Pretend chat 2

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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Cowboy_Ken said:
Jacque, hope you get to hook up with Jeff. Yesterday, while driving the interstate, passing 18's, I was thinking off Jeff.

For sure I will be seeing him Monday, as I cart him from one Dr to another. He is now thinking in the area where they put the port inhis chest, that it is growing. Also hurt likes when he is laying down and places his laptop on it. Darn sounds like more medical bills may be coming. :(

Ken, do you realize we are showing our age calling them 18 wheelers, as many of them have traded some of those double tires sets for super single tires. :D


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Oct 29, 2011
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The Crystal Unicorn
Happy Friday Everyone!

...or as I like to call it "1/2 day till SpringBreak Starts!" (3 more hours!) WOO HOO!

I have a full week of Beautiful sunshine in the forecast... days in the 80's and loads of yard work to get accomplished and you can bet that Eros and Gaia will be tromping around in their outdoor enclosure for maximum amounts of time!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
emysemys said:
Well, I'll tell you what...I sure missed you and your mod skills yesterday!! Its good to see you're getting some nice weather finally. How's the new little puppy? Have a name for him yet?

My big plans for the day are: I'm going to FOR SURE go into town and get some gas for the mower. Stop at the store for eggs, as I want to make a pound cake to go with my vanilla ice cream and strawberries.

Even went to town to use the library one, but they were closed for some kind of meeting. :(

I have gotten some strawberries, but have not ben impressed with them so far. I am looking forward to fixing some to go on ice cream, hold the cake for me. :D

Zamric said:
Happy Friday Everyone!

...or as I like to call it "1/2 day till SpringBreak Starts!" (3 more hours!) WOO HOO!

I have a full week of Beautiful sunshine in the forecast... days in the 80's and loads of yard work to get accomplished and you can bet that Eros and Gaia will be tromping around in their outdoor enclosure for maximum amounts of time!

Enjoy!! :D


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
sibi said:
Wow Cowboy, you've been busy. I was sure that no one was awake; so, I just logged off. I've been ignored a few times with a couple here talking about jeeps:p So, how the heck have you been. I fell a couple of times on the same leg. Messed it up good. I've been having the same problems with my sugars as I had after the heart attack. So, I've been out of it. But I'd like to pick your brain on something when you get up. I'll be back soon.
Cowboy_Ken said:
sibi said:
Is anyone up?

I am. Where the H E double toothpicks you been? I've been busy. In laws 40 yr. accumulation household/shop estate sale.
Ran up to Portland to pick up that female russian I was talking about last week. The kid, (20's) didn't want a tortoise when she was given to him, but he didn't want to do it bad. He took her to the best reptile vet in these parts and built her an 8'x3' table with coco core substrate. I was very impressed with this kid. Good head on his shoulders and companionate. Check out what he built in his apartment for her. Mind you he's a server at a restaurant and alot of his money goes to helping his mom out. Brought tears to this old cowboys eyes ill tell you what. Dang it, I've used up all my photo space on the server.

Sorry about the Jeep talk. :( I just get excited about it.
I have been so swamped it's been hard for me concentrate on anything other than work lately.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
:( I just realized, I forgot to send out the St Pat's cards I got. :(


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
emysemys said:
Well, I'll tell you what...I sure missed you and your mod skills yesterday!! Its good to see you're getting some nice weather finally. How's the new little puppy? Have a name for him yet?

My big plans for the day are: I'm going to FOR SURE go into town and get some gas for the mower. Stop at the store for eggs, as I want to make a pound cake to go with my vanilla ice cream and strawberries.

Strawberry shortcake is my favorite dessert. Don't forget the whipped topping.

Cowboy_Ken said:
Did anyone catch Elizabeth on Letterman last night? I was watching this morning and posited her out to Karen. Karen couldn't remember who she was, but asked if she was my new girlfriend. I was like, can I? It would appear, Karen wasn't serious...

I was in bed before Letterman. :p I am more of a hip hop girl anyway.

Zamric said:
Happy Friday Everyone!

...or as I like to call it "1/2 day till SpringBreak Starts!" (3 more hours!) WOO HOO!

I have a full week of Beautiful sunshine in the forecast... days in the 80's and loads of yard work to get accomplished and you can bet that Eros and Gaia will be tromping around in their outdoor enclosure for maximum amounts of time!
Spring what??? :p We have a few days of winter left and from the forecast it looks like we are going to feel here in Michigan.

Jacqui said:
emysemys said:
Well, I'll tell you what...I sure missed you and your mod skills yesterday!! Its good to see you're getting some nice weather finally. How's the new little puppy? Have a name for him yet?

My big plans for the day are: I'm going to FOR SURE go into town and get some gas for the mower. Stop at the store for eggs, as I want to make a pound cake to go with my vanilla ice cream and strawberries.

Even went to town to use the library one, but they were closed for some kind of meeting. :(

I have gotten some strawberries, but have not ben impressed with them so far. I am looking forward to fixing soe to go on ice cream, hold the cake for me. :D


Zamric said:
Happy Friday Everyone!

...or as I like to call it "1/2 day till SpringBreak Starts!" (3 more hours!) WOO HOO!

I have a full week of Beautiful sunshine in the forecast... days in the 80's and loads of yard work to get accomplished and you can bet that Eros and Gaia will be tromping around in their outdoor enclosure for maximum amounts of time!

