Pretend chat 2

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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
I wanna go to Florida in the winter ;)
Tomorrow night is members night at the zoo. I am so excited. I have never been at the zoo at night. :)


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Jul 15, 2012
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Columbia, SC
If anyone's in the SC area I'll take you to the zoo to see the Galapagos babies (and adults) as well as all the radiated/burmese mt torts. And all the other mud turtles and snappers too :)


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
You have all those in SC? Man, I'll be making a trip to your place too. I mean, we have a zoo nearby, but it was really neat that we got to see a baby rhinoceros with it's mom. They are rarely seen as babies since they nurse under water and mom is very protective of their little one. Also, my sullies are related to the ones they have at the zoo. But Galapagos, wait a minute, I just recalled we have one too. I wasn't too impressed with it because it was in a corner sleeping and doing nothing. I'd go anyway because of your cooking :p


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Jul 15, 2012
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Last time I saw the adult galaps they were busy making more baby galapagoses. They were so loud. Tortoises are so loud when they want to be, lol.


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I am making whole wheat blueberry pancakes and waffles and organic non gmo soy bacon for breakfast. I can't wait. :D
I have switched to using coconut oil instead of butter and of course though I do use real maple syrup since it's all natural as opposed to maplish syrup from the grocery store.


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10 Year Member!
Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
They like to be in water. And when feeding their young, it's underwater! That was news to me too! You're welcome to come over the Continental divide to Florida and see this rarity.:)


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Jul 15, 2012
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So we looked at several homes. The one we initially liked from the outside needed a ton of work (gutting) on the inside plus a new roof. So that's a no. Then we saw one with a gigantic yard but sadly the bedrooms were too small to accommodate even just our king size bed. The next house was nice but the yard was a lot smaller and the kitchen was super small and horribly outdated. Then the next place was newer, had a decent yard, but still felt kind of compact and everything closed off from everything else. I know there's a lot of fixing up that can be done to change these things but needing to add larger rooms and so on would require paying for more foundation and roof. So we're expanding our search to places into the slightly more rural area that would also qualify for 0 downpayment USDA loans. I told my boyfriend I'd be fine gardening and raising chickens and goats vs going to work lol. I like canning up produce and such to last year round. Just go all rural and get cows to make my own cheese and milk and meat, haha.


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10 Year Member!
Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
You know Kim, I think you'd make a great farm gal:p Besides, you'll be able to expand your collection of animals. I'll tell you what, if I weren't too old and tired and sick, my next house would be in rural America somewhere with at least 5 acres of land.


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
We've got five acres and it seems just about right for us. We don't need goats or chickens, but we could have them if we were to decide to. For that matter, we could probably run two head of cattle if we supplemented their feed, but again, I'm happy with someone else doing it instead. Currently, in that we sold out horses, we're leasing our pasture to a gal with 4 horses, and she's paying us to keep the pasture, “mowed". I love it. Our 1acre or so house/yard/out buildings footprint is perfect for our needs and we still have our privacy. And Safeway is only 15 minutes away!


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Mar 18, 2010
We are on a culdesac in town, I would pass out from sheer joy if we could move.
5 acres, cross fenced with outbuildings, pasture surrounded by woods, backing BLM, and a long driveway from the main road. Not that I've thought about it! We bought in town for the better schools, the kids will be done in 5 yrs. then we are outta here. Our favorite neighbors are implementing this plan as we speak :-(


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
As much as I like to brag about the elk going though the upper pasture, I did hear, 1 night, a cougar scream. And we've coyotes that run in the area as well. We do a cat head count before going to bed because cats getting eaten is a reality. We try to get them all in and safe at night.

Grandpa Turtle 144

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Apr 3, 2013
Cowboy Ken
If you need cats come to my house Phx
Has way to many Faroe cats . You can have all you can cach. They eat lizards , humming birds and all they can cach


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Well, that's why I want land...i really would like to use it as a safe haven for torts. I would like to do what Yvonne does. She has her herd, but everyone in her area knows she rescues and rehomes all kinds of torts and birds too (I think). I would have one or two hired hands to do the rough work of cleaning and feeding the animals. Just dreaming right now:p


