Pretend chat 2

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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Cowboy_Ken said:
Did y'all see the PSA posting I made in off topic? I'm hoping someone will attend.

I will try to attend assuming no fiasco... Did I really just say that?


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Sibi should be proud of me. I'm using one of my monthly executive days off tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have some major prior commitments that will keep me from enrolling in this class. And workers know, I'm but a phone call away.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Cowboy_Ken said:
Sibi should be proud of me. I'm using one of my monthly executive days off tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have some major prior commitments that will keep me from enrolling in this class. And workers know, I'm but a phone call away.

That's how it all starts Ken. :)
Last night until I went to sleep, which was splendid by the way, I was working on a problem at a downstream facility. It wasn't our issue but I got it stuck in my craw to fix their issue so the project stays on track. Ok to be honesty the person at that facility keeps trying to push their issues onto my team or blame us. We have had our fair share of mistakes but I own them and fix them. There is no way I'm letting her deflect this issue onto my team or let her have a reason to not get her tasks done. If she delays the project it will mean weekend work and my team is tired and deserves the time off. I sent the nicest and most helpful emails with the message of this is not our issue but let us help you fix it.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Nothin' much finer then to pick a few bursting with juicy ripeness cherry tomatoes to eat while looking over a couple of tortoise enclosues...


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The house was removed from zillow as "not for sale". Seems kind of odd to do before the inspection and all that passes for sure.

Inspection is tomorrow!

Also, I had a girly moment and bought some shoes. One is a pair of heels then the other two are more casual but comfy.

Him, what to make for dinner tonight?


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I fell asleep on the couch for almost 3 hours so I know I was tired! Then woke up and made grilled cheese on sourdough for dinner.


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I had Chinese :p

Kim, why.don't you get real serious about that? I love stained glass but there's no one I can find locally that can do it for me. I'll be your first customer :p

RosieRedfoot said:
I've put thought into opening up a hobby stained glass business. I know how to do the craft, just need supplies. If things went well could possibly expand to beginner workshops, selling supplies, etc. I've looked but there are no local stores and with the percentage of elderly folk that love stained glass and craft fairs here I think I could eventually turn a profit and get paid to be creative lol. Maybe I could make a fortune doing custom tortoise window pieces and sun catchers on here someday lol :p

Oh, don't forget yellow! I've got beautiful yellow hibiscus.
Jacqui said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
We only get to grow hardy hibiscus here. It seems they all have purple flowers.

Huh I don't recall seeing a hardy hibiscus that is purple (only reds, whites and pinks), but we have some Rose of Sharon/Althea that are purplish color.

Ah ha! You made me think there were purple hibiscus that only grew in cold states! Well, wait until I get pics of my beautiful yellow and orange-yellow hibiscuses! Ya'll gonna be so jealous :p It's a good thing Jacqui is smarter than anyone I know!!! Thanks Jacqui.

Jacqui said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
Jacqui said:
but we have some Rose of Sharon/Althea that are purplish color.

You busted me. It is Rose of Sharon. I done did forgoted that.

:( Dang, I was gettig all excited about the possibilities of them coming in purple. :(

That's too funny lol.[/quote]
SenjiSandy said:


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Talk about my shock when I realized that hibiscus is pink.
We had a monsoon this afternoon. It rained so hard and was so windy the water was blowing uphill from the wind. I could barely see. Otherwise I love the rain. Toad and a small Gardner snake were hiding on three porch. I got the stink eye from both. :) I love a good storm.
How are you doing Sibi? How's the thumb?


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Congrats! I told you the house is yours! I'm so excited for you.

RosieRedfoot said:
They accepted!!!!!! Our agent says it took some convincing but they didn't even counter! Here's to hoping inspection and everything passes!


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

RosieRedfoot said:
Well once we're situated I'll look into the stained glass thing. Won't be until 2014 though!

I want some too if you get this hobby


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You're usually right Yvonne. I sometimes think about how things got so bad. People start problems and it hurts a lot of folks. I wish I lived in a world that I didn't have to feel I have to defend myself so much.
I can be so nice if people really knew me. But, when somebody gets sassy, and insulting, I can be mean too. Before I joined this forum, it took me years to work on my temper and practice self-control. It only took a few months here to undo what took years to develop. That stinks!

