Pretend chat 2

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Jun 1, 2012
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I only have one fish tank but I have been getting so obsessed with it lately. I am trying to breed a fish that of course only thrives and spawns in soft acidic water... and I'm trying to do this using the liquid rock we have for water here in Nebraska.


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Was out pricing fencing materials to enclose Rosie's outdoor pen that we're possibly building soon-ish. Mostly depends on how much my next paycheck is... But I bought the dogs a jolly ball since Prince (the yellow lab) is obsessed with balls. I found one that has a rope through it, since they love throwing around rope toys too, so they think it's the best thing ever (next to eating, that is)!

Well, as you can see in the video Prince thinks it's the best thing ever and Dante keeps looking at me like, "where's mine?"


At 00:31 you see his happy dog face. When he's not distracted by killing bees, chasing squirrels/toys, or wanting attention he's making that face. And yes, that carpetting on the porch used to be green but now, due to some shedding yellow beast, it's speckled. They're shedding SOOO bad right now I need to befriend a groomer.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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:D Love Prince's tail thumps! :D Dante has beautiful eyes.

I just had a pleasant surprise an hour or two ago, my youngest daughter dropped by and took me out for supper. :) Now she is on her way to work. Hope she isn't late, but she is cutting it short especially since the roads could go bad before she makes it home/work. :(


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Dec 31, 2011
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Hi, happy night. :D:D:D:D
The tortoise optimism pic is so cute. :tort::tort::tort:
My neighbor is safe from everything but petty crime like blow up penguin murder.
I have two aquariums. I love my loaches.
Betty's shell is better.

Yvonne G

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Kerryann said:
Hi, happy night. :D:D:D:D
The tortoise optimism pic is so cute. :tort::tort::tort:
My neighbor is safe from everything but petty crime like blow up penguin murder.
I have two aquariums. I love my loaches.
Betty's shell is better.

Ah...short and to the point!


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Happy night to you too. I'm trying to get the tort image. We'll see if I can get it. Ok, now that I've got it as a thumbnail, how do I insert it into my post as animated? Does anyone know?

Yvonne G said:
Kerryann said:
Hi, happy night. :D:D:D:D
The tortoise optimism pic is so cute. :tort::tort::tort:
My neighbor is safe from everything but petty crime like blow up penguin murder.
I have two aquariums. I love my loaches.
Betty's shell is better.

Ah...short and to the point!

This is just to see if my image took.

testing my images


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Testing out adding photos from my phone... pretty fishies!

Sent from my LG-LS970 using TortForum mobile app


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Nov 18, 2011
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So I may have mentioned that I'm babysitting Little Ricky's sibling this weekend. I got two from Tom the Roach Man at the same time. One is Little Ricky and one is my friends. I kept for myself the larger of the two. Well my friend just dropped hers off, and I can't believe how much bigger hers is than Little Ricky! We're talking 100 gms larger and physically bigger with a more domed and darker shell. I'll post pictures tomorrow. .


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Maybe she's been eating more mazuri than lil Ricky.;)
Cowboy_Ken said:
So I may have mentioned that I'm babysitting Little Ricky's sibling this weekend. I got two from Tom the Roach Man at the same time. One is Little Ricky and one is my friends. I kept for myself the larger of the two. Well my friend just dropped hers off, and I can't believe how much bigger hers is than Little Ricky! We're talking 100 gms larger and physically bigger with a more domed and darker shell. I'll post pictures tomorrow. .

I just found this cute image. Hope it shows up.

Here we go all have got to check out the new hatchling image.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
So, really, why is lil Ricky smaller than his sibling?
Cowboy_Ken said:
sibi said:
So that's what I asked. Nope. Little Ricky eats more of everything. Just goes to show you…

Or shows to go you.