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Jul 15, 2012
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Columbia, SC
Most of the "rural" homes here are anything but rural since everybody here seems too prissy to actual do anything like farm or raise livestock. Plus with the amount of bugs/toxic wild plants it's probably hard to keep a large area of livestock safe. It's rare to see any livestock, even horses, here. All of the rural houses are cookie cutter subdivisions stuck way out in the middle of nowhere (except close to walmart) and due to their 0 downpayment through USDA they seem to attract lower class income people that don't maintain their homes very well. All the ones in the area seem to be quite rundown and the roads/yards are crappy like no one has any pride left. I want curb appeal as well. But, like the guy at the farmer's market said after I told him I was buying extra peaches to can, I don't seem like most 24 year olds... He was saying how most "kids these days" can't even figure out how to cook or grow food, let alone can or store it. He went on how every young'un just wants things now and doesn't plan ahead, buuut I grew up with a very non-spontaneous father who made me take a lot of money skill classes and seminars. I also have a mother who cans our own wild caught fish, grows a large garden, does stained glass, and is my dad's office manager on the side ;) So I like to think I got some of my talents from her :p I'm just old before my time.. I enjoy reading, gardening, home decor, and I can knit, can food, bake from scratch 100%, and even do stained glass! Yes, I've even made butter and ice cream from scratch. And you've all seen I like to cook :D

We drove by a neighborhood in an established area where we found 2 potential houses to look at. One of them has the perfect sq footage, over a half acre lot, and is in good school districts but still close to work. Not that I'd have livestock on a half acre, but would leave plenty of room for a tortoise area, dog area, and human hangout/grilling area. Plus the floors are all new wood and kitchen is larger. Also, every bedroom has it's own private bathroom which seems odd but is very nice for future guests/kids.


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10 Year Member!
Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Grandpa Turtle 144 said:
Cowboy Ken
If you need cats come to my house Phx
Has way to many Faroe cats . You can have all you can cach. They eat lizards , humming birds and all they can cach

Karen, my very patient wife, is a CRVT and takes in/ cares for the adoptable cats and kittens where she works. The very young, head trauma kittens she brings home to care for. As it turns out, when you bottle feed a kitten that had blood coming out of its ear, and it turns around and makes it, you can't give it up for adoption, you must, it seems keep it yourself. As a result, we have 6 cats, 2 of which have noticeable head tilts, and we love em all.
We've decided that 6 cats won't make you the crazy cat cat lady, but 10 probably would. From where I'm sitting, I think that's cart blanch' for Karen to bring home up to 3 more. Lol.


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Jul 15, 2012
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Columbia, SC
I should say the main downside of this latest mentioned place is the very steep driveway. Not just for parking, but mainly for moving heavy furniture in >.<


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Cowboy_Ken said:
Grandpa Turtle 144 said:
Cowboy Ken
If you need cats come to my house Phx
Has way to many Faroe cats . You can have all you can cach. They eat lizards , humming birds and all they can cach

Karen, my very patient wife, is a CRVT and takes in/ cares for the adoptable cats and kittens where she works. The very young, head trauma kittens she brings home to care for. As it turns out, when you bottle feed a kitten that had blood coming out of its ear, and it turns around and makes it, you can't give it up for adoption, you must, it seems keep it yourself. As a result, we have 6 cats, 2 of which have noticeable head tilts, and we love em all.
We've decided that 6 cats won't make you the crazy cat cat lady, but 10 probably would. From where I'm sitting, I think that's cart blanch' for Karen to bring home up to 3 more. Lol.

You are a good husband. :)
I would like to have at least an acre and a four car garage but I don't want to leave the community i am in right now. By that I don't mean my subdivision but I don't want to leave West Bloomfield. I love it here.
Here's what I did today in pics
I dealt with squash mold but thankfully theres no pics of that. It's bad here because we have had so much rain :(
Then we went kayaking with dogs. They did great. Cici is like a pro kayaker now. The lake we were on was in a big park and they have this boat tour and the boat was coming right at us eek.. so I paddled out of the way. The cici monkey was laying in my lap with her head on the front of the kayak and when the boat went by so many people were oohhhing and ahhing the cute puppy and taking picture..
the taking pics part was creepy for the record. crazy dog stalkers.
Here are the dogs taking a break from kayaking. Ozzie didn't want to get wet and the park has these picnic tables in the water around the islands. Cici climbed up there herself to shake off on her brother.

Then we went to the members night at the zoo and most of the animals were sleeping but here are a few that weren't

There are two of them.. see the eyes?

Oh and it was cold


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Cowboy_Ken said:
We've decided that 6 cats won't make you the crazy cat cat lady, but 10 probably would. From where I'm sitting, I think that's cart blanch' for Karen to bring home up to 3 more. Lol.

So your saying it only takes 10 cats to make you a crazy cat lady? :D I have been crazy for years then huh? :D I had closer to 20 just now walk me to the backyard via the alley. That's just the tip of the feline fellowship here.

It was neat on the way home with somebody (or the small town) nearby shooting off those beautiful big fireworks. I pulled off the road to spend some time enjoying them. :)

Kim sorry you didn't have luck today in your new home search.

KerryAnn loks like you had a great day!

Wonder how Erin and SuperRand are doing.

Sibi still improving with your thumb?
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