Pretend chat 2

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RosieRedfoot said:
Someone on CL posted a "group of torts" for sale... They include a radiated, 2 leopards, and 2 sulcata. They have only a 3x 2 table for them all since the leos/rad live together and the sulcatas have a 20 gallon.. Ugh.. They have to rehome the radiated inside state lines legally and at least they know it.

Did you post a “reposted ads"?


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No, I didn't yet. I'm on my phone so that's a pain in the rear to do longer posts or ones containing multiple medias.

$1900 for the radiated. If only I was made of money... I really like the look of the radiateds, I just need to convince the zoo they won't miss like one of the dozen in that herd of theirs :p

Oh well, not like I have the room inside for a second winter enclosure right now. My bf says he wants an Aldabra or galap roaming the yard and an English mastiff (for inside). I told him that not every animal we have has to be giant but he fails to see why not. He was slightly disappointed when I told him Rosie won't be getting all that large.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Having an animal get skunked is one joy I have never had and never want to have. Poor Ava, but you would think she would learn.

Well off to change out of chore clothes into good clothes to be ready for my not handsome, but very lovable husband to take me out for a romantic lunch... okay so not romantic either, but lunch is good enough. ;) :D

Yvonne G

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Gals wouldn't look twice at my husband, however, to me he was very sexy!


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Ava might learn. Last night I thought of a new use for an empty barn. She spent the night out there instead of the house with her comfy dig bed next to our bed. I still believe I figure this stuff out now because my brain spends no time translating Yvonne's handle.
Ava is pretty, she doesn't need to be smart! Maybe just arm candy for a bulldog.


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I'm so sorry that you are having a freeze, Jacqui. I hate it when a freak front comes in with freezing temps. It kills all the blooms. But, I'm happy that Jeff is home. Enjoy your time together.

Who broke up my sentence to read, "My boogers are really big,"? It was so funny! I can't believe the things that i say or text. Maybe it's because i don't naturally think like that, it sure can be funny!

Kerryann, I think you have your job so efficiently that you don't k ow how to relax read do stuff around the house. I guess it can be confusing, but I have faith in you. You can do it!


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Hi, I just sat down and need to get up in 15 minutes to take Lily to Daisy's. So I thought I would catch up on chat and drop a few lines.

Jacqui, I hope your lunch was surprisingly romantic and that Jeff's oncologist visit went well!

We are pretty much all moved in at this point and have been living here for almost 2 weeks now. The entire basement of the "old" house is still full of all of our dry food storage and other prep stuff so we are going to rent a truck and move that over this weekend on our own so our realator can do some open houses at our house. That's all my news I have just been unpacking and meeting with carpenters, roofers, a plumber and an electrician. So I took a break today and ran around my new neighbor hood with the little guy in his stroller and was surprised by how many more people were walking or running than in my old neighborhood. Ok, off to Daisy's :)


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Jacqui I hope you are having a good visit and a nice lunch with your hubster.
sibi said:
I'm so sorry that you are having a freeze, Jacqui. I hate it when a freak front comes in with freezing temps. It kills all the blooms. But, I'm happy that Jeff is home. Enjoy your time together.

Who broke up my sentence to read, "My boogers are really big,"? It was so funny! I can't believe the things that i say or text. Maybe it's because i don't naturally think like that, it sure can be funny!

Kerryann, I think you have your job so efficiently that you don't k ow how to relax read do stuff around the house. I guess it can be confusing, but I have faith in you. You can do it!

Yes today I went into work and I caught up with so much stuff. It was crazy how much stuff I got done in such a short amount of time. Today was a nice day and the weather was gorgeous.
Cowboy_Ken said:
It's about time you checked in. Little Ricky's sibling is staying over for the weekend.
Little Ricky is on the left.
He stayed little because you stereotyped him. :p


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As long as Little Ricky is gaining he is doing great:) why is he little Ricky btw is there a big Ricky walking around somewhere? Although, it will be funny calling him Little Rickyin 5 years or so!!


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Way back in the old days of black and white TV, there was a show called, “I Love Lucy". Desi and Lucy's little boy was named Ricky. When he would show up at the Tropicana Club, the band members called him, “Little Ricky". The name work out for my Little Ricky, and fits with my big sulcata, Fred. Fred, in the TV show was the apartment super where Desi, Lucy, and Ricky lived. He and his wife Ethel were close friends of theirs.