Yvonne G said:
It's the tortoises that do it for me. I just love sitting there and watching them plod along. Right now the Burmese - oops...I said I was going to start calling them 'Asians.' The Asians are breeding and wandering around in the Rain Forest. I have the misters on and its quite nice in there.

Funny how "those other people" don't see that they are usually the start of the problem.

I am proud of you, and it's about time too! Have a good day off. I signed up for.the online classes. I love frogies!

Cowboy_Ken said:
Sibi should be proud of me. I'm using one of my monthly executive days off tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have some major prior commitments that will keep me from enrolling in this class. And workers know, I'm but a phone call away.

Yeah, Kerryann, it looked a bit purple to me too. I mean on some parts of the flower, it's purple. But, i guess when it's fully opened, it's pink.

My thumb is really good now. Only, there's no nail yet. I can't believe how much strength you lose when a finger has no nail. Amazing!! But, I see a sliver of white coming through.


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sibi said:
You're usually right Yvonne. I sometimes think about how things got so bad. People start problems and it hurts a lot of folks. I wish I lived in a world that I didn't have to feel I have to defend myself so much.
I can be so nice if people really knew me. But, when somebody gets sassy, and insulting, I can be mean too. Before I joined this forum, it took me years to work on my temper and practice self-control. It only took a few months here to undo what took years to develop. That stinks!

Yvonne G said:
It's the tortoises that do it for me. I just love sitting there and watching them plod along. Right now the Burmese - oops...I said I was going to start calling them 'Asians.' The Asians are breeding and wandering around in the Rain Forest. I have the misters on and its quite nice in there.

Funny how "those other people" don't see that they are usually the start of the problem.

I am proud of you, and it's about time too! Have a good day off. I signed up for.the online classes. I love frogies!

Cowboy_Ken said:
Sibi should be proud of me. I'm using one of my monthly executive days off tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have some major prior commitments that will keep me from enrolling in this class. And workers know, I'm but a phone call away.

Yeah, Kerryann, it looked a bit purple to me too. I mean on some parts of the flower, it's purple. But, i guess when it's fully opened, it's pink.

My thumb is really good now. Only, there's no nail yet. I can't believe how much strength you lose when a finger has no nail. Amazing!! But, I see a sliver of white coming through.

That is awesome news. I can't remember when I lost a finger nail but when I run I lose my middle toe nail all the time. It always does a take a while to grow back a nail when you don't have one :)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Starting my morning off with a bowl of freshly made chicken noodle soup. My neighbor passed it off to me, as I was out with the puppy. She had been over to a mutual frend's house (who does great cooking) and he had made a huge pot of it. Now normally I am not much of a chicken soup person and not in the summer, so I knew if I put it into the frig I would never get it out for eating. Instead I grabbed a spoon and came online while having my "breakfast". MMMM it s actually really good.

We got a little rain during the night, but I still have a few spots I will no doubt have to give more water to. Should make weed pulling a tad easier today.


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Guess I need to take preorders! Although if there's anything you want before Christmas or whatnot, let me know and I can make up a custom pattern for my mom to make them.


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Jacqui said:
Starting my morning off with a bowl of freshly made chicken noodle soup. My neighbor passed it off to me, as I was out with the puppy. She had been over to a mutual frend's house (who does great cooking) and he had made a huge pot of it. Now normally I am not much of a chicken soup person and not in the summer, so I knew if I put it into the frig I would never get it out for eating. Instead I grabbed a spoon and came online while having my "breakfast". MMMM it s actually really good.

We got a little rain during the night, but I still have a few spots I will no doubt have to give more water to. Should make weed pulling a tad easier today.

You are eating soup for breakfast and I ate cereal for dinner. :p
I made noodle kugel and a honey cake for Saturday night. :)
I have been reflecting during the atonement and starting over period and am thinking of ways that I can better myself during this year.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Kerryann said:
I have been reflecting during the atonement and starting over period and am thinking of ways that I can better myself during this year.

I know a good one to improve yourself.. each month come and visit a different one of us! :)


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Jacqui said:
Kerryann said:
I have been reflecting during the atonement and starting over period and am thinking of ways that I can better myself during this year.

I know a good one to improve yourself.. each month come and visit a different one of us! :)

That is such a better plan than any i have had so far. :)
It does go in line with my improvement in relaxing and making more connections
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