Pretend chat 2

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Man, you're surrounded by stress. You may feel like you need stress. I was like that too. My life had to be constantly putting out fires, but the consequences are too high a price to pay. Look, you already have a heart problem. If you think you're gonna slow down when you have a kid, think twice. My husband just talked about his stressful situations at work, and I mentioned to him about the stresses you're going through, and he said to tell you to get a CHI machine. It's the greatest invention that was ever discovered. It really releases stress like you've never experienced before. It's better than acupuncture, and less expensive than a weeks vacation to a tropical island.

Yvonne G

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Regarding the male/female name (Beasty boy)...

My sister has a young tortoise that is in and out of the hospital tank. She is having a very hard time keeping it healthy, and has named it Hospital Girl. Well, after a couple years it has become apparent that Hosptial Girl is a boy. The tortoise still has the same name, and it's very hard to say "he" when talking about him. The brain doesn't want to convert the "girl" to he/him.

But, its just a name. I think when Beasty Boy grows up to be a ginormous girl, her name will be very cute and a good topic of conversation.


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Morning all,
Just a quick note to let all the Iproduct users know that there is an update available for May 3rd. I don't know if its an overall app update or just for Iproducts. Carry on...


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So I collected three earthworms for Rosie to eat and put them in a metal bowl with some soil. I went to give them to her today and they're gone! I checked the soil closely, the bowl, the floor, etc. and they've up and vanished! So confused where they went to...


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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RosieRedfoot said:
So I collected three earthworms for Rosie to eat and put them in a metal bowl with some soil. I went to give them to her today and they're gone! I checked the soil closely, the bowl, the floor, etc. and they've up and vanished! So confused where they went to...

I bet they crawled out and away. I often have worms making a break for it.

Jeff had his CAT scan yesterday and today we got the mixed results. The good news is there is no sign of cancer. :) The bad is it shows his stomach is not pushing the food out like it should be. :( So when they removed the tumor from his stomach they either made it too tight, sewed it wrong, clipped it too small, or he has a lot of scar tissue there. So now we are adding a visit to the surgeon in his next rounds of Dr visits next month. Then most likely he will be seeing a stomach specialist. Best guess at this point is another round of surgery and if he doesn't do that they may have to put in a feeding tube that bypasses the stomach.

But hey, the sun is out! :D

Kerryann said:
I was worried about a meeting today but it went well.

Yippy!! You need more like that (the going well part, not the being worried before hand part)


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Nov 18, 2011
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Yay and boo concerning Jeff. Sorry about the stomach part. Could he have maybe just ingested some of his substrate?(though in his case that would be a semi seat cushion!). Maybe a warm soak for a couple days at 15-20 mins at a time would help things move along better. If he goes off his feed, don't forget baby food helps.


5 Year Member
Oct 17, 2009
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Sorry to hear about Jeff. I'm glad there's no sign of cancer, but it sucks that he may need another surgery.

The weather is miserable here right now. My outdoor thermometer is reading 102 and the sky is hazy and stinky with smoke from the wildfires. Its even too hot for the torts who are all hiding. Icky. It could be worse though, at least we don't live in the hills where the fires are burning.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Cowboy_Ken said:
Yay and boo concerning Jeff. Sorry about the stomach part. Could he have maybe just ingested some of his substrate?(though in his case that would be a semi seat cushion!). Maybe a warm soak for a couple days at 15-20 mins at a time would help things move along better. If he goes off his feed, don't forget baby food helps.

We are saving the baby food for once he gets the feeding tube put in. ;)

mctlong said:
The weather is miserable here right now. My outdoor thermometer is reading 102 and the sky is hazy and stinky with smoke from the wildfires. Its even too hot for the torts who are all hiding. Icky. It could be worse though, at least we don't live in the hills where the fires are burning.

Glad you don't either. I'l take my colder weather over having to deal with the heat and the smoke and the earthquakes and the traffic and the everything else. :D

Good news is I did get two small hibiscus today. Of course I saw a larger yellow one I want, but no way to fit it in the truck on my lap with the other ones.


5 Year Member
Feb 3, 2013
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I feel ya, mctlong. It's like a bajillion degrees here, too, so my pets and I are crammed in my house trying to beat the heat and watching that tv show about the U.S.s worst tattoos


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Chinque said:
I feel ya, mctlong. It's like a bajillion degrees here, too, so my pets and I are crammed in my house trying to beat the heat and watching that tv show about the U.S.s worst tattoos

LOVE that show!


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Yah I need more happy days like today. :D
Jacqui this is good news on the cancer :D The surgery hopefully will put him back to normal.
It was so nice and warm today.