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Lol, that's true. I don't know what I'll call Beasty Boy and Honey Girl if they turn out to be opposite sexes.
Kerryann, you definitely do better at work than at home. What drives you?

Erin, I really missed you. I've been feeling your absence. Hope you keep coming back on chat.

Cowboy, I think Ricky has great coloring and he's absolutely adorable!


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Karen had said, one day awhile back, Little Ricky was gonna be pretty funny when he's 100 lbs.


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Well, you may have to wait till he's 20 years old. Bit, why would he be funny at 100 lbs?
Cowboy_Ken said:
Karen had said, one day awhile back, Little Ricky was gonna be pretty funny when he's 100 lbs.


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Because he wants to be a standup comedian when he's older.

Get it, get it, do ya, huh?

No really because his name is “LITTLE" Ricky.


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You You know, I just read your post on "I Love Lucy," now it all makes sense hahah

Well, lil guys are funny I guess to compensate for their size:p Too bad it really doesn't apply to tortoises. It would be hilarious.
Cowboy_Ken said:
Because he wants to be a standup comedian when he's older.

Get it, get it, do ya, huh?

No really because his name is “LITTLE" Ricky.


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sibi said:
Lol, that's true. I don't know what I'll call Beasty Boy and Honey Girl if they turn out to be opposite sexes.
Kerryann, you definitely do better at work than at home. What drives you?

Erin, I really missed you. I've been feeling your absence. Hope you keep coming back on chat.

Cowboy, I think Ricky has great coloring and he's absolutely adorable!

I perform best under stress. :D I am actually having some serious stress now about a new huge project at the end of this month. :p It's not going to make me not sleep hopefully though.


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Kerryann, you remind me of myself when I had this big job in New York City. I was in the prime of my life, and I was able to work best under extreme stress. I never liked what I was going through, but I worked my way up the corporate ladder. Things were good...but, it will catch up to you someday! You'lleither become an alcoholic or insane, or both. I had to leave New York for my own good. That was 25 years ago. And, now, at 60, I have real bad diabetes, had a heart attack, and a host of other illnesses. Why? Because stress kills the body slowly, but when it catches up, and it does, it's quick and merciless. Take advice from someone who's been there. Learn how to relax and leave whatever is going to rob you of living before it's too late.
Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Lol, that's true. I don't know what I'll call Beasty Boy and Honey Girl if they turn out to be opposite sexes.
Kerryann, you definitely do better at work than at home. What drives you?

Erin, I really missed you. I've been feeling your absence. Hope you keep coming back on chat.

Cowboy, I think Ricky has great coloring and he's absolutely adorable!

I perform best under stress. :D I am actually having some serious stress now about a new huge project at the end of this month. :p It's not going to make me not sleep hopefully though.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
Kerryann, you remind me of myself when I had this big job in New York City. I was in the prime of my life, and I was able to work best under extreme stress. I never liked what I was going through, but I worked my way up the corporate ladder. Things were good...but, it will catch up to you someday! You'lleither become an alcoholic or insane, or both. I had to leave New York for my own good. That was 25 years ago. And, now, at 60, I have real bad diabetes, had a heart attack, and a host of other illnesses. Why? Because stress kills the body slowly, but when it catches up, and it does, it's quick and merciless. Take advice from someone who's been there. Learn how to relax and leave whatever is going to rob you of living before it's too late.
Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Lol, that's true. I don't know what I'll call Beasty Boy and Honey Girl if they turn out to be opposite sexes.
Kerryann, you definitely do better at work than at home. What drives you?

Erin, I really missed you. I've been feeling your absence. Hope you keep coming back on chat.

Cowboy, I think Ricky has great coloring and he's absolutely adorable!

I perform best under stress. :D I am actually having some serious stress now about a new huge project at the end of this month. :p It's not going to make me not sleep hopefully though.

I plan to start working less when I have a kid but honestly being bored makes me stressed too. It's crazy but true. When I was in the hospital the cardiologist found that when I was working my blood pressure drops. I actually love 90% of my job normally. I even enjoyed the work I was doing on the problem site but it was the hours that was killing me.

Oh I forgot to mention there were two bomb scares downtown Detroit today near my office
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