Enjoy!! :D

I am sorry Jeff isn't feeling well from his port. Hopefully his dr visits are all good news.
I got some strawberries last week and they turned moldy so fast I couldn't eat them. I was very disappointed. I have been thinking about trying to grow strawberries this year. Oh did I tell you guys that I planted apple and pear trees? I am hoping to get a few fruit off the tree this year. :D

I have been having this problem with what I thought were my allergies where my face turns all red and gets covered with hives. Yesterday in the afternoon I had eaten nothing and I had a flare up. I am wondering now its rosacea caused by stress. I sent my primary care guy a text last night about it because I had forgotten to ask him about that and a retin A prescription when I saw him a week ago. :( He said it could be rosecea because it can be triggered by stress. I was sitting in my office yesterday stressing hard about the my sql stuff I was learning when it occurred. He told me to take ibuprofen and one of my beta blockers. I have lunch today with the client of much stress so lets hope it works.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Hey men looks like the in law sale is gonna be lots of fun.

Jacqui sorry about Jeff. I hope it's nothing to serious.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
:( Now my son isn't wanting to do anything for his birthday. He has homework to do. :( *sniffle sniffle*

Yvonne G

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**hands on hips with a stern look on her face***

Oh Boo Hoo! Man up and get ahold of yourself. Once the fledglings have left the nest, doing things with Mom is the last thing on their minds! You should feel lucky they even talk to you. I can't tell you the last time I had an email or phone call from my son or his family in Texas.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 29, 2011
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The Crystal Unicorn
It's [add favorite beer flavor here] Time!

Spring Break and the clock just got covered up for the next 10 days... NO DEAD LINES!

:D:D:D :cool::cool: :p:p:p

Have a nice day! :)


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
NO DEADLINES!?!? What are you talking about? I have 12 character designs due in one week and only the people drawn!!! I haven't even started on their wardrobes or arsenals!!! Or their faces!!!

Do you think a game with faceless naked people would sell?

Well they have underwear...and jewelry...


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
emysemys said:
**hands on hips with a stern look on her face***

Oh Boo Hoo! Man up and get ahold of yourself. Once the fledglings have left the nest, doing things with Mom is the last thing on their minds! You should feel lucky they even talk to you. I can't tell you the last time I had an email or phone call from my son or his family in Texas.

Hey, I raised my kids sorta right, family is important. :p :p :p :p It wouldn't have bothered me, if we had not made plans. Now I have 18 green boiled eggs and a big pot of chili in my frig. I can freeze the chili, but not the eggs.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Well I have a happier client and lunch was fun. :D Also there were no under the table shenanigans. I told my husband and he said I must not really want a raise. ;) I love him because he's got my same horrible sense of humor. :p

Jacqui, you can come here and pretend it's my birthday and celebrate. :D I would love that!!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Len said:
Hey Jacqui, So you and Jeff are not going to be able to get together Sunday??

Won't know until tomorrow. They deliver the load they have in the am. They possibly could pickup a meat load and just have enough time on it that he could make his appts on Monday on their way back by. His partner wanted to hitch a ride back to Chicago to spend the time waiting for Jeff, but they didn't have anybody going there he could ride with (which is kinda a lie).

Kerryann said:
Well I have a happier client and lunch was fun. :D Also there were no under the table shenanigans. I told my husband and he said I must not really want a raise. ;) I love him because he's got my same horrible sense of humor. :p

Jacqui, you can come here and pretend it's my birthday and celebrate. :D I would love that!!

Tell Mikey, it's the client that would get the raise, not you. :p :D

That might end up with both of us in trouble, if we partied together. :D


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Jacqui said:
Len said:
Hey Jacqui, So you and Jeff are not going to be able to get together Sunday??

Won't know until tomorrow. They deliver the load they have in the am. They possibly could pickup a meat load and just have enough time on it that he could make his appts on Monday on their way back by. His partner wanted to hitch a ride back to Chicago to spend the time waiting for Jeff, but they didn't have anybody going there he could ride with (which is kinda a lie).

Kerryann said:
Well I have a happier client and lunch was fun. :D Also there were no under the table shenanigans. I told my husband and he said I must not really want a raise. ;) I love him because he's got my same horrible sense of humor. :p

Jacqui, you can come here and pretend it's my birthday and celebrate. :D I would love that!!

Tell Mikey, it's the client that would get the raise, not you. :p :D

That might end up with both of us in trouble, if we partied together. :D

Trouble can only be good right. ;)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Kerryann said:
Trouble can only be good right. ;)

I don't know, it's been so long since I did anything I could get in trouble for. :p :D


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Jan 17, 2011
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Hi all, so the house is ready to be listed on Monday, we just have to straighten & organize the boxes in the basement and clean up the yard this weekend. We re-nogiated with the sellers of the house we want and came to terms re: the roof so that is all set to close 30 days from yesterday.
And as part of my new years resolution I said yes to a girls night out last night with some of the moms that have kids in my middle child's class and had a really nice time. I typically don't like going out or to parties but since I am now saying yes more I gave it a shot and was pleasantly surprised!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Erin that is great on all fronts Kidling is not sick any longer either correct? Plus how is Reagan doing?


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Jan 17, 2011
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Jacqui said:
Erin that is great on all fronts Kidling is not sick any longer either correct? Plus how is Reagan doing?

Yep, no one is sick and Reagan is not limping anymore. Although the kids have renamed her "potato" because she is getting fat and looks more like a potato than a dog but we changed her food and stopped using her as a vacuum for the kitchen because the vet said that her weight gain could have contributed to her dislocated knee!!

I still have to catch up on chat but I am sorry your son cancelled on you and am horrified by the thought that it will someday happen to me :(
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