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Jacqui, glad to hear that Jeff is cancer free. Is it possible that he can avoid more surgery by pureeing his foods? I mean, it's a royal pain in the butt, but after a while it becomes second nature and easier. It beats going through surgery again and again. I was diagnosed with gastro paresis, which means my stomach muscles don't work like they should to push out the food in the stomach. The nerves around the muscles have died due to diabetes. As a result, food stays in my stomach for hours causing food to literally rot in my stomach. Nutrients are not absorbed causing deficiencies. So, I have to be very careful what I eat, and if I take any vitamins, it has to be injected or absorbed in liquid form. Jeff may have something similar, or it may be even worse, but if this is what he has, do you think that the last surgery could have damaged some of those stomach nerves? You may want Jeff to ask his doctor. If damaged nerves are responsible for his current situation, then no surgery they do can fix that...he may need a feeding tube. So ask questions until it's clear what your options are.

Kerryann, I'm glad that the meeting went well, but was it really useful to worry about it? Did you consider the chi machine i mentioned?

Shelly, first of all, I'm so glad that you don't live near the mountains, but you can smell the smoke? Could that smoke be bad for you to breathe? And, what about the baby...can it harm the baby? I would start wearing one of those masks if the smell is that strong.

Yvonne, thanks for your comments on Beasty Boy and Honey Girl. If they turn out to be the opposite sex, I'm keeping their names and it would be an Interesting topic for conversion.

Yvonne G

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Cowboy_Ken said:
Yay and boo concerning Jeff. Sorry about the stomach part. Could he have maybe just ingested some of his substrate?(though in his case that would be a semi seat cushion!). Maybe a warm soak for a couple days at 15-20 mins at a time would help things move along better. If he goes off his feed, don't forget baby food helps.

Don't forget the light. Position a light over him so he doesn't get chilled. But don't cook him.


5 Year Member
Oct 17, 2009
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We have a wildfires here in SoCal here almost every year, we call it "fire season".
Here's a pic my husband took from his office window earlier today of the Glendale fire:

We keep an air purifier running in our home, so the air quality indoors is pretty good. The smoke doesn't seem to bother the torts.


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mctlong said:
We have a wildfires here in SoCal here almost every year, we call it "fire season".
Here's a pic my husband took from his office window earlier today of the Glendale fire:

We keep an air purifier running in our home, so the air quality indoors is pretty good. The smoke doesn't seem to bother the torts.

Holy crud... that is scary


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Yvonne G said:
Don't forget the light. Position a light over him so he doesn't get chilled. But don't cook him.

:D Yeah just what he wants to hear, more light! Sunlight is bothering his eyes (one of the sides from his chemo pills).

sibi said:
Jacqui, glad to hear that Jeff is cancer free. Is it possible that he can avoid more surgery by pureeing his foods? I mean, it's a royal pain in the butt, but after a while it becomes second nature and easier. It beats going through surgery again and again. I was diagnosed with gastro paresis, which means my stomach muscles don't work like they should to push out the food in the stomach. The nerves around the muscles have died due to diabetes. As a result, food stays in my stomach for hours causing food to literally rot in my stomach. Nutrients are not absorbed causing deficiencies. So, I have to be very careful what I eat, and if I take any vitamins, it has to be injected or absorbed in liquid form. Jeff may have something similar, or it may be even worse, but if this is what he has, do you think that the last surgery could have damaged some of those stomach nerves? You may want Jeff to ask his doctor. If damaged nerves are responsible for his current situation, then no surgery they do can fix that...he may need a feeding tube. So ask questions until it's clear what your options are.

That's why our first step is to talk with his surgeon and then check out the other Dr. The Oncologist doesn't know which of the several options is the cause, just can see everything is sitting there longer then it should. So this gives us something new to worry about for the next month. Just as we are not sure of how well a stomach tube and driving a truck will work out, plus Jeff is not the type to do most diets well. It's kind of starting to sound like the meds may give him a few more years without cancer, but perhaps his quality of life will not be good. Everything is just a wait and see sorta thing.

I never knew what has happened to you, could happen. :(


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When I was growing up down there in the burbs of L. A. and the fires would burn, we'd get perfect leaf ash on the cars. We weren't aloud to play outside at school, but that had more to do with “smog days". What fun memories. Up here, they say we're on track for the third driest year on record for spring/summer season. We get forest fires. Ideally, the planted farmland around us would keep us safe, but we have a cat, dog tortoise evacuation plan just in case. One never knows.


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Yeap. My stomach is a mess too, but it's because of diabetes. Now I have my foot to watch out for. The soreness is still there, and when I first stated that it was getting better, I decided to walk barefooted around the house. I caught another infection, and I'm now using every precaution. Diabetes is no joke. After 20+ years of it and not really taking care of it, I'm paying the price that I'm enjoying life better.

Good for you Cowboy. I have an evac plan too in cases of hurricanes. I pick up my animals, my Bible, and take the cars out in the opposite direction of the storm. I've been through a wildfire back in 1998, lost my home and everything I owned. I wouldn't want to go through that again!

Shelly, that's great for inside, but what about for outside? Btw, if i were you living in wildfire ally, I'd get one of the real professional masks with a filter from HomeDepot for each member of the family. Call me paranoid, but I've tried to get out of a burning town where thousands of people were trying to leave at once, was stuck in traffic breathing smoke that made the day look like night, panicked because i felt i couldn't breathe. Sorry, but that's not gonna happen to me again.
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