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I don't know. What irks me is when I picked which to keep, I picked the largest one with the highest domed carapace. Not so much now. Lol. But she is doing a great job caring for the little bloak. It remains nameless until the sex can be determined. I gave her one of my earlier enclosures so that helps I'm sure.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Well, you know things change. I bet lil Ricky will outweigh her in time. If your tort is really a male, it may be smaller anyway. But, at this point, no one can tell the sex yet. My boogers are really large, but Beasty Boy is supper large and because of his personality, I really think he's male. Honey girl is catching up to him and I can barely tell the difference now. I hope I don't end up with two males. I'll have to get a pretty strong female later down the road. Did you check out the little hatching image on my last post?
Cowboy_Ken said:
I don't know. What irks me is when I picked which to keep, I picked the largest one with the highest domed carapace. Not so much now. Lol. But she is doing a great job caring for the little bloak. It remains nameless until the sex can be determined. I gave her one of my earlier enclosures so that helps I'm sure.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Good Morning!!​

Tonight we go under a freeze warning with temps expected to only be 27. :( There go so many of my pretty green leaves and blooms outside.

Jeff is having a CAT scan this am and then has the day off and tomorrow goes to his Onocologist. I have this long list of "Honey Do's" for his day. The weather has now turned to low 30s, winds, we have snow on the ground and got well over an inch maybe two of rain yesterday. All the things on my list need to be done outside. :( Such as see if the lawn mower works, working on gates, moving an enclosure, and fixing and caulking an upper story window. :( Some how I don't think he is going to get any of the list done. :(


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Did anyone else in the bay area wake up to the strong smell of camp fire smoke? I opened the back door and it was like getting smacked in the face with it. I can't tell if its just smoke from the Napa fires or if something closer is now burning. We live a block from the open space so its got me nervous.


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SpdTrtl said:
sibi said:
My boogers are really large,

LOL...I did a double take. I was thinking why would someone say that??

We share a lot here in pretend chat!!
Just as I was preparing to retire last night, I took Ava out to relieve herself and to have a pre-bed smoke. We were out maybe 5 mins. and Ava started to bark, called her down and yes, you guessed it, another skunking! I used all the hydrogen peroxide day before yesterday cleaning her up from that skunk, so she got to spend the night down at the barn. Now I am forced to go to town earlier than I ever want to. I'm not even sure if town opens this early!

For those keeping score:



Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Yvonne G said:
Kerryann said:
Hi, happy night. :D:D:D:D
The tortoise optimism pic is so cute. :tort::tort::tort:
My neighbor is safe from everything but petty crime like blow up penguin murder.
I have two aquariums. I love my loaches.
Betty's shell is better.

Ah...short and to the point!

I am trying to communicate and have a life but my brain is still in analytics mode :p

sibi said:
Maybe she's been eating more mazuri than lil Ricky.;)
Cowboy_Ken said:
So I may have mentioned that I'm babysitting Little Ricky's sibling this weekend. I got two from Tom the Roach Man at the same time. One is Little Ricky and one is my friends. I kept for myself the larger of the two. Well my friend just dropped hers off, and I can't believe how much bigger hers is than Little Ricky! We're talking 100 gms larger and physically bigger with a more domed and darker shell. I'll post pictures tomorrow. .

I just found this cute image. Hope it shows up.

Here we go all have got to check out the new hatchling image.

awww hatching is soooo cute ... awwww :D

Jacqui said:
Good Morning!!​

Tonight we go under a freeze warning with temps expected to only be 27. :( There go so many of my pretty green leaves and blooms outside.

Jeff is having a CAT scan this am and then has the day off and tomorrow goes to his Onocologist. I have this long list of "Honey Do's" for his day. The weather has now turned to low 30s, winds, we have snow on the ground and got well over an inch maybe two of rain yesterday. All the things on my list need to be done outside. :( Such as see if the lawn mower works, working on gates, moving an enclosure, and fixing and caulking an upper story window. :( Some how I don't think he is going to get any of the list done. :(

Ugh I am so sorry you haven't gotten the spring weather yet full time yet :( I have a list of Kerry dos like my windows that need to get done but when I get home my brain can't do it. It's like I still haven't gone back to a normal life yet. ??? I am confused.


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Someone on CL posted a "group of torts" for sale... They include a radiated, 2 leopards, and 2 sulcata. They have only a 3x 2 table for them all since the leos/rad live together and the sulcatas have a 20 gallon.. Ugh.. They have to rehome the radiated inside state lines legally and at least they know it.
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