a result, food stays in my stomach for hours causing food to literally rot in my stomach. Nutrients are not absorbed causing deficiencies. So, I have to be very careful what I eat, and if I take any vitamins, it has to be injected or absorbed in liquid form. Jeff may have something similar, or it may be even worse, but if this is what he has, do you think that the last surgery could have damaged some of those stomach nerves? You may want Jeff to ask his doctor. If damaged nerves are responsible for his current situation, then no surgery they do can fix that...he may need a feeding tube. So ask questions until it's clear what your options are.

Kerryann, I'm glad that the meeting went well, but was it really useful to worry about it? Did you consider the chi machine i mentioned?

Shelly, first of all, I'm so glad that you don't live near the mountains, but you can smell the smoke? Could that smoke be bad for you to breathe? And, what about the baby...can it harm the baby? I would start wearing one of those masks if the smell is that strong.

Yvonne, thanks for your comments on Beasty Boy and Honey Girl. If they turn out to be the opposite sex, I'm keeping their names and it would be an Interesting topic for conversion.

I have to google the chi machine :)
I'm sorry to hear about your stomach problems too :(

Tonight when we got home a dog came running by my truck. I told Mike out was a dog from two houses down. He went to grab his collar and the dog started going after him. The dog started jumping up and snapping at him. He started kneeing the dog as the dog was jumping. The owner was afraid to get her dog too. Mike and I love dogs but we were like why would you have a dog like that in a sub? Then later I take my dogs out and Mike was inside by the door. The island of misfit toys behind us had a friends over who was cat calling me from their deck. Mike came out all puffed up and looking hateful. It immediately stopped but we were both like wtf??? The neighborhood is going to yuck.

I looked it up. It was on the doctors. I think going and having a spa day is long overdue


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Kerryann, it looks like you may need to put your place up for sale and get the heck out of there. If the neighborhood is going down, don't wait until the price of your home is affected. With a homeowners assoc. you would think that couldn't happen, huh?


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Happy, happy, joy, joy, ( insert sarcasm here) . One I my male russian tortoises has discovered how tasty slugs are. Here in the PACwest, we've got a lot of them. My only real concern are parasites. Seems this is triggering neurons in the brain cage about parasites. Anyone have any insight in to this? I already know this would be better were he a boxie.


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Oct 30, 2010
Hi all,

Am out in the suburbs at my parents' place and moved all the horsfieldii outside! Temps are 50-70s this week and hopefully will only go up from here.
How is everyone? What's new?


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Oh no, can't you get some from a fish market so he doesn't go after the wild ones there? You may just ha e to have him tested in a month or so. If he's fine, then he's out of the woods for now.

GOOD MORNING! Pdrobber, I haven't heard from you in a while. What have you been up to lately?


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Oct 30, 2010
Working a lot. Moving into a new place I'll have to myself, no more slob roommate! Did I ever mention my family rescued two more sulcatas? They're happily grazing in the yard :).

Yesterday I got a white dove. Have been looking into them a lot recently and got one for myself. Anyone here have doves?


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Not that I know of, but I think that's great. I would love to have a pair myself; only I'd be afraid they'd fly away. Do you keep him/her in a cage?


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Yes, for now she's in a cage. When I get her to my new place and she trusts me more I'll give her free time out of the cage, inside though because they don't have a homing instinct.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
Kerryann, it looks like you may need to put your place up for sale and get the heck out of there. If the neighborhood is going down, don't wait until the price of your home is affected. With a homeowners assoc. you would think that couldn't happen, huh?

Yea we may have to start looking. Not being able to enjoy outside is an issue. The crazy thing about the neighbor dog is that those people and their kids and that dog have been here the whole time and we never knew that dog was aggressive. They are like a lot of the houses around here and are quiet and keep to themselves.
I slept in today and then got up to make breakfast, then snoozed some more but now I need to get up and get my lazy bottom cleaning out my beds and planting my pots for my organic seedlings. Tomorrow I wash the house and get a load of mulch.


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Me too. I've got to make a pool for my babies. I'll go into more details when i can take pics of today's project. Speak to you later.
Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Kerryann, it looks like you may need to put your place up for sale and get the heck out of there. If the neighborhood is going down, don't wait until the price of your home is affected. With a homeowners assoc. you would think that couldn't happen, huh?

Yea we may have to start looking. Not being able to enjoy outside is an issue. The crazy thing about the neighbor dog is that those people and their kids and that dog have been here the whole time and we never knew that dog was aggressive. They are like a lot of the houses around here and are quiet and keep to themselves.
I slept in today and then got up to make breakfast, then snoozed some more but now I need to get up and get my lazy bottom cleaning out my beds and planting my pots for my organic seedlings. Tomorrow I wash the house and get a load of mulch.


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Today, I get to go to one of our local lakes and do a little fishing for rainbow trout. First day out, for me, of the season.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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pdrobber said:
Working a lot. Moving into a new place I'll have to myself, no more slob roommate! Did I ever mention my family rescued two more sulcatas? They're happily grazing in the yard :).

Yesterday I got a white dove. Have been looking into them a lot recently and got one for myself. Anyone here have doves?

Kristina does or did. How big are these sulcatas? SO are you able to outside tortoise enclosures in your new place, Peter?

Cowboy_Ken said:
Today, I get to go to one of our local lakes and do a little fishing for rainbow trout. First day out, for me, of the season.

Good luck. I have always believed trout fishing was a bit beyond me. My skill level is more along the lines of just worm drowning. :rolleyes: :D


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I had ring-neck doves for a number of years. I started out with 4, and vary fast got up to 14 or so. They nest on shelves. Not really a nest. Just a ledge. If you need help, I might be able to remember.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I am curious to see what Sibi has come up with for her pool.

Yvonne G

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Cowboy_Ken said:
Happy, happy, joy, joy, ( insert sarcasm here) .

Ever since I first read this post I've been trying to place, "Happy, happy, joy, joy..." and it escapes me. Where does that come from? Please...PLEASE!!! save me from an evening of wondering.

My grand daughter-in-law's relatives threw her a baby shower today and I was invited. This is not...DEFINITELY NOT...something I normally go to. I hate this type of thing. However, my daughter, Son-in-law and I would be the only people there out of many from her side of the family, that were in my grandson's family, so I felt I had to go. It was for men and women, a b-b-q and in a pretty nice setting. The owner of the property is one of those people you see on American Pickers, only he takes really good care of his junk. And my-o-my...did he ever have a lot of junk. The mail box at the curb was made out of an old, rusted antique tractor. There were many antique pieces of farm equipment used in the landscape. But the Piece de resistance was an old drive-in building in the back yard, complete with all the inside equipment, coke refrigerators, milk shake machines, etc. and even the menu and prices on the front. I wish I had taken my camera with me. It was in very good shape and in current use as an outdoor cooking place for when they have company.

The shower was pretty boring, but the food was excellent. And the Grand D-I-L received a whole bunch of nice baby things. The baby, a little boy so far named Cyrus **pokes finger down throat to show gagging at name***, is due July 5th, and my birthday is the 7th. It is going to be my first great grand child.

I'm glad to be home. It was hot out there.


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By the way Jacqui, all I did today was drown worms. We did see an osprey and some mallard ducks. The osprey circled a while and moved on, apparently knowing better.
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